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Posted on Sat Feb 17th, 2024 @ 9:20pm by Lieutenant JG Elspeth McArthur

509 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: First Deployment
Location: Elspeth's Cabin
Timeline: Current

The lights were dim in her cabin. Elf sat with her back against the wall of her bunk as she tapped away on the small PADD in her lap, writing a letter to a friend in London.

Dear Elanor,

It seems funny writing this with little to no hope that it will ever be anything other than a random message in your inbox. But if you remember a few years ago, I said I had a few manuscripts for you to review? Well, I have attached my compilation of short stories for you to review. I know you said it was unlikely that your company would accept short stories, but these are all aimed towards the junior reader.

In short, they are about a young human child who is on freighter with their family visiting all the different worlds, it’s a numerous adventures series. I even made sure there was a sympathetic villain for the love hate part of it.

I was once a child who dreamed of the stars above and hope that these stories will inspire other children to want to travel to the stars. Maybe it will help with recruitment in the future.

I have spent some time editing it, between shifts, and believe that my gramma is correct and spelling, always my worst is correct, but that said it will probably need your polishing up, which I know you are good at. Maybe my mother sent on my other manuscripts? I do not know if she even found them but if we ever get back to earth, I will make sure that you get them, just in case.

The Unicorn is a great assignment to be sure. Seeing alien worlds from space, will be an interesting thing. The closer we get to launch the more I think I will miss my current view of Earth from Orbit. Maybe. I have always enjoyed looking at the planet from the shuttles but it is very different on a warp capable starship.

Oh before I forget, no I do not have a boyfriend at this time, and no I am not sleeping with anyone, so if you hear from my mother you have the answers to those questions. Thanks though for being one of the few who maintains contact with her. She does not reach out to me anymore.

Anyway, I need to go, message space is a premium and I will write more soon.


Elspeth McArthur

Elspeth looked at the message, added the manuscripts to the message and hit send. Sitting back in her seat she studied the message and the attachment before closing down her terminal. Sighing she stood and headed to her closet and grabbed her uniform. She had to go on duty. Dressing carefully she made sure her uniform was perfect and laced up her shoes. Elf made sure her room was squared away, glad she didn’t share the room with anyone. She already felt a bit claustrophobic always cooped up. Exiting her cabin, she headed for her duty station.



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