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Mission Briefing "Prep for Departure" Part One

Posted on Fri Feb 2nd, 2024 @ 10:58pm by Colonel Josiah McEntyre & Commander Gunnar Magnusson & Sub-Commander T'shir & Lieutenant Commander Travis Paladin & Lieutenant Commander Alexander Coleman & Major Arjut'Pelan sh'Kohlaka & Major Erin Ishikawa & Lieutenant Kayoko Himeji & Lieutenant Blake Weston & Lieutenant Keelli Reex & Commander Saul Whitford & Captain Vilhelmina Nimitz & Lieutenant JG Elspeth McArthur & Ensign Shor ch'Zeles & Lieutenant Razeen el-Ben

1,876 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: First Deployment
Location: Unicorn - Combat Information Center
Timeline: MD 1 - 1300 HRS

Early in the afternoon, the ship's internal communication system blared out a sharp boatswin whistle and the voice of the Colonel.

"All Senior Officers, and Assistant Department Heads Report to the Combat Information Center."

Josiah leans against the big plotting table that dominated the center of the expansive Combat Information Center near the centerline of the ship, deep inside and protected by layers of armor and a prototype shield system. His orders finally came through, along with operational details he needed to pass on to the Armory and the MACO XO.

Standing at his side was Pel, as she was already in the CIC. Her neutral expression still held a faint pert smirk as if she knew something others did not.

"Want to place bets on who arrives first?" Pel's question to Josiah was posed in a quiet tone that would've been unheard by anyone not next to them. Without changing her body language, they were for all appearances standing together in stoic silence.

Josiah tilts his head some with a small smile of his own.

"If I have to place real money, I'm hoping that it'll be Commander Gunnar."

He postulated to the Andorian Major besides him.

"As XO, I'm hoping he'll lead by example. As a scientist, I need him on the top of his game. At least a few of Unicorn systems come from his R&D labs on Jupiter and Ganymede"

"Mmmmhm." Pel let out a hum of acknowledgement. "10 Darseks I pulled off a Klingon warrior whose d'tagh wasn't as fast as his tongue says it will be Armoury before anyone else." Her white eyebrow arched. "You in?"

"Them be fightin' words, Major. I'm in!"

The Colonel nodded

"I guess that's us," Ben said as he stopped working on the manifold panel and hearing the PA announcement. Both he and Travis had been working together on a rather complex issue that was, thankfully, now resolved.

"Yep," Travis confirmed, then with Ben's help reset the panel and reattached everything. "Let's go on, yeah?"

Both nodded. After alerting the third in command of the department, at the time being a Lieutenant, they departed Engineering for the CIC. A short time later, both the Chief and Assistant Chief Engineer walked into the CIC.

"Ready and Present, Colonel," Travis said in introductions for both Ben and himself. "Engineering is ship-shape and ready for anything."

Josiah renders a salute to the two men as they entered.

"Excellent! We'll need Warp 7 as soon as we weigh anchor."

"Hm. We're both wrong," Pel mumbled to Josiah. "Imagine that."

Josiah nods slightly, murmuring softly as he did.

Dr. Coleman walked into the room with a few PADDs in his hand and said, "God, do you think we can turn down the PA system or anything because that was rather loud. Either that, or you're really freaking loud Colonel and I guess that's a good thing!"

"Good day to you too, Doctor. I believe the Chief Engineers could look at the Internal Comms after this meeting."

Josiah replied to Coleman, gesturing to the two engineers standing at the table with them.

"Absolutely, sir, Doctor!" Ben said to both his Commander and Doctor, jovial as usual. "We'll get right on it!"

The Assistant Chief turned to his Chief, nodding his head. "I'll take care of it after the meeting, sir, if that's okay with you."

"Perfectly fine, Ben," Travis replied. "That'll leave me room to finish what we started earlier. Shouldn't be too difficult to optimize the flow matrix after repairing the inlet valve on number six."

"No," Ben agreed. "I think we tackled the worst of it. Any advice on the PA system?"

"Shouldn't be too hard," Travis said. "If you open the primary panel on the bridge there should be a series of adjustment knobs to the left of the main motherboard for the system. Sounds like someone left it up too high, so down it down three notches and test it."

"Thank you, sir, will do," Ben replied.

Both Engineers turned and gave smiles to their Commanding Officer and room. For Travis, it was half-cocked, though for Ben it was full. They stood by waiting for the meeting to start, already having planned their work schedule for after the meeting which satisfied the two both.

"Honestly, it could be something that the Engineers just forgot to fix up at the fleet yards while they were working on her recently. They were a bit more worried about trying to get us out here sooner rather than later, even though we haven't left quite yet," Coleman said with a small chuckle after hearing the Engineers talk about everything that they were going to do alongside fixing the PA system.

Slipping in to the room, Whitford stayed quiet as he heard the others talking. Looking about he nodded at the others gathered, and held his hands behind his back, tapping his PADD lightly against his leg as he observed. By now, he was eager to get underway, having made his department ship-shape and Bristol-fashion. Hopefully the rest have done the same. He took a spare seat.

Keelli was next into the room. The Helmswoman was carrying a PADD and a cup of coffee. "Sorry I am late, got a bit turned around on Deck 5," she said. She settled down quietly, and waited to begin.

Only a few steps behind, Kayoko entered the room.

Ensign Shor ch'Zeles looked attentively as he entered the room. He was grateful for the chance to sit in on such an important meeting. As a junior officer he didn't plan to say much. His antennae scanned those around him curiously as he joined the others.

