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Thu Feb 29th, 2024 @ 6:57pm

Lieutenant Keelli Reex

Name Keelli Reex

Position Chief Navigator

Second Position Shuttlepod/Dropship Pilot

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Trill (unjoined)
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8''
Weight 125 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Keelli is a tall Trill woman. She has a cascade of leopard-like spots from her right temple to the top of her foot. She wears her hair long, and sometimes pulled back. She has some scars, but none are visible. She also has a few tattoos-a cat on her back, rose on her left foot, and "maman" on her right shoulder.


Spouse None
Children None yet
Father Joris (Reex) Jobam
Mother Nairut Mauser-Reex
Brother(s) Joris, Jr.
Bada Pruzor
John Grallad (brother in law)
Sister(s) Velu Grallad
Other Family Niece:
Thomasina Grallad, age 7.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Keelli is an unjoined Trill. Born and raised on the Trill homeworld, Halle Bann grew up surrounded by the rich cultural history of her people. From an early age, she displayed a keen curiosity and aptitude for the sciences, which drew her towards a future in Starfleet.

As the oldest of four siblings, Keelli grew up with two younger brothers, who both took divergent paths in their lives. Her second oldest brother, Joris, became a skilled engineer, joining the Trill Symbiosis Commission, while her other brother, Bada, chose a more adventurous route, enlisting in Starfleet to explore the galaxy. Their baby sister, Velu, was a "surprise" baby, born when Keellii was 14.

Her unjoined status initially brought feelings of inadequacy and frustration, as she longed to experience the memories of past hosts and the wisdom they brought. However, she learned to embrace her individuality and discovered the unique perspective she could offer to the universe.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

1) Exceptional Empathetic Insight: Halli possesses an extraordinary ability to understand and connect with others on a deep emotional level. Her keen empathetic insight allows her to offer profound support and guidance to individuals facing personal and interpersonal challenges, fostering healing and personal growth among those she counsels.

2) Physical Fitness and Adaptability: Halli's athletic prowess and physical fitness make her well-suited for the demands of space exploration. Her strength, agility, and endurance enable her to excel in challenging environments and emergencies, ensuring the safety and well-being of herself and her fellow crew members.

3) Empathetic and Approachable: Halli's empathetic nature and approachable demeanor are powerful assets when it comes to building rapport and teamwork. She is known for her ability to connect with her colleagues and crewmates, fostering a positive and cohesive work environment. Her open communication style encourages collaboration and problem-solving among diverse team members.

1) Desire for Symbiosis: One of Halli's ongoing struggles is her deep desire to be joined with a Trill symbiont. This desire occasionally distracts her from the present and can lead to moments of self-doubt and frustration. It's a personal challenge for her to come to terms with her unjoined status and fully embrace her individuality.

2) Perfectionist Tendencies: Halli has a tendency to set high standards for herself, which can sometimes lead to perfectionist behavior. While this drive for excellence often results in outstanding work, it can also cause her stress and anxiety when faced with tasks or situations that don't meet her exacting expectations.

3) Limited Field Experience: Despite her academic achievements, Halli's relative lack of field experience can be a weakness when confronted with the unpredictable and often dangerous situations encountered in deep space. She sometimes grapples with making quick decisions under pressure and relies on her more experienced colleagues for guidance.
These strengths and weaknesses contribute to Halli's multidimensional character, shaping her journey as a Counselor in Starfleet and providing opportunities for growth and development throughout her career.
Ambitions Command a Starship:
Keelli Reex harbors a deep-seated ambition to one day command a starship. Whether it's a smaller exploration vessel or a larger flagship, Keelli envisions leading a diverse crew on missions of discovery and diplomacy. This aspiration is not only a testament to Keelli's leadership skills but also a continuation of the Trill symbiont's desire for exploration and the pursuit of knowledge.
Establish a Trill Exploration Initiative:
With a passion for exploration ingrained in both Keelli and the symbiont Varek, Keelli aspires to establish a Trill Exploration Initiative within Starfleet. This initiative would focus on fostering collaboration between Trill hosts and symbionts in the realm of space exploration. The goal is to create a specialized program that leverages the unique perspectives and skills of Trill officers to push the boundaries of knowledge and contribute to the broader goals of the Federation.
Promote Cross-Species Understanding:
Keelli Reex is driven by a desire to promote understanding and cooperation between diverse species in the galaxy. As a Trill with a symbiont, Keelli recognizes the importance of shared experiences and mutual respect. The ambition is to work towards creating initiatives or programs within Starfleet that facilitate cultural exchange, diplomacy, and collaboration among different species. Keelli envisions a future where the Federation thrives on unity and diversity, and where Starfleet serves as a beacon of cooperation among various sentient beings.
Hobbies & Interests Astrography and Stellar Cartography:
Keelli Reex has a deep-seated hobby in studying the intricacies of celestial bodies and mapping out the cosmos. Whether it's exploring the latest star charts, analyzing anomalies, or contributing to the development of stellar cartography databases, Keelli finds joy in unraveling the mysteries of the universe. This hobby not only complements Keelli's profession as a helmsman but also reflects a genuine fascination with the vastness of space.
Holoprogramming and Simulation Design:
In the off-duty hours, Keelli indulges in holoprogramming and simulation design. Creating realistic and immersive simulations allows Keelli to hone piloting skills in various scenarios, from navigating through asteroid fields to executing precision maneuvers during combat situations. This hobby serves as both a recreational activity and a practical way to stay sharp in the helm, always ready for the unexpected challenges of deep space exploration.
Botanical Studies and Horticulture:
Keelli has developed a hobby in the study of alien flora and horticulture. Fascinated by the diverse plant life encountered on different planets, Keelli cultivates a small collection of exotic plants onboard starships and space stations. This hobby provides a peaceful and grounding contrast to the dynamic and often unpredictable nature of space travel. Keelli enjoys experimenting with different cultivation methods and sharing findings with fellow crew members, fostering a sense of camaraderie through a shared appreciation for the beauty of plant life across the galaxy.

