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A Call from Dad, a Somber Day

Posted on Mon Feb 12th, 2024 @ 11:04pm by Colonel Josiah McEntyre & Charles McEntyre
Edited on on Thu Feb 29th, 2024 @ 7:19pm

1,183 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Tales of the War
Location: Unicorn - Captain’s Quarters
Timeline: MD -7

CONTENT WARNING: Post contains mentions of homophobia and language of a sensitive nature. Viewer Discretion Advised.


His head in his hands, Colonel Josiah McEntyre was already tired. He’d been on the Unicorn for the last week as the final systems were installed and crew selections being formalized. He’d spent the last few hours picking senior staff, the last one being the XO, a wonderful man named Dr. Gunnar Magnusson from the Jupiter Station R&D labs. He’d developed the shields that were in the process of being installed which would make Unicorn one of the toughest ships in the burgeoning United Earth Starfleet and the Military Assault Command Operations corps.

He was about to shut down his computer and try to sleep, before a piercing buzzing of the inter-ship comms pierced the room.

“Communications, Commanding Officer”

The voice of the duty comm officer called out. Josiah reached over to the intercom, pressing a button that chirped on its own.

“Commanding Officer, Aye?”

“Communication request for you sir. Civilian line, origins in Dallas.”

Josiah suppressed the urge to growl but remained calm.

“Pipe it down”

“Aye Sir,”

The link closes as Josiah types his access code and the screen flashes on. His father on the screen, the elder Charles McEntyre, glaring at him. He’d been one of the last United States Marines before the formation of the United Earth and the integration of Earth’s military forces into the MACO.

“Hello, Son” Charles greeted his son.

“Hello Father.”

The two men stared at one another.

“I’m a bit busy at the moment, if this can wait.”

“Your mother got a letter…about him.” Charles snarled as he told Josiah, pure venom in his voice.

Josiah stopped for a moment. His father wouldn’t say the name of his brother, Eli, Josiah’s youngest brother, but Josiah knew who his father was referring to when he said ‘him’. Of course, Josiah hadn’t told his father that Josiah and his brother John had seen Eli not six months ago when the Atlantis NX-05 was about to depart from Earth.

Eli had been disowned by their father, the crime of his being openly gay. Josiah was too, but then again, Josiah knew how to keep his sexuality hidden from the obvious bigot that was his father. Eli hadn’t been lucky. He’d been caught with the Pearson boy, their neighbors in Dallas and that sent Charles into a rage, ending with Eli being thrown out to survive on his own.

Josiah never really forgave himself for that, being away on assignment.

“What did it say?

Charles scoffed. A brief second. Then glared at his son over the viewscreen. When he spoke, his words were bitter and cold. “The Military Assault Command Operations corp solemnly informs you that your son, Sergeant Eli McEntyre, was declared Killed in Action aboard United Earth Starship Atlantis NX-05.”

Josiah’s heart sank into his stomach. He hadn’t known, well, he did know that Atlantis hadn’t been seen but they were still looking. This letter, though, told him that Starfleet had abandoned the search and declared the crew as KIA. An entire NX class ship, 100 souls, gone from the universe.

“How is Mom taking it?”

“Your mother is taking it as any mother would. She wants to see you, but understands why that's not possible. Expect a call soon. I'm doing this for her." Charles said dryly. Truth was his mother was a wreck and hadn't been able to put much of a sentence together without crying since they received the news. She had insisted that Josiah needed to know. So here Charles was, talking about him.

"Can you at least say his name?"

Josiah chastised his father, as much as it would do. His father was set in his way, and did not tolerate what he perceived as "weakness". Such bigotry should had died decades ago with World War 3, but like a cockroach, some survived even to this day.

"He was a disgrace to this family, Josiah. Living like he did." Charles spit the words out of his mouth. He hated acknowledging Eli and who he was. Thinking about what he did. "It's not right to live like that. And then to rub it in our faces. I'm not happy to deliver the news, but he was no son of mine."

The truth was, it was difficult for Charles to separate the child Eli was, the one that Charles had once proudly showed off to his friends and parents compared to the he had become. Even thinking the word brought a visceral reaction to the man's gut. But he had grieved for that boy a long time ago. Before he started sharing his bed with men .

“For God’s sakes, Dad, the least you could do now is show some respect for him! He did well for himself, made Sergeant, qualified for the Airborne. He did right by the family, even if you think him being gay was the greatest affront to the family!”

Josiah stopped and sunk back down into his chair.

"SAY HIS NAME!" Charles shouted into the comm. "Josiah, after what HE did. NO, NO I WON'T. He was a disgrace to this family and the name we gave him.

“You haven’t heard from John have you, before he was shipped out?”

"Before he shipped out he stopped by," Charles said puffing up with pride. "John looked good. Your mom sent her snickerdoodles off with him. The last message we received there was a lot of interference over the comm, but he said everything was okay. Seems those goddamn Romulans are screwing around with everything, not even letting our boys call home properly."

"I guess keep that in mind before you get too close to enemy lines. They're jamming everything. Send your mother a message before it's too late, you know," Charles reminded Josiah.

“I’d planned on calling her before we actually weigh anchor. Though we’ll probably have the same comm issues as well once we out into deep space.”

Josiah reminded him, looking at him with sternness.

"You think you can take up attitude with me, just because you have your own ship now, Josiah. You're still my boy, and you will treat me with respect."

Josiah glares. He wasn't about to be intimidated by someone who never made it through the ranks. The Last Marine, Charles McEntyre, never made it past corporal before the Earth united in common cause.

"I will remind you, Sir, that I do outrank you."

"Rank has nothing to do with family, and you would do well to remember that and respect your elders. I think we're done here. Call your mother," Charles said coolly.

"I will. Goodbye..Father"

Josiah said just as coolly as he closes the commlink without another word and slumps back into his chair as he lets out a breath of frustration.


Colonel Josiah McEntyre
Commanding Officer
Unicorn NX-151


Charles McEntyre
United Earth


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