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Going Hunting

Posted on Sat Jan 13th, 2024 @ 9:12am by Captain Johnathan Reece
Edited on Sat Jan 13th, 2024 @ 9:14am

427 words; about a 2 minute read

Personal's...uh...the twelfth of June, 2156. I just came aboard the SS Unicorn. She's one of the new Yorktown class battleships that Starfleet Command has finished building and added to the fleet. Not only that, but she's commanded by a MACO and not a fleeter. Her CO is Colonel Josiah McEntyre, one of the toughest S.O.B.s I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Last time I saw him, was back in '48, when I attended SERE School, at the Lunar One Special Warfare Center. He was CO of the school at the time and, shit, he knew how to hit hard. He was the one who broke my arm during the training cycle where I was trying to evade capture. If he's in command here, then I know I'm in the right place.

Up to now, the MACOs have been used as added muscle, bulking up the Fleeter's security teams. Not on Unicorn. Our mission is simple.

Kill any and every Romulan that we come across while we retake Salem One and the new colony at Berengeria VII, that they savagely attacked without warning or provocation. They didn't even allow the civilians to escape, destroying the unarmed transports as they tried to flee. They are a bunch of cowardly curs and I will be more than happy to kill as many of them as I am able to put on the business end of Sara, my minigun. Hell, I'd even gut em with my ka-bar, just like I used to slaughter the steers back home.

He sighs and a look of pain crosses his face as memories flash behind his eyes.

I haven't thought about the ranch in a long time. Now that I'm older, I understand more why Papa sold it after Mama died. They had ran it for nearly twenty years, side by side. While it was a good ranch when Grandad ran it, Mama and Papa really turned it into something, even growing it to be one of the largest ranches in Texas. So, when Mama died, it was more than losing his spouse. He lost his best friend and partner. There were too many memories there for him to stay.

He lifts a coffee mug and takes a drink.

But, enough of that for now. I'm on a good ship and, from what I've seen so far, I'm part of a good team. We'll just have to see how things go.

End log and save to my personal file, title the log....Going Hunting.


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