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Mon Mar 11th, 2024 @ 7:38pm

Lieutenant Commander Travis Paladin

Name Travis Andrew Paladin

Position Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 180 lbs
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Travis has a sturdy build, with an easygoing smile that masks the intensity of his focus. His dark brown hair is often kept short and his blue eyes reflect a keen intellect. He carries himself with a relaxed but confident demeanor in his Starfleet uniform.


Spouse Catherine Erica Paladin
Children Andrew James Paladin (Son)
Father David Travis Paladin
Mother Maria Deanna Paladin
Brother(s) Samuel Paladin; Nathaniel Paladin
Sister(s) Olivia Paladin; Isabella Paladin
Other Family Richard Paladin (Uncle); Victor Freddy Paladin (Uncle); Spencer Paladin (Uncle); Margaret Paladin (Aunt); Eleanor Paladin (Aunt); George Albert Paladin (Grandfather); Albert Thornton (Grandfather); Mabel Paladin (Grandmother); Edith Thornton (Grandmother);

Personality & Traits

General Overview Travis Paladin, a seasoned Starfleet engineer, is renowned for his innovative approach to problem-solving and his dedication to pushing the boundaries of starship technology. Having served on two Ganges-class starships, otherwise known as Warp Delta-classes, his career reached a pivotal juncture during his multi-year tenure on the cutting-edge USS Intrepid (NV-01), an Intrepid-class Starship.

Travis's time on the Intrepid marked a period of significant breakthroughs in warp field dynamics and experimental propulsion systems. His ability to find creative solutions to complex problems flourished, shaping him into the resourceful chief engineer he is today. Known for his approachable nature and talent for explaining intricate engineering concepts, Travis fosters a positive working environment on the USS Unicorn (NX-151), where he currently serves as Chief Engineer. His diverse experiences, from routine maintenance on the UES Warp Delta to strategic problem-solving on the UES Eberswalde, have molded him into a leader who values teamwork and embraces the challenges of deep space exploration.
Strengths & Weaknesses ++ Strengths: Collaborative leadership, exceptional problem-solving, adaptability, and a talent for fostering a positive team spirit.

-- Weaknesses: Occasionally hesitates to take decisive action, can be overly perfectionistic, and tends to take on too many responsibilities.
Ambitions Travis aspires to be at the forefront of experimental Starfleet engineering projects, aiming to contribute to the development of cutting-edge technologies that will benefit the entire fleet.
Hobbies & Interests Enjoys participating in historical reenactments, especially those related to early space exploration. He is also an avid writer by hobby, creating and experiencing his own engineering and space-themed adventures.

Personal History Travis Andrew Paladin was born on Earth in the picturesque city of San Francisco in 2124. Growing up in a family deeply rooted in United Earth, Starfleet and space exploration, Travis developed a fascination with starships and technology from an early age. His father, David, was a distinguished United Earth engineer, and his mother, Maria, served as a communications officer on various starships. Their love for space and adventure influenced Travis and his siblings in profound ways.

Travis's childhood was marked by frequent visits to United Earth installations, where he marveled at the spacefaring technology and listened intently to the stories of exploration and discovery. His grandfather, George Paladin, was a source of inspiration, having played a crucial role in the early development of warp propulsion systems for the United Earth. Travis often spent hours in his grandfather's workshop, surrounded by the hum of experimental engines and the glow of holographic schematics.

As the middle child among his siblings, Travis felt a sense of responsibility to carve out his own path. He displayed an early aptitude for engineering, often disassembling and reassembling mechanical devices just to understand how they worked. Travis's older brother, Samuel, served as a role model, demonstrating the importance of leadership and discipline in United Earth when he entered service.

Travis's formative years were marked by a balance between academic excellence and extracurricular pursuits. He excelled at Starfleet Academy, focusing on warp field dynamics and experimental propulsion systems. During his time at the Academy, Travis developed a close-knit group of friends who shared his passion for pushing the boundaries of starship technology.

Upon graduation, Travis embarked on a series of assignments aboard United Earth Starships. These early experiences provided him with a practical understanding of starship systems and the challenges of deep space exploration. Each assignment contributed to his growth as an engineer and solidified his commitment to advancing Starfleet technology.

Travis's personal journey was not without its challenges. The loss of his maternal grandmother, Edith Thornton, during his time at the Academy, had a profound impact on him. Her legacy as an accomplished astrophysicist inspired Travis to pursue excellence in his chosen field.

Now, as Chief Engineer on the USS Unicorn (NX-151), Travis Paladin finds himself at the forefront of exploration in the vastness of space. His personal history, woven with familial influence and a passion for innovation, has shaped him into a dedicated and capable officer, ready to face the challenges that lie ahead in the uncharted territories of the 22nd century.
Service Record 2140 -- Entered Starfleet Academy, age 16; Pursuing Engineering Basics, Dynamics, and Understanding.

2144 -- Graduated Starfleet Academy, rank of Ensign; Majored in Engineering, Minored in Operations and Security. Assigned to DX-24 UES Warp Delta, a Delta Wing-class Starship, as Engineering Officer.

2150 -- Promotion from Ensign to Lieutenant, Junior Grade; Transferred to DX-55 UES Eberswalde, a Delta Wing-class Starship, as Assistant Chief Engineering Officer.

2157 -- Promotion from Lieutenant, Junior Grade to full Lieutenant; Transferred to USS Unicorn (NX-151), a Yorktown-class battleship, as Chief Engineering Officer. Upon arrival, promoted to Lieutenant Commander due to experience and service history.