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What a day already

Posted on Sat Feb 3rd, 2024 @ 5:32pm by Lieutenant Commander Alexander Coleman

538 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: First Deployment
Location: Sickbay Complex
Timeline: MD1, 0230


Dr. Coleman was finally able to sit down and get at least some of the physicals cataloged....or at least, started on. While he had run the scans and done the brunt of the hard work on most of the staff that had come onboard already, Coleman knew that he would have to catalog them according to who they were, what department that they were apart of, and what he managed to figure out about each individual.

From what Coleman was able to see within each person, most of the crew only needed routine checkups or they needed more than just a regular workup. Coleman was glad to do whatever he needed for each crew member, but he realized soon that this was going to be more than just simple little conflict between two powers in space. That's what worried Coleman more than anything.

Coleman grew up in a family of healers. Him and his parents both took the hippocratic oath, to do no harm to nobody, including an enemy. But, what the Romulans were doing made even the Klingons look sedate sometimes too. From what he had heard, the Romoulans were trying to bring back nuclear warfare that Earth hadn't seen since World War III, before Zefram Cochrane made his infamous warp flight that got the attention of the Vulcans.

While warfare was never civilized, what the Romulans were doing to Earth and their allies should have put anyone to shame.

But, that wasn't something for Coleman to debate at the moment. He knew that he had reports to get done and sleep to eventually to catch up on. Coleman looked over at the monitor in front of him with the various open crew files in front of him. He looked over each and every one of them carefully, to make sure that everything Coleman had seen or done was reported with thorough detail.

Coleman wiped away at his eyes, trying to get rid of the tired feelings that were creeping up on him. Coleman had been on the ship for quite some time, but he still was trying to get over some form of space jet leg that he couldn't seem to quite get over. Walking over to a pot that was sitting in the corner, Coleman poured himself a cup of black coffee that he had the chef bring down for him with creamer, sugar, and several other additives. Coleman poured himself a cup and saw the steam coming pouring out of his cup, which made him smile for a brief moment.

Coleman knew that a steaming pot of coffee was his friend sometimes, even though he knew that it wasn't always the best for him. Within that moment though, Coleman didn't care if it was the worst drug in the world. As long as it woke up him long enough to get these reports done. Well....actually, he did care. But, the sleep was beckoning him back to his quarters and his bed, which Coleman knew he couldn't do at that moment. So, he added the creamer to the coffee and took a seat at his desk, hopefully to get those dang reports done.


Dr. Alexander Coleman
Chief Medical Officer
Unicorn, NX-151


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