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Medical Officers Report

Posted on Sun Feb 18th, 2024 @ 12:25pm by Lieutenant Jack Peters

192 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: First Deployment
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Launch Day

"Medical officers report." Peters gathered his thoughts and continued. "Lieutenant Jack Peters, assistant chief medical officer. The attack by the Romulans resulted in multiple injuries, with no deaths reported."

"I was in my quarters when the attack occurred. I quickly ran to sickbay, met Dr. Coleman and he told me to start checking the wounded. My assignment was to take the more seriously injured that required surgery."

"Injuries ranged from concussions to brain injuries. I operated on 12 patients, and no one died."

"When I finished surgeries, I started making rounds to check on all the patients. Sickbay was overwhelmed with wounded, the ship not being equipped to handle mass causalities. Note to the ship designers, build bigger ships to allow the wounded to be treated and for rehabilitation of the wounded."

"The more seriously injured patients have been transferred to a hospital ship for transfer to Earth where they can be treated more efficiently. The others have been released from sickbay and allowed to recoup in their quarters, with visits from Dr. Coleman and myself."

"All in all, it was an interesting first day of my career."

"Submitted by Dr. Jack Peters."


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