Erin had made her way in while some of the others chatted. MACOs had always stayed amongst their own on her previous ships. You got to know the Starfleet crew but didn't mingle too much. At least not at her level, or old level... But that was a later thing for now she headed to the other side of the room sidling in with the other MACOs and Pel.

Turning to the Helm Officer who'd sat down in the free seat next to him, Whitford leaned over, and said, 'she's a big ship. I got lost on the way to and from my office this morning as well. Lieutenant Whitford, Chief Armoury Officer,' he extended a hand, 'pleased to meet you.'

Keelli smiled. "Indeed," she said. "Nice to meet you. I am Lt. Keelli Reex."

'Pleasure's all mine,' Whitford replied with a sparkle in the eye.

T'shir walked in quietly behind Major Ishikawa and took a position in the far corner of the room. She had been watching the arrivals, and chose to enter when it appeared the meeting was close to beginning. Despite the nasal suppressants she was finding extending periods in small rooms with a large number of humans... challenging.

Lt. JG Elspeth McArthur entered behind the chief of Communications and stayed well at the back of the room. She kept her gaze on the officers around the briefing area.

As a scientist, Gunnar Magnusson…all six feet four inches of him…thrived on order and discipline. And although he had worked for several years in Research and Development, he still liked the environment of a starship. The Unicorn science division was larger than the entire complement of the Ganymede Proving Grounds. He entered CIC, giving a few nods to the crew he had met so far, and took up position on Colonel McEntyre’s right.

Lt. Weston was the last to enter the CIC. Their new destination orders had just been fed into his console as the meeting was called. It took him a few moments to key in the course corrections and make sure everything was ship shape.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, We have our official orders."

Josiah begins as he punches up a map of Berengeria on the large tactical plotting table.

"Berengeria Colony. Our orders as defined by Admiral Black, The United Earth Starfleet and the United Earth Military is to retake Berengeria by use of hit and run attacks, and any other tactics deemed nessecary to retake our soverign territory."

Josiah points to several blips on the map.

"These positions are likely Enemy starships. From the intel provided by Major Ishikawa and the First MACO MEU, the fleet is being lead by at least One to Two Stormbird class Romulan Dreadnoughts and several smaller cruisers and frigates. Earth doesn't have the manpower as of yet to commit a full battle group to the recapture of Berengeria so we're goin to buy time."

The large 120 pound German Shepherd in full MACO combat gear slipped into the room unnoticed. It walked around the table lightly on it paws until to found a large enough opening. Then he slipped up to the table and placed it front paws on the table to review the tactical data that was being displayed.

Raising her eyebrow Erin watched as the Dog sidled up to the planning table and made a space for himself. Glancing over at the Captain Nimitz and crossing her arms the Major made a note to speak to her about appropriate times for an appearance.

Ben watched, amazed, as the German Shepard lifted themselves to view the tactical display. His eyes widened briefly, and he hit shoulders with Travis who was silently watching the briefly. Travis looked where Ben pointed and blinked. That was one really intelligent dog. After a moment, he refocused on the briefing.

Whitford looked at the dog dispassionately then back to the display. He'd meet it later he decided, now was the time for business. 'You say at least one or two Romulan dreadnoughts. Is there signal intelligence that indicates there could be more than that?' Even the Unicorn would struggle against those numbers.

"I have fought the Romulans before. And won. But not this many," Keelli said. She'd ignored the dog-she had bigger fish to fry at the moment, and the first being whether or not McEntyre had lost his ever-loving mind. "It's a suicide mission."

Josiah turns to the Andorian Major to his left.

"Major sh'Kohlaka and Major Ishikawa have been going over and collating out intel from Berengeria, Majors?"

>>>> Continue to Part Two

Colonel Josiah McEntyre
Commanding Officer/MACO Commanding Officer
Unicorn NX-151


Commander Gunnar Magnussan
Executive Officer/Chief Science Officer
Unicorn NX-151


Sub Commander T’shir
Chief Communications Officer/Officer of the Watch
Unicorn NX-151


Lieutenant Kayoko Himeji
Chief Helm Officer
Unicorn NX-151


Lieutenant Blake Weston
Chief Navigator
Unicorn NX-151


Lieutenant Keelli Reex
Helm Officer/Shuttle Pilot
Unicorn NX-151


Lieutenant Saul Whitford
Chief Armory Officer
Unicorn NX-151


Ensign Shor ch'Zeles
Armory Officer
Unicorn NX-151


Lieutenant Commander Travis Paladin
Chief Engineer
Unicorn NX-151


Lieutenant Razeen el-Ben
Assistant Chief Engineer
Unicorn NX-151


Lieutenant Thisbe P'rar
Damage Control Officer
Unicorn NX-151


Major Arjut'Pelan sh'Kohlaka
Chief Strategic Intelligence Officer/MACO Officer
Unicorn NX-151


Ensign Jasleen Chakrabarti
Science Officer
Unicorn NX-151


Lieutenant JG Elspeth McArthur
Communications Officer
Unicorn NX-151


Major Erin Ishikawa
MACO Executive Officer
Unicorn NX-151


Master Sergeant Johnathan Reese
MACO Raider
Unicorn NX-151


Gunnery Sergeant Bjorn Magnusson
MACO Raider
Unicorn NX-151


Captain Vilhelmina Nimitz
Military Dog Handler/MACO Officer
Unicorn NX-151


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