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Poker Night

Posted on Mon Feb 5th, 2024 @ 9:35am by Lieutenant Commander Travis Paladin & Lieutenant Razeen el-Ben

854 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: First Deployment
Location: UES Unicorn; Main Engineering
Timeline: MD 2 - 2339 Hrs
Tags: 2156, Character Development


The hum of the ship's manifold engine provided a steady background noise as Travis Paladin shuffled the deck of cards in his hands. The dim lighting in corner room of Main Engineering provided ample illumination for a lounge-like area. Ben and Travis had set up a few chairs and even a poker table, which the two were trying out now. The two had expressed an interest in the game of chance so, naturally, they found a way to test their mettle. The small side-room provided an atmosphere of camaraderie between the two, the dim lighting casting shadows on the walls as he prepared for a friendly poker match with his Assistant Chief Engineer, Razeen el-Ben.

"Ready for a bit of friendly competition, Ben?" Travis asked, a half-smile playing on his lips. "You said you were into this, so why not dive right in?

Ben chuckled, settling into the chair across from Travis. "Always, sir. But remember, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. I already told you how good I was."

Travis raised an eyebrow, his reserved demeanor giving way to a hint of amusement. "Oh, is that so? We'll see about that."

The two officers exchanged a glance before Travis dealt the first hand. As the cards hit the table, the banter began.

"So, how's that new engine modification coming along, Ben?" Travis inquired, his eyes narrowing in mock suspicion.

Ben grinned, his friendly demeanor shining through. "Ah, it's a masterpiece, Commander. We'll be breaking warp speed records in no time. Then again, weren't you supposed to be the prodigy here?"

Travis chuckled, appreciating Ben's enthusiasm and raising an eyebrow at his friendly jest. "Prodigy? That's a new one. Then again, you did finish those modifications on the fuel relay system. So color me impressed either way."

As the game progressed, the conversation flowed effortlessly between the two friends. They discussed ship matters, shared anecdotes from their respective pasts, and occasionally threw playful jabs at each other - the playful jabs more common than casual conversation. The room echoed with the sound of shuffling cards and laughter, creating a momentary escape from the rigors of their duties on the UES Unicorn and their jobs in Main Engineering.

Midway through the game, Travis raised an eyebrow, studying Ben's expression. He was typically joyful, full of expression. Through the card game he had shown remarkable restraint.

"You've been holding back on me, haven't you?" accused Travis playfully. "Those poker faces don't just come naturally."

Ben winked, his grin widening. "Years of experience, my friend. It's all part of the game."

Travis leaned back, sipping his drink. Sometime between the start of their match and the mid-way they both got drinks and something to nibble on. "Well, I'll have to keep an eye on you, then. No more easy victories."

The banter continued, each hand revealing a new layer of their friendship. Despite the age gap, Travis and Ben shared a mutual respect for each other's skills and a deep camaraderie forged through countless hours working side by side in the engine room of the Unicorn. Each shared a complexity in starship engineering and a deep appreciation of its inner workings. Both brought to the table a unique perspective and approach vital to the progress of the new ship. It was through this unique offering that both Travis and Ben began to grow an earnest, professional appreciation for one another.

Eventually the night waned and the game had to come to a conclusion. As the final hand played out, Travis laid down a winning combination. He smirked, triumphantly raking in the chips. "Looks like I've still got it, Ben."

Ben chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "Beginner's luck, my friend. Just you wait for the rematch.... We do plan on having a rematch, right?"

Travis raised an eyebrow, a challenge in his eyes as he nodded. "You darn right we're going to have a rematch! That was the best damn game of poker I've played in a while. But for now, I'll enjoy this victory, my victory, until that time."

Ben chuckled, nodding. "You deserve it sir. Hopefully you'll be as accommodating as I am when I win the next game."

"When?" Travis said, amused, raising an eyebrow.

The poker chips clinked as Travis gathered his winnings as Ben shook his head in laughter. The room had filled with a sense of camaraderie that transcended rank and duty. Something had been formed tonight that could not easily otherwise be created. In the quiet of the Engineering break-room, Lieutenant Commander Travis Paladin and Lieutenant Razeen el-Ben found a moment of respite, a brief escape from the vastness of space and the responsibilities that awaited them on the UES Unicorn to solidify their trust and duty in one another. As the two finished their game - and some short jabs and banter - they both cleaned up and returned to work. Renewed thereafter the both of them with a sense of friendship, trust, and appreciation for the other.


Lt. Cmndr. Travis Paladin
Chief Engineer
UES Unicorn


Lt. Razeen "Ben" el-Ben
Assistant Chief Engineer
UES Unicorn


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