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Fri Feb 2nd, 2024 @ 10:58pm

Ensign Shor ch'Zeles

Name Shor ch'Zeles

Position Armory Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Andorian
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1
Weight 180 lbs
Hair Color Silver-White
Eye Color Dark Red-Gold
Physical Description Shor ch'Zeles stands at 6'1, his cerulean-blue skin a testament to his Andorian heritage. His hair, cut short around his ears, features wavy bangs that gracefully frame his face. Silvery-white locks stand out in stark contrast to his complexion. Shor's eyes are a deep and piercing dark reddish-gold. They portray a youthful, yet pensive gaze. His athletic build is the result of a disciplined life, honed through martial training and ice sports.

Shor moves with a purposeful quickness, a habit garnered from his Imperial Guard service. His demeanor can range from mysterious and brooding to jocular and playful. In conversation, Shor's words are as measured as his steady gaze. He maintains a quiet confidence about him, not usually allowing his mistrust to stir up trouble with others. An impish half-smile often rests across his features.


Father Ishranaon th’Zhiarirh, Ashathon ch’Qeqa
Mother Esyssan Sh'eshiakrith, Zyssi zh’Zeles
Brother(s) Oril ch’Zeles, Eravaahr th’Zeles
Sister(s) Sazaat sh’Zeles
Other Family Keth of the Zeles

Personality & Traits

General Overview Shor ch'Zeles' is a product of the demanding training within the Andorian Imperial Guard. Shaped by a harsh environment, he embodies the resilience and discipline demanded by the era. A constant state of near conflict had cast a shadow over the Andorian people. Shor learned how fragile peace was. The Guard taught him that it took a staunch defense to protect it.

The disciplined lifestyle of the Imperial Guard left an indelible mark on Shor's psyche. The rigid routines, the relentless training, and the ever-looming possibility of war cultivated a sense of duty that now defines him. It also nurtured a certain level of aggression, an instinctual response to a world where danger was an ever-present companion.

His martial training, deeply embedded in Andorian tradition, has made Shor an embodiment of the warrior ethos. The tactics, the strategic insight, and the aggressive edge that the Andorian martial culture instilled in him are evident in his approach to challenges. This discipline comes at a cost. It came with a reluctance to fully trust those outside the Andorian sphere.

Shor has begun opening up to others, especially humans. Humor often helps him connect with others while also serving as a reminder for him to enjoy life. Shor is a student of Andorian culture and history. He enjoys debating the roles of historical figures and examining ancient conflicts.

Good food and drink are also import to the Andorian, as is good company. He finds comfort around his kinfolk, often warming to them before others.

Shor moves with a purposeful quickness, testament to his Imperial Guard service. His demeanor can range from mysterious, brooding to jocular and playful. In conversation, Shor's words are as measured as his steady gaze. He maintains a quiet confidence about him, not usually allowing his mistrust to stir up trouble with others.
Strengths & Weaknesses * + Tactical Expertise: Shor's prowess in tactical operations is a reflection of his combat training. Not only did he attend the Academy, Shor also trained within Andoria’s Imperial Guard.
* + Physical Prowess: A seasoned practitioner of Andorian martial arts, Shor's combat skills are formidable.
* + Strategic Insight: His deep knowledge of Andorian military tactics provides a unique perspective towards combat.
* - Prone to Aggression: The discipline instilled by Andorian martial culture sometimes makes Shor appear aggressive.
* - Distrustful: Wariness of non-Andorians, especially those in conflict with Andoria. This could act as a barrier to communication.
Ambitions A key facet of Shor's ambitions is to glean invaluable skills and insights from Starfleet that could be applied within the Andorian Guard. His hunger for knowledge is not merely for personal advancement, but stems from a deep-seated desire to uplift the capabilities of his kin. Shor envisions himself as a bridge between the disciplined methodologies of Starfleet and the indomitable warrior ethos of the Andorian Guard.

Central to his aspirations is the dream of helming a ship crewed entirely by Andorians. Shor envisions a vessel where the distinctive blue-skinned officers of Andoria serve in every capacity, from engineers to security personnel. This vision is not merely a manifestation of his personal ambition but a dedication to showcasing Andorian prowess on the galactic stage. He knows such a crew would be unlikely to exist, yet Shor dreams of the day.

