
  • 9 Mission Posts

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Wed Jan 15th, 2025 @ 10:09pm

Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Calhoun

Name Gabriel Charles Calhoun

Position Chief Engineer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species human
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 6-2
Weight 210
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color blue
Physical Description tall, slim, athletic build. Crescent moon scar behind right ear from childhood accident.


Spouse ex-wife Naomi Barrett, divorced 3 years
Children none
Father Henry
Mother Helen
Brother(s) Robert aka Bobby age 36
Sister(s) Heather, age 26

Personality & Traits

General Overview Calhoun is a very talented and innovative engineer with flashes of brilliance. He respects the chain of command and enjoys the respect and camaraderie of his crewmates and those directly under his command. After serving on bases and Starfleet Headquarters in the early part of his career, he was most excited to be posted to a starship.
Strengths & Weaknesses Gabriel tends to take risks a little too easily and stands by his decision making. He is not afraid to experiment and try anything once, much to the detriment of ship and crew. His technical knowledge and engineering skills are, however, second to none.
Ambitions Gabriel hopes to return to full time teaching at some point. He enjoyed his time at the Academy and would enjoy returning there or entering the private sector at a college or university.
Hobbies & Interests History, languages, cultural anthropology, paleontology, water sports

Personal History Gabriel Calhoun was born in Jacksonville, Florida, and ever since he could remember he was interested in two things: exploration of the galaxy and how to fix things. More importantly, he had to find out the inner workings of almost everything he touched. From his toys as a boy, to household appliances as he got older, Calhoun took things apart and put them back together again.