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Fri Feb 2nd, 2024 @ 10:58pm

Lieutenant Blake Weston

Name Blake Xavier Weston

Position Chief Navigator

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 0'
Weight 150 lbs
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Pale Blue
Physical Description Blake Weston possesses a slight but tall physique. His blond hair is always combed into a meticulous pompadour. His pale blue eyes are always partially obscured by his wayfarer glasses. His long nose peaks out over his slightly cleffed chin.


Spouse None
Children N/a
Father Edward Robert Weston
Mother Angela Hanson Weston

Personality & Traits

General Overview Blake is introspective, often found in quiet contemplation, weighing every decision against the vastness of space and the responsibilities it carries. His upbringing on Lunar One, under the watchful eye of a seasoned marine, instilled in him a strong sense of duty and a deep-seated respect for the chain of command.
Strengths & Weaknesses Blake possesses a Vulcan-like ability to remain calm under pressure, a trait that serves him well in the navigator's chair during critical missions. His strengths lie in his exceptional navigational skills and his ability to synthesize complex astrometric data into coherent and strategic courses of action.

Blake's intense focus can sometimes be a double-edged sword, leading him to become overly absorbed in his work and oblivious to the interpersonal dynamics around him. His upbringing forces him to constantly prove himself which has turned him into a workaholic.
Ambitions Blake hopes the war will conclude soon so he will have the opportunity to be a part of a deep space exploration mission and potentially command one.
Hobbies & Interests Blake has a keen interest in Earth's naval history, drawing parallels between the explorers of the oceans and those of the stars. He enjoys tridimensional chess, finding the strategy and foresight required to mirror the predictive plotting of a starship's course.

His time with the Vulcans ignited a facination with their culture, history and religion.

Personal History Blake Weston's story began in the quiet corridors of Lunar One Colony on January 20, 2132. His early years were shaped by the stark lunar landscape and the omnipresent stars that seemed just within reach from the colony’s transparent domes. His father, Edward was a platoon sergeant of the MACOs stationed to protect the colony. The sergeant was a gruff, no-nonsense omni present figure who dominated Blake’s formative years.

Blake's mother, Angela, was a gentle contrast, a nurturing spirit who encouraged her son's curiosity about the universe. Her influence led him to books and star charts which became his escape, his passion and eventually his future. Growing up in the colony was an adventure, albeit a solitary one.

While his father dreamed of Blake joining the MACOs, by his teenage years, it was clear the boy’s destiny lay elsewhere. His build was leaner, his demeanor calmer and his mind more attuned mathematics and stellar cartography than to the rigors of a marine;s life. The boy’s thick wayfarer glasses became a symbol of this divergence.

Tragedy struck in 2147 with the death of his mother after a long illness. Soon Edward became a distant figure throwing himself into his work and ignoring his teenage son. Blake’s acceptance into Starfleet Academy in 2150 began the long thaw of their relationship, but it would be a long thaw.

Starfleet recognized Blake’s talents early, and upon graduation in 2154, he was selected for the officer exchange program with the Vulcan High Command. Serving aboard several Vulcan vessels, Blake's understanding of interspecies operations and deep-space exploration expanded exponentially. The experience honed his skills, but more importantly, it taught him there was more to life than the bubble he grew up on. His immersion with the Vulcans helped him heal the wounds of his past, embracing a more detached and logical way of thinking.

Returning to Starfleet a year later, Blake was appointed the assistant helmsman aboard the Challenger, NX-01 prior to her launch in August 2155. With the crisis of the Earth-Romulan War, Starfleet quickly expanded its fleet operations and shuffled around experienced officers. Blake was promoted to full lieutenant and assigned to the new Yorktown-class battleship, Unicorn. His expertise and experience made him an ideal candidate for a significant role aboard a new front-line vessel.
Service Record 2150 - 2154 - Starfleet Academy
2154 - Vulcan Exchange Program - Ensign
2155 - 2156 - Challenger, NX-03 - Assistant Chief Helmsman - Lt. JG.
2156 - Unicorn - Chief Navigator - Lieutenant