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Departure of the Engineering Leads

Posted on Mon Mar 11th, 2024 @ 7:38pm by Colonel Josiah McEntyre & Lieutenant Commander Travis Paladin & Lieutenant Razeen el-Ben

1,040 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: First Deployment
Location: UES Unicorn; TBD
Tags: 2156, Character Development, Departure

(OOC: Add anything, change, or detract from this as you need. You can even put a bit where you see your own message, or not. You could also use this as a plot point for a future mission, for whatever classified project Travis and Ben are assigned to. I thank you for everything, Marshal!)


Subject: Recall Order - UES Unicorn Engineering Team

Starfleet Command
Earth, Sol System
Stardate: 2156.127

To: Lieutenant Commander Travis Paladin, Chief Engineer, UES Unicorn (NX-151)
Lieutenant Razeen el-Ben, Assistant Chief Engineer, UES Unicorn (NX-151)

CC: Colonel Josiah McEntyre, Commanding Officer, UES Unicorn (NX-151)

Lieutenant Commander Paladin and Lieutenant el-Ben,

I trust this message finds you well in the midst of your endeavors aboard the UES Unicorn. Your innovative contributions to Starfleet have not gone unnoticed, and it is with regret that we must interrupt your current mission for a matter of utmost importance. Your skillsets are unique and desperately needed back on Earth.

Recent developments in the Romulan War effort require the immediate attention of experienced engineers such as yourselves. Starfleet Command has recognized the critical need for your unique skills and expertise in advancing warp propulsion technology and energy systems to counter the evolving tactics employed by the Romulan Empire. This experience is needed for a classified project that specifically warrants your expertise.

Therefore, you are hereby ordered to return to Earth. Your mission aboard the UES Unicorn will be ended and other personnel shall be reassigned to replace your positions when available. Your efforts are needed in assisting a classified project that will advance the war effort and ensure Earth is secure. The UES Intrepid has been dispatched to the UES Unicorn to retrieve and return you to Earth.

Please make the necessary preparations for a departure as soon as possible. Colonel Josiah McEntyre will be briefed on the details of your mission in a separate message sent to coincide the arrival of this one.

Safe travels, and may the stars guide you home swiftly.

Admiral Guillermo Douglas
Chief of Starfleet Operations
Starfleet Command

Lieutenant Commander Travis Paladin stood alone in the bustling engineering bay of the UES Unicorn, bathed in the soft glow of consoles displaying warp field metrics and energy levels. As he finished reading the recall message via his console and its computer display, a sense of urgency and frustration crept over him. The Romulan War hung heavy in the air and Travis couldn't shake the feeling that their current mission against the Romulan forces was crucial.

"Ben!" Travis called out, raising his voice over the hum of the warp core manifold. Lieutenant el-Ben was immersed in a diagnostic routine, his focus intent on the task at hand. Slowly, he turned to face Travis as he heard his name, a quizzical expression on his face.

Travis gestured for Ben to join him, tapping the console screen. Once Ben was close, he lowered his voice as he shared the screen display. "We've been summoned back to Earth. Starfleet wants us in the middle of the Romulan War, and they're sending a transport vessel just for us. Do you believe that?"

Ben's brows furrowed, his calm exterior showing signs of concern. "In the middle of our mission? What about the strike we're planning? I agree, Chief, this doesn't make sense."

Travis sighed, running a hand through his hair. He thought a moment. Both Ben and he reviewed the recall order again. The credentials checked out. The Chief Engineer grumbled slightly.

"I know, Ben," Travis said, seething a sigh. "It's frustrating, but they believe our expertise is urgently needed elsewhere. Some kind of classified operation. The Romulan War is stretching Starfleet thin, I fear."

Ben stepped closer, eyes scanning the message. "We've made significant progress here. Leaving now feels like abandoning the mission," he added.

Both Ben and Travis shared a glance of agreement.

"I feel the same way," Travis said. "Message said the Colonel was informed. I hate to leave them hanging, especially in the middle of a strike operation. Who are these replacements they mentioned, anyway?"

Ben's gaze shifted from the PADD to Travis, a hint of frustration in his eyes.

"I wouldn't know," Ben said.

Around them the Engineering Staff continued their work. No one directly focused on them, but a few heads turned to briefly gauge their leadership. Ben turned to gaze at a few, giving his typical cocky smile. Once he focused back, Travis seemed all the more frustrated.

"It's out duty," the Chief Engineer finally said. "And we can't ignore that."

"Agreed, Travis," Ben said, expressing some manner of professionalism to the plight at hand. He set a hand on Travis' shoulder in an attempt to sooth emotions. "This is far from ideal, Chief, but we need to focus on the greater good. It's not what I want, what you want, what we both want. But they need our expertise, no doubt we're going as a team for reasons. I wouldn't mind working with you."

Travis calmed a bit, then nodded. He looked to Ben and gave a slight smile of acknowledgement.

Ben smiled back. "Let's ensure the engineering team is briefed and ready for the transition," he said. "Our contributions might make a difference in the war effort somewhere else, and we could very well help the Unicorn out here."

Travis acknowledged Ben's resolve with a nod. "You're right. We'll focus on the tasks at hand and get prepared for the transport vessel. The Unicorn will continue its mission without us, but we'll make sure they're well-prepared for whatever comes their way. Hopefully, whatever we're assigned to do next will also help their continued efforts. Shame we'll miss the action."

And with that, the two engineers returned to their respective tasks, the hum of the manifold and the glow of consoles resuming their dominant presence in the engineering bay. Duty compelled them to Earth, but for now, their focus remained on the mission at hand. Whatever classified project awaited them, however, it seemed the two would tackle together. That was a slim solace in the face of missing out on paying back the Romulans for their horrific acts.


Lt. Cmndr. Travis Paladin
Chief Engineer
UES Unicorn


Lt. Razeen el-Ben
Assistant Chief Engineer
UES Unicorn


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