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Sat Aug 31st, 2024 @ 7:15am

Lieutenant JG Elspeth McArthur

Name Elspeth Cameron McArthur

Position Communications Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 168cm
Weight 59kg
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Skin tone: Pale caucasian.
Of average height and weight for a woman of her age who engages in moderate exercise, Elspeth is healthy and fit. When off duty, she is often found in shorts and tank top, running, or in jeans and t-shirt, curled up by a window somewhere reading or writing.


Father Unknown
Mother Dr Alexandra McArthur - Lecturer at Aberdeen University - History - No contact since 2149

Personality & Traits

General Overview Elf is a free spirit in most ways but she does not allow that to impede her duties.She is an Adventurer Type in personality and enjoys doing things that break the barriers. Her mother wanted her to be a teacher, be sensible, stay safe on Earth but Elf’s drive to know more, be more drove her to Starfleet and the stars. She is comfortable in both social situations and with being alone. She enjoys running and reading books, as well as writing. She has with her a pile of books filled with her writings. She has toyed with getting some of her short stories published yet has not had the courage to do so.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

Sensitive to Others – Adventurers easily relate to others’ emotions, helping them to establish harmony and good will, and minimize conflict.
Imaginative – Being so aware of others’ emotions, Adventurer personalities use creativity and insight to craft bold ideas that speak to people’s hearts. While it’s hard to explain this quality on a resume, this vivid imagination and exploratory spirit help Adventurers in unexpected ways.
Passionate – Beneath Adventurers’ quiet shyness beats an intensely feeling heart. When people with this personality type are caught up in something exciting and interesting, they can leave everything else in the dust.
Curious – Ideas are well and good, but Adventurers need to see and explore for themselves whether their ideas ring true. Work revolving around the sciences may seem a poor match for their traits, but a boldly artistic and humanistic vision is often exactly what research needs to move forward – if Adventurers are given the freedom they need to do so.
Artistic – Adventurers are able to show their creativity in tangible ways and with stunning beauty. Whether writing a song, painting an emotion, or presenting a statistic in a graph, Adventurers have a way of visualizing things that resonates with their audience. Elspeth is a writer and one who is continually writing when off duty


Unpredictable – Adventurers’ dislike long-term commitments and plans. The tendency to actively avoid planning for the future can cause strain in Adventurers’ romantic relationships and financial hardship later in life. - In Elspeth's case it is more like, she takes different paths then are conventional. She looks for the interesting, not the mundane.
Easily Stressed – Adventurers live in the present, full of emotion. When situations get out of control, people with this personality type (especially Turbulent ones) can shut down, losing their characteristic charm and creativity in favor of gnashing teeth. - Elspeth has tried very hard to contain her darker side, the temper that seems to be inherent with red haired people, and it works most of the time, but if she sees injustice or bullies, she is likely to let it loose.
Fluctuating Self-Esteem – It’s demanded that skills be quantified, but that’s hard to do with Adventurers’ strengths of sensitivity and artistry. Adventurers’ efforts are often dismissed, a hurtful and damaging blow, especially early in life. Adventurers can start to believe the naysayers without strong support. For Elf this is mainly due to the fact that her mother no longer wishes contact and the underlying issue of not knowing who her father was.
Hobbies & Interests Running, Reading and writing. She writes a lot and keeps a daily journal the old fashioned way rather than recording by computer. She does however use a scanner to upload her thoughts to her personal logs.

Personal History Born 2132 Elspeth was born in the Earth City of Aberdeen to Dr Alexandra McArthur. She was raised by her doctor mother, who never mentioned who her father was. Her mother worked as a lecturer at the University of Aberdeen thus, Elspeth grew up on the university. It was a common sight to see her racing around the grounds as a young child. Growing up on Kings College Campus, living in the Staffing quarters was not very interesting for Elspeth, who was a very imaginative child. She would climb trees and spend hours in their branches writing in notebooks.

She also spent time in the University’s Astrology observatory. Elspeth, nicknamed Elf by the Students at the University, was very interested in the unknown and space in general. When she was ten, her class was visited by then Commodore Forest, where the man spoke about Starfleet and the warp 5 project and how the future would be brought about by those waiting to try.

Elspeth was intrigued and soon set her course. She was going to join Starfleet. Needless to say, her mother was not impressed. She saw Elf as flighty, needing discipline and could do more to apply herself. Elspeth merely ignored her mother and focused on the goal. She still spent hours in her trees, writing, and when she made it to highschool, joined the School paper as a reporter/reviewer of books and movies.

In 2149, she applied to Starfleet Academy, knowing that at 16, she was a year too young to attend but she wanted to go when she turned 17. In August of 2147, she got her acceptance letter. Her mother was livid but short of locking Elf up in a cell, there was little she could do.

On the day she left for the Academy, Alexandra informed her child that she was not welcome at their home any more. Hurt but understanding that her mother and she were two very different people, Elspeth packed everything up and left her home for San Francisco. At the age of 17, Elspeth moved into on campus housing at the Academy. She was not sure what she wanted to focus on but eventually Elf settled on Languages. She also joined the swim team and climbing squad. In 2150, she was among a group of cadets watching the keel of the Enterprise being laid via holorelay. It was displayed in Rec rooms on the Academy grounds and it was seen as a push to several cadets who all wanted to be on her. Elspeth, while interested, knew that Enterprise would be the first of many and was willing to wait for her chance.

She graduated after 4 years of hard study at the Academy and was assigned to Earth’s orbital dry dock as a translator for Vulcan attaches. She also purchased an apartment in London for herself and moved her belongings out of storage to it. She had not had a proper home in 4 years, so felt it was time. She did not attempt contact with her mother but sent word to family friends of her new address and career changes. In March 2153, she was among those shuttle pilots who assisted with the search and rescue after the Xindi attack on Earth. The attack decimated a large area between Florida and Venezuela, killing seven million people. The wounded count was just as bad. It was a confronting experience for a young pilot who had never seen combat and was fresh from the academy.

In 2156, she was transferred to the starship Unicorn as Communication Officer. Elspeth was not at all upset with a junior posting, as Elspeth wanted to see and do more. And if that meant she had to spend time on the night shift then she would do that.
Service Record 2149-2153 - Starfleet Aged 17-21
2153-2155 aged 21-23 - Earth Orbital Dry Dock - Translator
2156 - Assigned, Communication Officer, Unicorn