Shor seeks to deepen the involvement of his family within the folds of Starfleet. He envisions a future where the Zeles lineage becomes synonymous with both the indomitable Andorian spirit and the progressive ideals of the Federation.
Hobbies & Interests Shor ch'Zeles found solace and joy in activities that connected him to the essence of Andoria's rugged beauty. One of his favorite pastimes was hiking across the vast glaciers of Uskit, navigating the intricate web of crevasses and frozen landscapes. The serene solitude of these expeditions allowed him to contemplate the silent majesty of Andoria's frozen vistas.

His love for the natural world extended to the towering conifers that dotted the landscape. Shor would spend hours studying these resilient trees, marveling at their ability to thrive in the harsh conditions of Andoria. Their towering forms became symbols of endurance and longevity.

As a fervent devotee of Andorian culture, cuisine, and history, Shor sought to immerse himself in the rich tapestry of his people's heritage. He relished the hearty Andorian dishes that warmed both body and soul, savoring the flavors. He also delved into the annals of Andorian history, eager to understand the struggles and triumphs that shaped his people.

Shor's passion for physical activities was not limited to military training or hiking. He loved playing traditional Andorian sports. One example was Chakaar, a high-speed ice game played with a blade-tipped stick and a puck carved from frozen liquid. The rapid movements require agility and precision. Shor honed these skills through years of training.

His true love lay in the game of Kochek. Played on the expansive icy fields of Andoria, Kochek was a dynamic and intense team sport that mirrored the chaos of war. With three teams of three players each, the game unfolded in rounds that progressively increased in intensity. The objective was not only to outmaneuver opponents but also to achieve daring goals that tested the limits of physical and strategic prowess.
Kochek's unique dynamics came to the fore in the middle rounds when two teams join forces to overpower the third, leading to a frenzied free-for-all in the final round. It was a game where danger lurked at every turn, and the pursuit of victory demanded a blend of cunning and brute force. Shor thrived in the adrenaline-fueled game. Bonds were often formed in the midst of the tough competitions.

Personal History Shor ch'Zeles was born into the heart of Andoria's frozen embrace, nestled within a close-knit keth in the Uskit province. His formative years unfolded against the backdrop of towering glaciers, where the rhythm of daily life was set by the biting winds and the endless expanse of ice. The churning storms and stark landscapes of Andoria provided a canvas for the forging of his character.

Growing up in the rural embrace of his keth, Shor imbibed the values of communal resilience and familial unity. As part of a society constantly on edge due to the specter of war, every member of the keth contributed to the collective defense. This environment instilled in Shor a deep sense of duty and an understanding that sacrifice for the greater good was the essence of his people.

The looming threat of constant war led Shor to enlist in the Andorian Imperial Guard as soon as he reached the eligible age. The grueling training regimen of the Guard, designed to mold individuals into disciplined warriors, tested the limits of his physical endurance and mental fortitude. The icy crucible of Andoria became a relentless instructor, instilling in Shor the martial skills and tactical acumen that would define his future.
The camaraderie forged unbreakable bonds. Each member of the Guard became a brother or sister, and Shor learned the importance of reliance on those who shared the same mission. However, the rigorous discipline and aggressive doctrines of the Imperial Guard also created a sense of isolation when interacting with those unfamiliar with Andorian ways.

Transitioning from the harsh training grounds of the Imperial Guard to the diverse environment of Starfleet Academy proved to be a formidable challenge for Shor. The cultural differences, the varying perspectives, and the pace of life outside Andoria's glaciers presented hurdles that tested not only his adaptability but his sense of identity.

Initially finding it difficult to integrate, Shor struggled to comprehend the nuances of alien interactions. The hierarchical structure of Starfleet, while sharing some similarities with the Imperial Guard, also presented unexpected obstacles. His stoic demeanor and military bearing often clashed with the more diverse and inclusive atmosphere of Starfleet.

Adversity became a teacher. Slowly Shor began to adapt. His innate curiosity led him to delve into the intricacies of interspecies relationships and the diverse tapestry of cultures within the Federation. As he forged connections with his fellow cadets, he found common ground through shared experiences and mutual understanding.

He spent his first few years in Starfleet improving his interspecies social skills. The desire to connect grew as he began to miss the sense of camaraderie he felt within the Guard.
Service Record 2155 - 2157: Imperial Guard Conscript
2158-2162: Starfleet Academy, Armory Officers Course
2163-2165: Armory Officer, NX-202 Brigantine