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Dawn - Part Three

Posted on Thu Feb 29th, 2024 @ 6:57pm by Colonel Josiah McEntyre & Sub-Commander T'shir & Lieutenant Keelli Reex & Commander Saul Whitford & Lieutenant Jack Peters & Lieutenant JG Elspeth McArthur & Captain Johnathan Reece

1,233 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: First Deployment
Location: Unicorn - San Fransisco Shipyards
Timeline: Attack on Sol

The bridge doors opened again and the junior comms officer staggered through zipping up her uniform as she did so. She darted to T'shir's side and grabbed the spare comm headset, jamming it onto her messy red hair.

Jas looked over her shoulder again as the door opened, not the ship's XO. Turning back she squared up her shoulders to focus on the instruments before her. Thankfully the computer was starting to break through the Romulans jamming programs and they were starting to get data on ship classification, munitions signatures and even some course tracking.

'Hey Jas,' Whitford called out as he glanced over to the science station, 'can you feed through course tracking to Tactical? I think we're all getting real tired of them taking potshots at us. Concentrating on the Tactical feed, he fed in instructions and watched as cannon shots lanced across space, only to miss one of the Romulan vessels. Shaking his head he swore under his breath.

Her head whipped to the side, her gaze had started to shift to the turbolift again. "Course? Course projections... right, right on it!" She called back, flipping switches she brought the course projections to her main display. The ship only had so much computing power, now that basic ship classifications had come in, she could divert more of that power to track those targets. Identify those that are close... anything distant well she'd figure that out later.

Watching the telemetry on the closest targets begin to feed itself into his Tactical feed, Whitford allowed himself a small smile as he programmed a volley of shots as the Yorktown arced downward in front of a Romulan vessel. The powerful dorsal cannons flung their ordnance across space, taking down the Romulan vessel's defences and allowing a well-placed torpedo volley to cause the vessel to come apart.

Whitford gave a whoop and an arm pump as he saw the results of their teamwork. 'One down!' he cried.

"Target the next warbird! Hit 'em again, Mister Whitford!"

Whitford nodded his understanding, watching as Keelli took the ship in an upward parabolic arc. Using their ventral phase canons and a few strategic hits of the photonic torpedoes, he sighed in satisfaction as the second warbird began to disintegrate.

'Scratch bogey number two,' he said as he concentrated on finding other targets



Peters grabbed a load of surgical instruments and his scrub nurse sterilized them. He stood over his first patient, and visually examined them. A piece of shrapnel pierced his chest. Internal bleeding and their heart was damaged.

Peters started operating. With such a backlog of patients, all he could do was stabilize this patient and move to the next one.10 minutes later, Peters had his first patient stabilized, so he moved to the next one.
The second patient had a piece of conduct logged in his head. Scans showed minor traumatic injury to the brain, so the first thing was to remove the conduit, then make sure any damage to the brain would be corrected.

Coleman was working on some of the people that had some minor injures that required less work than the major surgeries that Dr. Peters were performing at the moment. Coleman worked with several instruments as he watched the flow of patients coming into sickbay slowly come to a trickle. Thankfully, since they were on a Yorktown Cruiser, the facilities onboard were better than even those of the NX-Class Starships. While still not as big as he would have hoped for, Coleman was glad on a day like today for the size.

Peters finished his last patient. That makes 12 in total. No deaths.
Peters sat on a stool, and lowered his head.

Coleman had finished up with a few patients and noticed that Peters had finished up with one of his last ones before taking a seat. Coleman got out of the blood stained scrubs that he had worn and put them into the pile to be cleaned...eventually. Coleman took a seat next to Peters and asked, "You doing alright?"

"I'm fine, doctor. I've haven't had to work like this before. Maybe we get a couple of injuries...falling boxes, maybe some radiation from a damaged warp core." He looked at Coleman. "I'll be fine, doctor. I'm sure this won't be the last time this happens."

"Just remember that this isn't normal and that we have to take care of each other, okay? Don't try to be a superman," Coleman replied, squeezing the doctor's shoulder for a brief moment before looking around the room for a moment himself.

Peters watches Coleman find a room and enter it. Peters takes a deep breath and goes to check on the patients.

Jack stood up and started doing rounds checking on the patients. He checked his surgery patients first. He started with the most critical, the one with the fragment lodged in his skull. There was some brain tissue damage. Peters did his best, but he felt this patient should be transferred to a Earthside hospital for further care. His other patients can be kept aboard. All they needed was follow-up care and they could recover in their quarters.

He then checked the patients Doctor Coleman operated on. He noted on the files, to continue the treatment that Coleman ordered.

Josiah saw the flow of battle, one, then two more warbirds went into flames. Torpedos and Phase cannon fire lashing out from the ships of the United Earth Starfleet.

The Romulans were putting up a good fight, but they were buckling down, now that there was organized resistance.

"Ms. T'shir, tell the fleet to press the attack, we've nearly got them on the run!"

"Sir, we are holding steady but if we take anymore hits, that won't be the case," she said. She hoped Engineering was in one piece. "I can take us out of orbit to drop the power," she said. It would take less power to run at the flanks than out front.

"SIR! The Romulans are breaking off!"

Josiah turns to the viewscreen, seeing the romulans move away from the fleet at high speed before making the jump into Warp. Several Starfleet ship followed them, jumping to warp as well to give chase while Columbia and Endeavor moved alongside the Unicorn.

"Well...It seems we've manage to scare them..."

One of the Comm Officers piped up before T'shir could get a word in.

"Sir, Starfleet advises that they've intercepted a distress call in the blind from a courier ship...Coridan has fallen, sir."

Josiah fell back into his chair. This was all a distraction. The Romulans wanted thier attention here so they could take the dilithium mining world of Coridan.

This was turning into a whole new kind of war.

"Crew stand down to Condition Two alert. Maintain defense stations until otherwise notified."

With that, Josiah got up, turned and walked down to his ready room to contact Command and confer with Starfleet and MACO.

The war was only just beginning.


Colonel Josiah McEntyre
Commanding Officer
Unicorn NX-151


Lieutenant Keelli Reex
Helm Officer/Shuttle Pilot
Unicorn NX-151


Sub Commander T’shir
Chief Communications Officer/Officer of the Watch
Unicorn NX-151


Master Sergeant Johnathan Reece
MACO Raider
Unicorn NX-151


Lieutenant Saul Whitford
Chief Armory Officer
Unicorn NX-151


Lieutenant Jack Peters
Medical Officer
Unicorn NX-151


Lieutenant JG Elspeth McArthur
Communications Officer
Unicorn NX-151


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