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Tue Mar 19th, 2024 @ 10:00pm

Major Arjut'Pelan sh'Kohlaka

Name Arjut'Pelan sh'Kohlaka

Position Chief Strategic Intelligence Officer

Second Position MACO Officer

Rank Major

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Andorian
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5
Weight 125lbs
Hair Color Chiffon White
Eye Color Amber
Physical Description Lithe, willowy, and supple, Pel comports herself with the physical grace of a warrior trained for subterfuge. Her bright hair is kept in a loose braid in most instances, though she often wears it down in more formal settings.


Father Captain Krevan

Personality & Traits

General Overview Pel hails from the Andorian homeworld, a planet marked by icy landscapes and a complex society. She grew up in a military family deeply dedicated to the values of honor, loyalty, and duty. Her grandfather was a mighty general whose name she carries with pride.
Strengths & Weaknesses Resilient: Pel possesses an inner strength that helps her persevere in the face of adversity. Whether dealing with physical challenges or navigating the complexities of the intelligence community, she remains resilient and unwavering.

Curious: Her antennae, sensitive to electromagnetic fields, make her naturally curious about her surroundings and the people she encounters. She has a keen interest in exploring new environments and perhaps even new people.

Clever: Pel is known for her cleverness and resourcefulness. She excels in problem-solving and often finds unconventional solutions to difficult situations.

Wry Wit: She has a dry sense of humor and a penchant for wry observations. Pel often uses humor as a way to cope with the challenges she faces, finding amusement even in dire circumstances.

Loyal: Despite her smarmy demeanor, Pel is fiercely loyal to her people, the Andorians, and her duty as their agent. She values the bonds she forms with those she works alongside, including her human allies.

Pragmatic: Pel approaches her missions with a pragmatic mindset. She is willing to make tough decisions and sacrifices if it means achieving her objectives.

Amoral: Pel does not view the galaxy in terms of good and evil but in success or failure. She is not a malevolent soul. She is an instrument of her people. Whether that means a ground assault or romantic seduction, she will execute her orders without remorse.

Honorbound: The only real guiding light Pel maintains is her personal honor. While she is capable of terrible things in the line of duty, she will fall on her own sword before compromising herself in an unredeemable way.
Ambitions Bring stability to Andorian space by any means necessary.
Hobbies & Interests Pel is a bit of a songbird but does not enjoy an audience. She often quietly samples the art of other cultures, particularly music, in attempts to understand them.

Personal History Pel was born into a family deeply rooted in Andorian military tradition. Her grandfather, General Thranek, was a legendary figure in the Imperial Guard, known for his strategic brilliance and unwavering dedication to the Andorian Empire. Her father, Captain Krevan, had followed in his father's footsteps, commanding an Andorian starship with honor and distinction.

Growing up in the household of a famous general and a starship captain, Pel was surrounded by tales of valor, duty, and the importance of protecting Andoria's interests in a galaxy filled with hostile species. Her family instilled in her the values of loyalty and service to the Empire, along with a fierce determination to excel in whatever path she chose.

From a young age, Pel displayed an exceptional aptitude for strategy, diplomacy, and combat. She excelled in her studies and military training, impressing her instructors. It became evident that she was destined for a career in the Imperial Guard.

As she entered adulthood, Pel pursued advanced military education, honing her skills in espionage and covert operations. She developed a reputation for her cleverness and resourcefulness, traits that would serve her well in her future career.

Upon completing her training, Pel officially joined the Imperial Guard as an intelligence operative. Her first assignments involved gathering vital information on potential threats to the Andorian Empire and conducting discreet diplomacy with neighboring species. She quickly became a specialist asset in the Sol sector as the Vulcans expanded their alliance with Earth.

Pel's rise through the ranks of the Imperial Guard was swift. She demonstrated an innate ability to adapt to new environments and cultures, making her an ideal candidate for espionage. Her cleverness and ability to think on her feet allowed her to outmaneuver adversaries and secure valuable intelligence.

Over time, Pel was given more and more administrative latitude and advanced to the rank of Lieutenant. Her loyalty to the Andorian Empire remained unwavering, but she also developed a deep sense of curiosity about the galaxy and its inhabitants.

When news of the Romulan attack on Salem One reached the Andorian High Command, Pel's unique skills and experience as a combat intelligence operative made her an ideal candidate for a joint mission. Recognizing the potential of the Andorian-Human alliance, she was temporarily loaned to Earth's MACO forces as a liaison officer and then seconded to the USS Unicorn as its Chief Strategic Intelligence Officer.
Service Record 2156: Strategic Intelligence Officer / MACO Liaison Officer - USS Unicorn, United Earth Starfleet

2351-2156: Sol Section Intelligence Specialist - Imperial Guard of Andoria

2351: Lieutenant - Imperial Guard of Andoria

2147-2351: Intelligence Chief - Imperial Guard of Andoria

2143-2147: Intelligence Operative - Imperial Guard of Andoria

2143: Initiate - Imperial Guard of Andoria