
  • 22 Mission Posts

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Thu Aug 29th, 2024 @ 6:08pm

Sub-Commander T'shir

Name T'shir

Position Chief of Communications & Intelligence

Second Position Officer of the Watch

Rank Sub-Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Vulcan
Age 47

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 140
Hair Color Black/Dark Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Athletic, evenly distrubed weight throughout her body. Her appearance is feminine but she rarely wears makeup, jewelry, or dresses.


Spouse N/A
Children None
Father Tavin
Mother T'lan
Brother(s) Sorek

Personality & Traits

General Overview T'shir is a firm believer in the teachings of Surak, and has spent her life perfecting her ability to suppress her emotion and control her physical and mental well-being through meditation. She has spent limited time around humans and other species, and finds their behavior fascinating. She will be learning how to better interact with them on this journey.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Accomplished linguist, speaking 53 languages fluently and has a keen ability to detect patterns and decode new languages quickly. She has the knowledge of the cultural practices of many worlds even if she does not understand the logic behind them. She is interested to learn more about humans.

Weaknesses: Her social skills among non-Vulcans is lacking. She can say things too bluntly and become uncomfortable in emotional situations.
Ambitions To learn as much as she can on this mission, and write many professional papers on subjects that she comes across.
Hobbies & Interests Meditation, chess, kal-toh, cardio endurance workouts.

Personal History T'shir is from a traditional Vulcan family. Her mother is a professor of chemistry at the Vulcan Science Institute and her father is an advisor to the Vulcan High Council. As a child, it was imperative to her parents that the strengths of her brother and her be determined early so that studies could be focused, guaranteeing them the best success in her field.

T'shir was in a prior relationship on Vulcan, but terminated the relationship before it led to betrothal for service with the organizations that the Humans were trying to build in conjunction with Vulcan and other worlds as well. This disappointed her parents, and they frequently ask her when she is coming home.
Service Record Communications Officer for the Vulcan Defense Fleet

Linguistic liaison for Vulcan High Command.