
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Sat Aug 31st, 2024 @ 7:04am

Captain Vilhelmina Nimitz

Name Vilhelmina Gunnel Nimitz

Position MACO Officer, Dog Handler

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5 foot 6 inches
Weight 135 pounds
Hair Color Dirty Blonde
Eye Color Gray


Spouse None
Children None
Father Chester W. Nimitz VI (Colonel)
Mother Natalie Nimitz
Brother(s) Chester VII, Jason, Alexander, Christopher, Xander, Kevin
Sister(s) Eleonora, Cecilia
Other Family Chester W. Nimitz V (Brigadier General), Chester W. Nimitz IV (General Retired)

Personality & Traits

Hobbies & Interests Old Earth Firearms, Training Dogs

Personal History Vilhelmina is the youngest of 9. There is a unwritten rule of the family, they will not use the fame or rank of their family to get special treatment, and the one that breaks this rule, gets called to the family parade grounds and given a Marine style attitude readjustment. So everything earned is on them, and not because they used connections to get their rank. The other issue is that this family has seen nine generations of active military service in the United Earth Marine Core. Her mother is a Civilian Doctor, that got a full ride because of a injury caused while she was at Boot Camp, which is where she met her Husband, because she was rescued by him.

When she went to boot, all the Drill Sergeant's walked on egg shells around her because of her Father and Grandfather. Then she flat out told them that she wants to be treated like any other person enlisted personal. The Drill Sergeant on smirked and did exactly as she asked. He was surprised that she even went to boot as she already military trained, and most likely she should be sent to Special Forces. This was something she didn't want. She was going to head to become a Dog Handler after basic. Her brothers all went Special Forces. Her eldest sister, Eleonora, went to Medical, and her other sister, did her full tour of duty and then left the Military to start her own family.

Once she went to become a Dog Handler again they where surprised how much she knew of Animal Training and Basic Veterinarian Medicine. Then when they heard about her family. Once she was cleared she was posted to the United Earth Marine Core. Then she needed to take a leave of Absence when her Great Grandfather passed away suddenly, with her sisters eldest son. This shock the family to the core as they attended to two funerals, and the reading of her Great Grandfather's will. She was confused on why she was given all of his metals. Once she returned to active duty, she was sent to the MACO's before she pulled out of port on the USS Unicorn.
Service Record Boot Camp
Animal Handling Training
United Earth Marine Core
Leave of Absence