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Sat Aug 31st, 2024 @ 7:15am

Captain Gaagii

Name Gaagii

Position Chief Strategic Intelligence Officer

Second Position MACO Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human (Navajo)
Age 45

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 175 lbs
Hair Color Long Black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description He is strong, athletic and very lithe despite his height. He keeps his long black hair in various styles of pony tails. His voice is soft. His speaking cadence is very melodic as is with most Navajo. Gaagii keeps two Raven feathers in his hair at all times.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Metuel
Mother Kyrie
Brother(s) Sahale
Sister(s) Ayasha

Personality & Traits

General Overview Gaagii was born on Amerind in the Beta Epsilon system. This planet became home to various Native American people when they were transplanted there. Due to this he has a strong connection to his Navajo roots and wears the markings of his tribe on his uniform. When sent on a mission he very often will wear traditional war paint, and carry his tomahawk. He was given the codename Raven when he graduated from the Basic School.

When off dity he is an exceedingly friendly person. Ultra polite and bound by duty and honor. He was trained in the old ways of scouting, tracking and concealment in the brush. This has made him perfect for his MOS of sniper and Intelligence.

He follows the old religion and wears a medicine bag around his neck. He also has a medicine bundle and often seeks guidance from his ancestors and animal guide.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Thinks things through
+ Loyal
+ Honorable

- Gullible
- Stubborn
- Slow to act
Ambitions To command a squad of MACOs made up of entirely Native Americans.
Hobbies & Interests Ancient History, The Native American Flute, Survival Skills, Marksmanship. He likes to live like his ancestors did. He often will go planet side and live in this manner for his shore leaves.

Personal History Growing up on Amerind, Gaagii was the oldest of the six kids. His job quickly became to watch out for and help his younger siblings.

His parents, Metuel and Kyrie, lived off the land. They owned a cattle ranch and worked as the tribal shamans and medicine folk. An odd thing in this day and age, yet they still believed in the old ways and wanted to keep the idea of eating fresh produce alive, a healthy respect that they instilled in all their children. Of course their mother made sure they also all knew how to cook, something that Gaagii became passionate about, along with horseback riding, as it enabled him to become closer to his mother.

Most of the children adhered to their parent’s wishes of one day taking over the ranch and keeping it in the family, However, Gaagii and his younger sister Kiwidinok wanted to see what was out there. So they both joined the Starfleet MACO.

At the age of eighteen Gaagii left Amerind to join the MACOs. He decided to enlist and see what he thought of the experience before going the officer route.


Once out of her primary school years, Gaagii was sent to Earth to attend West Point Military Academy to finish off his secondary education and college degree. He majored in Intelligence gathering with secondary MOS in Field Craft and Marksmanship. It was in this secondary academy that he began to see where his strength's laid. Gaagii’s forte was not machines or anything technical in fact. He thought this to be a product of his upbringing. He had a knack for living off the land and hiding, waiting patiently to execute his mission. In doing he developed his listening skills and became quite adept at intelligence gathering as well. His professor's did everything in their power to challenge his young mind and make sure he was progressing as far as he possibly could, even if the rest of his classmates were not. That meant many hours of private study and tutoring and often involved Gaagii sitting in on classes a few years ahead of him. Thus, when it came time for graduation, he had ascended to the top of the class, outdone only by one student - a student who would forever be his nemesis despite their friendship.

After his West Point graduation Gaagii was granted the rank of 2nd Lieutenant and accepted into the MACOs. He was immediately transferred to The Basic School at Camp LeJeuene to complete his training. Upon completion of The Basic School, Gaagii was sent to the Specialty School for at Fort Moore for in depth training in Intelligence gathering and data analysis. It was here that Gaagii became cleared as a sniper. When he completed that last leg of his training his fate was complete.

Astraeus Station

After graduation he was sent to the Astraeus Station to be assigned as a sniper attached to Battalion 5632. While there Gaagii found himself being tapped by the station’s Intelligence Division very often to assist in data analysis. He was especially useful in coding and decoding messages. This was something that his people had done for hundreds of years. It was these projects that he enjoyed a bit more than the standard field work of a MACO.

The biggest lesson that he learned while at the station was that the fleet had a different language. This was not an actual language but a way of acting or handling situations. Over the time here he learned to temper his actions so that they would be in line with the fleet.

Gaagii served with distinction aboard the station for five years and he set himself apart from his colleagues. The Commanding Officer of the station put a recommendation into his file stating that he had hoped MACO would use him for something more than just sniping.

As much as he loved his work at Astraeus Station Gaagii was offered a position that was a dream for him. He was transferred to Vulcan to assist the Vulcan government with counterintelligence measures. Tensions with the Vulcan cousins the Romulans had been building and Vulcan needed the assistance. This position offered him two things that he cherished. One was the continued opportunity to work in Intelligence, something he found he liked more and more. The other was to take his culture, and everything he was and teach the Vulcans about it.


Thrilled with the chance to serve on Vulcan he'd jumped in with both feet and was ready to go. But life there wasn't what he'd hoped for. The project had a number of difficulties and Vulcans seemed less than willing to learn. In fact to him they seemed as if they knew everything and had no use in learning. However, there were a select few that became his friend. One such person was Svrock. The two became close friends although Svrock would only admit to it in the typical Vulcan manner.

While giving Svrock and other Vulcans a tour of a new Intelligence suite that he had helped design, there was a minor systems failure. The intelligence suite was more of a bunker and located underground. Along with the systems failure came a minor cave in. This was more of nuisance than something that would cause any kind of harm. However, due to his grace under pressure and his ability to get everyone out of the building safely the Vulcan government put Gaagii in for a promotion. He was granted this promotion and the rank of First Lieutenant.

USS Aries

With the project on Vulcan complete Gaagii had found himself without a position. What made matters worse was that he was not sure what he wanted to do anymore. Just as he was going to request a leave of absence to go on a spirit quest he received an assignment. He was ordered to the USS Aries and the MACO Unit there. His duties would be as Sniper and the Chief Intelligence Officer for the ship.

While in his third year of service aboard the Aries Gaagii had been analyzing intelligence data from an enigmatic race known as the Gamitians. The Aries was set to make first contact with them and it was Gaagii’s analysis that saved the ship’s Captain and other dignitaries. He discovered that the Gamitians planned to kill all in attendance in an effort to start a war. Gaagii’s warnings allowed the meeting to be called off. Gaagii was promoted to the rank of Captain for his efforts.

USS Unicorn

After his promotion it seemed that MACO and by extension Starfleet had plans for Gaagii. He was ordered transferred to the USS Unicorn to serve as the Chief Strategic Intelligence Officer. While he was interested and glad with the prestige of the position there was a part of Gaagii that longed to be out in the trenches as it were. Lucky for him the Unicorn had plans for him.
Service Record 2129 - 2133 - West Point Military Academy

2133 - 2135 - The Basic School at Camp LeJeuene

2135 - 2137 - Officer Candidacy School Intelligence and Data Analysis

2137 - 2141 - Astraeus Station

2141 - 2143 - Vulcan Intelligence Bunker Project

2143 - 2156 - USS Aries Chief Intelligence Officer and Sniper

2156 - Assigned to USS Unicorn as Chief Strategic Intelligence Officer