Welcome Aboard Unicorn NX-151!

May 18th, 2156

The Romulan Imperial Navy launches a sneak attack, destroying Earth’s first Starbase “Salem One” and the new colony at Berengeria VII. In response, Earth and her allies declare war against the Romulan Star Empire, sparking the Earth-Romulan War. The United Earth Starfleet and the Military Assault Command Operations rush to deploy men and equipment to the new frontlines including Earth’s first two Yorktown Class Battleships, Yorktown and Unicorn, the first Joint Crewed Starfleet/MACO ship, commanded by veteran Special Operations Colonel Josiah “Josh” McEntyre.

Unicorn’s orders: Take the fight to the Romulans, by whatever means necessary!

Do you have what it takes to face the looming dangers and horrors of war that await you?

We are a 2-2-2 sim and pride ourselves on hosting a fun, collaborative writing experience for all players ages 18 and up. We are LGBTQI+ Friendly and foster a supporting community for all.



*Unicorn MACO Patch by Thanadan, Discord: thanadan


Latest News Items

» Happy New Years

Posted on Mon Jan 1st, 2024 @ 11:25pm by Colonel Josiah McEntyre in General News

Hello Unicorn,

First: A Happy New Years to everyone.

Second: I want to break down last months stats that I’ll be submitting to Theta Fleet for our first official Report to the Command Council there.

For December:

We had 12 new players join the Unicorn. Thank yall for all you do for the sim and what you’ve have accomplished.

We have 27 total mission posts posted last month with 20038 words written in total. That 2.08 posts per player and an average of 1541.38 words written per player on average. Well done everyone!

For January, we’ve begun our first Big Joint Mission Post “Mission Briefing-Prep for Departure” that’ll be our big post that will be the staff briefing and launch of Unicorn proper. We’ll work on that til we reach a good stopping point. I do also want to continue our JPs. We’ve had a lot of good JPs for December with lots of good character development.

We had a very good start to our journey on Unicorn and can’t wait to see what January will bring us.

Thank you all!

Marshal as Colonel Josiah McEntyre

Latest Mission Posts

» Jamming Stations

Mission: The Landings
Posted on Sun Jun 30th, 2024 @ 7:09am by Sub-Commander T'shir & Commander Saul Whitford & Commander Gunnar Magnusson & Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Calhoun & Lieutenant JG Elspeth McArthur

Sub-Commander T'shir spoke with Commander Whitford while they waited for the other officers to join them in an all-purpose lab stationed near engineering. "I was able to receive a message from a Vulcan Argosy vessel this morning at 0315 hours. We are trying to keep our communications to an as…

» The Landings, Part 2

Mission: The Landings
Posted on Thu Jun 27th, 2024 @ 9:05pm by Colonel Josiah McEntyre & Commander Saul Whitford & Sub-Commander T'shir & Lieutenant Commander Alexander Coleman & Captain Gaagii & Lieutenant JG Elspeth McArthur & Master Sergeant Johnathan Reece & Captain Mark DeRosa

"The last of the fleet is in position, ma'am" Hunter's aide, a plucky yeoman with a gleam in his eye whispered to her as she looked to Josiah, "Colonel, are your MACOs ready?"

Josiah nods confidently, "Alpha is ready for tasking once we hit the ground."

"Excellent," She turns the…

» Yoga Class

Mission: The Landings
Posted on Thu May 30th, 2024 @ 6:53am by Sub-Commander T'shir & Lieutenant JG Amelia Johansen & Commander Saul Whitford & Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Calhoun & Lieutenant Jack Peters

Amelia had received 5 reservations to the class, so she had set out 7 yoga mats, plus her own at the front of the all purpose room that had been cleared for the occasion. She had also borrowed a fan and placed it a corner toward the front and made…

» A Quick Welcome

Mission: First Deployment
Posted on Wed May 29th, 2024 @ 11:23pm by Captain Gaagii & Colonel Josiah McEntyre

A sharp buzz of the intership comms pierced through MACO country.

"Colonel McEntyre, the Fred Haise is coming along side. Captain Melrose reports she's carrying our new Strategic Intelligence officer aboard."

Josiah's mood got better, he didn't think that they would have a replacement for Major Pel so quickly, but…

» The Landings, Part 1

Mission: The Landings
Posted on Thu May 23rd, 2024 @ 6:29pm by Colonel Josiah McEntyre & Commander Saul Whitford & Commander Gunnar Magnusson & Sub-Commander T'shir & Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Calhoun & Lieutenant Commander Alexander Coleman & Lieutenant Jack Peters & Captain Vilhelmina Nimitz & Captain Gaagii & Lieutenant JG Elspeth McArthur & Master Sergeant Johnathan Reece & Rear-Admiral Ahayla Hunter & Sergeant Jordon Basset & Lance Corporal Jeremy Kerr

A week and a half at Warp 5 was a long trip indeed. It’d taken that long due to the top speeds of the Delta and Intrepid Class escorts.

The fleet drops out of warp at the edge of the Coridan system, hiding their warp wakes among the asteroids of…

Latest Personal Logs

» Lore-MACO SOCOM Standard Kit

Posted on Wed Jan 31st, 2024 @ 9:47pm by Colonel Josiah McEntyre


Special Operations Section Standard Issue Gear

The Following is a Standard Inventory List issued to all U.E MACO Special Forces Operators for the successful completion of their missions:

1x EM-48 Phased Particle Rifle with rifle sling
1x EM-35 Special Operation…

» Lore - MACO Special Operations

Posted on Wed Jan 31st, 2024 @ 8:50am by Colonel Josiah McEntyre

As the War intensified, the United Earth began to turn more to its elite forces to turn the tide against the Romulans.

After the fall of Berengaria, this responsibility fell to the elite teams of MACO Special Operations.

These elite teams were handpicked by General George Casey from the most…

» Going Hunting

Posted on Sat Jan 13th, 2024 @ 9:12am by Master Sergeant Johnathan Reece

Personal Log...it's...uh...the twelfth of June, 2156. I just came aboard the SS Unicorn. She's one of the new Yorktown class battleships that Starfleet Command has finished building and added to the fleet. Not only that, but she's commanded by a MACO and not a fleeter. Her CO is Colonel Josiah…

» Chief Engineers Log #3

Posted on Thu Dec 21st, 2023 @ 2:04pm by Lieutenant Commander Travis Paladin

Begin log.

I recently had the pleasure of meeting our new Chief Helm Officer, Lieutenant Kayoko Himeji. She is a very optimistic person, though seems a bit timid if not shy. She had a tour of Main Engineering recently and I found it rather thrilling to share my passion. I've…

» Chief Engineers Log #2

Posted on Mon Dec 18th, 2023 @ 4:41pm by Lieutenant Commander Travis Paladin

Begin log.

I have met Lieutenant Razeen el-Ben, my Assistant Chief Engineer. He is a stalwart, knowledgeable, and extremely relatable Officer. Together I foresee both of us doing great things with Engineering. He likes to be called "Ben" instead of his full name, he said it's easier to say.
