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Medical check-in

Posted on Wed Feb 7th, 2024 @ 7:43am by Captain Johnathan Reece & Lieutenant Commander Alexander Coleman

1,246 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: First Deployment
Location: SS Unicorn, Sickbay
Timeline: MD 0, 0930 hours

After coming aboard, Johnathan was told that the MACO CO, who was also the ship's CO, was in a mission briefing, he decided to go get his incoming physical done first. After storing his gear away, he put on his Stetson and made his way to Sickbay.

Upon entering, he called out, his thick Texas accent clearly heard. "Howdy, Doc? You in here?"

Coleman heard the doors to sickbay open up and close, while hearing someone yell out in a rather thick Texan accent. Coleman got up from his desk and rounded the space into the main part of sickbay to see what appeared to be another MACO. He walked up to the MACO and asked, "Is there anything that I can help you out with?"

Seeing the CMO approach, Johnathan dipped his hat respectfully. "Howdy, Doc. I'm Master Sergeant Johnathan Anderson Reece, newest member of the MACOs here on Unicorn. I'm here to have my initial medical check up."

"Oh, welcome onboard Sergeant. If you don't mind hoping up onto the table and taking your overcoat off for me while I gather up my equipment, that would be amazing!" Coleman replied as he headed back into his office and gathered some supplies.

As he did as requested, Johnathan replied. "With respect, Doc, I'm a Master Sergeant, not a Sergeant. Also, as I'm the highest ranked enlisted on this boat, that allows me to have the title of Top. So, I would appreciate, when we are being formal, you use either my rank, Top, or my last name, Sir." His tone, as he spoke, was completely respectful to Coleman's senior rank and position.

As Coleman was working on finding the right equipment to begin working on Reece, he heard Reece talk about the rank structure and his in particular. Coleman came back into the main part of Sickbay and laid some of the medical scanners on the table as Reece finished up talking and he looked Reece in the eyes and replied with a slight bow of the head, "I do apologize about that, Mr. Reece. That's something I actually didn't know about, so thank you for actually giving me a bit of a lesson that. Would me calling you Mr. Reece be alright with you?"

John nodded respectfully as he replied. "That would be fine, Sir."

After Reece was done talking, Coleman smiled and replied, "Awesome. Again, sorry for the confusion, as I'm not used to the rank structure of the MACOs quite yet. I haven't had much pleasure of working with you guys yet." Coleman went back into his office for a few moments to gather the last of his supplies and once he was back into the main part of Sickbay, Coleman asked Reece, "I happened to notice a bit of an accent as well when you speak. Mind if I ask where you're from around the world?"

"Born and raised in Lubbock, Texas, Doc," he replied with a swell of pride. "How about yourself?

"Born and raised in Virginia, where I got my medical degree before heading off to San Francisco to study at Starfleet Academy and Medical School there. Wanted to make sure that I had the best, most rounded education," Coleman replied with a smile on his face as he thought about his hometown and where he grew up. Coleman leaned over and grabbed one of the first instruments and began scanning the younger man as he realized that Reece wasn't lying when he said that he had been beaten and bruised over his lifetime.

Coleman chuckled as he said, "You weren't kidding when you said you've been beaten, battered and bruised."

Johnathan nodded quietly. "Most of the injuries are from the damn Romulans." His tone turned dark. "They ambushed the last ship I was on and hunted us on some unnamed moon. By the time help arrived, there were barely a dozen of us left, from a compliment of eighty-seven. I was the senior-ranking survivor, which is why I as moved up in rank so fast. Was given a battlefield promotion by my CO, before she died from her injuries, caused by a disruptor blast to her midsection."

"That sounds absolutely awful! I'm sorry that you've gone through that and I'm glad that you're still around to be able to have this chat today. Which ship were you on? Was it another MACO ship or was it just a regular Starfleet vessel with a MACO detachment?" Coleman asked, curious as to which ship Reece was on and ambushed like that.

"We were a platoon on a Fleet ship, the Farragut. And there aren't many of us that survived, Doc." Johnathan definitely seemed haunted by the past.

As Coleman continued his scans and looked around reece to make sure that he was completely healed physically from all of the stuff he had been through, he listened to him as well and made mental notes to offer up. After hearing that he was onboard the Farragut, Coleman quickly realized the horrors that Reece must've seen. Coleman said, "Well, if you need anything at all, physically or mentally, just let me know. I know war can be crazy, but it shouldn't take a toll on the physical or mental well-being of anyone, MACOs included."

Johnathan nodded as he listened to what Coleman was saying to him. "Thanks, Doc. I appreciate what you're saying, truly. If I do start having any issues, you have my word that I'll do my best to come see you asap."

"Please make sure that you do because if I have to come dragging you up here to make you come and see me, you'll be begging for your momma," Coleman said with a shy little wink before giving the MACO a small smile. He finished up the last of his scans and said, "Well, the good news is that for everything that you've got going on in your life, you're healthier than a horse. Was there anything in particular hurting you or that you wanted me to fix up for you today as a part of your physical?"

Johnathan started to nod, then froze, his features turning darker. When Colman finished speaking, Johnathan finally responded. "While I'm glad you approve of how ranch life has made me healthy, a word of caution, Doc. Before you try making a joke, you should read up on your patient's personnel files. My mother is dead. She took her life two days after my baby brother was thrown from his horse and died. She couldn't stand the pain of losing one of her babies." He stood and pulled his uniform jacket back on. "Now, if you don't mind, if I am cleared for duty...?"

Coleman looked a bit mortified as he replied, "I'm so sorry about that. I'll make sure to make a mental note of that from now on out. But, yes. You're cleared, Mr Reece and I'll put everything into your chart. Like I said, if you need anything, let me know."

Johnathan simply nodded, then turned and left, before his raw feelings caused him to say something unprofessional.

Coleman watched as the young man exited Sickbay and he went back into his office, letting out a small sigh. "Remind me again to never piss off a MACO," he replied to himself before putting everything into his chart.


Dr. Alexander Coleman
Chief Medical Officer
Unicorn, NX-151

Master Sergeant Johnathan Reece
MACO Raider/Chief of the Boat
Unicorn NX-151


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