Personal History Keelli Reex was born on the Trill homeworld in the year 2123, into a family with a long history of hosting symbionts. From a young age, Keelli displayed a natural affinity for piloting and navigating various spacecraft. Growing up, Keelli's fascination with the stars and the vastness of space fueled a desire to explore the cosmos.

At the age of 16, Keelli underwent the rigorous selection process to become a host for a Trill symbiont. The joining with the symbiont, named Varek, brought a wealth of knowledge and experiences from previous hosts. This union not only enhanced Keelli's intellect but also deepened the connection to the symbiont's own passion for exploration and discovery.

Keelli's natural talents in piloting and navigation became apparent during Starfleet Academy training. Excelling in various spacecraft simulations, Keelli caught the attention of instructors and peers alike. Graduating with top honors, Keelli was commissioned as an ensign in Starfleet.

Keelli's early career included assignments on different starships, serving in various roles such as helmsman and navigation officer. The symbiont's accumulated wisdom and skills proved invaluable during encounters with unknown species and uncharted regions of space. Keelli quickly gained a reputation for exceptional piloting and problem-solving under pressure.

One of Keelli's notable assignments was as the helmsman of the SS Horizon, an Daedalus-class starship tasked with exploration along the Federation's frontier. During this time, Keelli faced numerous challenges, from navigating treacherous asteroid fields to engaging in diplomatic missions with newly discovered civilizations. The experiences on the SS Horizon forged lasting friendships with fellow officers and a sense of camaraderie among the crew.

After several successful missions, Keelli received a promotion to the rank of lieutenant and was reassigned to the SS Pegasus, a Intrepid-class destroyer. The new posting brought even greater responsibilities, including overseeing the helm and navigation teams during critical missions. Keelli's leadership and expertise played a crucial role in the success of various diplomatic endeavors and scientific discoveries.

Throughout the years, Keelli Reex remained dedicated to the principles of exploration and cooperation. The symbiotic relationship with Varek continued to evolve, providing a unique perspective that enriched both the individual and the Trill society. Keelli's journey as a Trill helmsman serves as an inspiring example of the symbiotic harmony between host and symbiont, navigating the vast cosmos in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.
Service Record
Starfleet Service Record: Keelli Reex

Academy Graduation Date: 2138

Rank: Ensign

Assignment: SS Intrepid, Intrepid-class destroyer

Service Overview:

-2134-2138: Starfleet Academy
Graduated with honors in Stellar Cartography and Advanced Piloting.
Demonstrated exceptional skills in simulation exercises and received commendations for leadership potential.

-2138-2141: SS Horizon, Daedalus-class starship
Assigned as Junior Helm Officer.
Participated in multiple exploration missions in the Beta Quadrant.
Commended for precise navigation during a hazardous asteroid field traversal.

-2141-45: Advanced Helm and Navigation Training
Completed an advanced training program specializing in helm and navigation techniques.
Gained proficiency in piloting a variety of starship classes.

-2145-2149: SS Pegasus, Intrepid-class starship
Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade and assigned as Assistant Chief Helmsman.
Played a key role in navigating the ship through a spatial anomaly, ensuring the safety of the crew.
Recognized for contributions during first contact missions.

-2149-53: SS Pathfinder, Intrepid-class starship
Promoted to full Lieutenant and appointed Chief Helmsman.
Led the helm team in numerous scientific surveys and exploratory missions.
Received a commendation for adeptly piloting the ship through a high-risk rescue operation.

-2156-Present: Unicorn NX-151, Yorktown-class starship
Continues to serve as Chief Helmsman, overseeing complex navigation tasks.
Participated in joint operations with allied species, fostering interstellar cooperation.

Took on a mentor in the form of Cadet Cajol Torrs, another Trill training to be a helmsman.

Awards and Commendations:

Starfleet Commendation for Meritorious Service (2145)
Starfleet Citation for Conspicuous Gallantry (2151)
Starfleet Exploration Ribbon (Multiple awards)

Keelli Reex's service record exemplifies a commitment to exploration, exceptional piloting skills, and leadership qualities that contribute to the ongoing mission of Starfleet.