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Human Doctors

Posted on Tue Mar 19th, 2024 @ 7:54pm by Sub-Commander T'shir & Lieutenant Jack Peters

1,204 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: First Deployment
Location: E-Deck
Timeline: A Saturday, 0700

Sub-Commander T'shir had started work on translating encoded Romulan translations early this morning, and had not consumed a morning meal yet. At 0700 hours she stopped to take a break and walked to the Officer's Mess. Arriving at the same time was Dr. Jack Peters. When she realized the two would cross paths at the entrance to the mess hall doors, T'shir turned on her heels, determining that breakfast could wait. The physicians on board had been persistent in their requests that she report for a physical. It was not a discussion she wished to have today.

Jack saw the sub-commander turn and walk away when she saw him. Duty required him to have her report for her physical. He had seen in her records that she was long overdo, so he went after her, walking fast. "Sub-Commander, a moment of your time please!."

T'shir stopped walking and sighed quietly before the doctor arrived to where she was now standing. She turned to face him, "Of course, Dr. Peters. How may I assist you?" She asked. Her expression was impossible to read - a practiced art among Vulcans.

"You are long overdo for your physical. I must insist that you come with me to sickbay, now." Peters told her, but, knowing Vulcans, she would try to put it off again.

"Overdue for a physical, by whose authority?" T'shir asked.

"Mine, as assistant chief medical officer." Peters watched her. "And if you refuse, I have the authority to relieve you of duty, sub commander."

"Perhaps you misunderstood my inquiry, Doctor. Regulations state that Starfleet officers shall undergo a physical examination annually, or when taking a position on a space faring vessel," T'shir said pointedly. "However, I am not a Starfleet Officer. My medical records from Vulcan are only four months old and took place immediately before I left for Earth to prepare for this assignment. The records should be in your file."

"And they are, I reviewed them, but, since you are not Starfleet, you will comply with my request, or I will recommend that you be put off the ship. can simply obey my request and allow me to give you the physical. Logically, isn't doing the physical the wisest course of action, sub commander?" Peters responded to her.

T'shir regarded the doctor with a look that some might regard as condescending. "Starfleet Medical teaches it's doctors so very little about Vulcan physiology. I wonder if that is why you are so eager to examine me. If you were on an Andorian vessel, would you not have reservations about letting an alien physician conduct a medical exam on you?"

"But I have studied Vulcan anatomy at Starfleet Medical, so I have some knowledge, subcommander. And as far as the Andorian's are concerned, we have traded medical knowledge with them so, yes, I would allow one of their doctors to examine me, but since there are few Andorian doctor's, I doubt that scenario would actually happen." Peters turned and held his hands outwards towards sickbay. "Shall we, subcommander?"

T'shir shot a glaring look at the physician as she reluctantly complied with the doctor's request.

"Your presence honors us." Peters walked alongside the sub-commander. It was a small victory, but a victory none the less.

T'shir said nothing, though her look grew more severe with each word that the doctor spoke as he escorted her to Sickbay.

He tried to engage her into some small talk. "So, sub-commander, how long have you been on the ship?"

"I was part of the initial crew compliment," T'shir responded dryly. She made no attempt to continue the conversation.

What seemed like forever, they finally reached sickbay. He opened the door and entered, waiting for her to enter. The bed was ready for her, the equipment he would need was ready, all that mattered now was for her to sit on the bed.

T'shir glared at the doctor as she took her seat on the bed. For a race that claimed to have no emotions, she seemed to be expressing her anger with expertise. In all reality it was a mask she was using to suppress her nervousness. She did not trust alien doctors, and did not like being examined by them.

"I am going to scan you with this medical scanner. It will not hurt." Peters started running the scanner. "Is there anything medical related that you wish to report to me now?"

"No," T'shir responded stiffly as she concentrated on taking controlled breaths. Of course a medical scanner would not hurt, but the internal physiology of Vulcans was quite different than humans, and did feel uncomfortably exposed have one use a scanner on her. "I have had no outstanding medical concerns.

"Sub-commander. Whatever is said here, stays here. I cannot divulge a patients condition to anyone, not even the captain, unless it threatened your life or the ship's survival." Peters continued with his scans. His nurse wasn't in the room. He finished his scans. "Everything appears alright, but I am going to have to place you in the imaging chamber to finish the examination."

T'shir rolled her eyes as she pushed herself off of the bed. "That seems excessive, does it not, Doctor?" she asked.

"It's not excessive. It's part of the annual physical. Please lay down and this will be over with in a few minutes."

"Are we not going to an imaging chamber, Doctor?" T'shir asked.

"No, you are going into the chamber." Peters pressed a button and the bed started rolling into the imagining chamber. "Just relax and breath normally.

T'shir fought hard to keep her anger suppressed as the physician unceremoniously forced the bed into an imaging chamber against her will. She was not ill, and had not left the ship to have been exposed to any pathogens making the procedure unnecessary. She did not speak, for she feared that if she did, she would not be able to contain the anger within.

In just under 2 minutes, the scan was complete, and the bed rolled out of the chamber. "That wasn't so bad, was it sub-commander?" Peters asked.

T'shir narrowed her eyes as she glared at the physician. "If that is how all Starfleet physicians practice medicine, I question the ethical practices of Starfleet Medical. I shall be filing a grievance," she stated through clenched teeth.

"That is your right, sub-commander, but I followed the rules according to Starfleet Medical. Everything I did was to ensure your wellbeing." From what he heard and read about Vulcans, the sub-commander seemed, well, almost human. So, her behavior was very unusual for a Vulcan. When he was alone, he planned on doing some further research. "I hope you have a good day, sub-commander."

"Indeed," T'shir responded coolly before turning on her heels and exiting the medical bay.

Peters was perplexed. He always heard that Vulcans never lost their emotions, and everything that the Vulcan High Command sent them confirmed that. So why did the sub-commander become so agitated with him? He needed to find out.
He sent messages to both Earth and Vulcan, asking for clarity. The reply from Earth was 'We have no knowledge' and the reply from silence. He had to know the reason.


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