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Mon Mar 11th, 2024 @ 7:38pm

Lieutenant Razeen el-Ben

Name Razeen el-Ben

Position Recurring Characters

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 180 lbs
Hair Color Raven-Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Razeen el-Ben, commonly known as Ben, is a distinguished engineer with a commanding presence. At 40 years old, he possesses a wealth of experience and expertise. His raven-black hair, neatly kept, complements his sharp and focused gaze. Ben's Middle-Eastern heritage is evident in his features as he keeps a very well toned physique. Ben keeps a clean-shaven face and has a jovial personality.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Born into a family with a tradition of engineering excellence in 2117, Ben embraced his passion for starship technology from an early age. His journey in Starfleet took him through various assignments, where he earned a reputation for his precision and efficiency in managing complex engineering systems. He works well in a team-based environment but can manage departments on an as-needed basis.
Strengths & Weaknesses Ben is excellent at teambuilding. He lacks strength in a constant command role, however.
Ambitions Ben aspires to advance his career.
Hobbies & Interests Ben enjoys a passtime of reading.

Personal History Ben is known for his calm demeanor and meticulous approach to problem-solving. His cultural background enriches the ship's experience with unique insights into some complex problems. He is respected for his ability to collaborate seamlessly with colleagues and his friendly - if sometimes jovial - disposition. Despite his typically quiet exterior, Ben is passionate about pushing the limits of technology and believes in fostering a harmonious working environment.

As Assistant Chief Engineer, Ben complements Travis Paladin's leadership with his methodical and detail-oriented approach. His expertise in warp propulsion and energy systems makes him an indispensable member of the engineering team, contributing to the success of the USS Unicorn's missions in the unexplored regions of space.

Ben's collaboration with Travis Paladin ensures that the USS Unicorn remains at the forefront of technological advancements, ready to face the challenges of deep space exploration and the ongoing war with the Romulan Empire.
Service Record 2135 - Entered Starfleet Academy, aged 18. Pursued major in Engineering with minor in Logistics and Operations.

2139 - Graduated Starfleet Academy, aged 22, rank of Ensign; Majored in Engineering with Minor in Operations; Assigned to UES Comet (DX-41), a Warp Delta-class Starship, as Engineering Officer.

2143 - Promoted to Lieutenant, Junor Grade, aged 26; Transferred to UES Paris (DX-30), a Warp Delta-class Starship, as Engineering Officer.

2146 - After an altercation with Superior Officer was demoted to Ensign, aged 29.

2151 - Promoted back to Lieutenant, Junior Grade, aged 34. Transferred to the USS Republic (NCC-415), an Intrepid-class Starship, as Assistant Chief Engineering Officer.

2156 - Promoted to Lieutenant, aged 39, and transferred to the newly constructed USS Unicorn (NX-151), a Yorktown-class battleship, to assist with preparations for activation procedures as Assistant Chief Engineering Officer.