
Coridan Campaign - Day 14

Posted on Tue Sep 3rd, 2024 @ 6:27pm by Colonel Josiah McEntyre

247 words; about a 1 minute read

Personal Log, Josiah McEntyre - September 3rd, 2156. Two Weeks of fighting these Romulan Bastards and not a inch of ground to show for it. The Capital is heavily fortified, a massive energy shield and AA emplacements surround the city like walls of a castle.

It has been elected that we start by breaking holes in this so-called wall. Raiding runs and FOBs lobbing plasma shells against the shields have been or are being set up near to Camp Lambda, the landing zone and command base for the Campaign.

Meanwhile, Unicorn and Task Force: Gamma continue to hold orbit. Apart from the occasional probing attack by Romulan Birds of Prey, they seem to be operating with a limited force for such a strategic world. Though we still don't know much about the Romulans and the Romulan's seem to be making a point to make it as difficult as possible to know about them.

Lance Corporal Kerr reported seeing a Romulan Solider disintegrate in front of him when he attempted to remove their helmet. A bit...barbaric but effective for keeping Starfleet Intelligence and MACO StratInt in the dark about who they are or even basic biology about the Romulans. Even worse are the Romulan Hastati, crazied shock troopers by all accounts. Colonel Haise reported he lost several of his fireteams to them.

For now, we continue to fight, and hope to retake Coridian by end of month, but I feel it may be a long, hard fought campaign.



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