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Sweating it Out...

Posted on Sun Feb 18th, 2024 @ 1:47pm by Lieutenant Keelli Reex & Captain Johnathan Reece

2,861 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: First Deployment
Location: SS Unicorn, Gym-officer's quarters
Timeline: MD-04

Johnathan was still getting used to the size of the Unicorn..the Farragut had only four decks, so this ship seemed enormous in comparison. As he had woken up with a slight headache and hangover, from the now half empty, bottle of Jack that he had been drinking the night before when his ghosts were haunting him, he was looking for the gym. He found that few things cleared his head more than pumping some iron.

When he finally found the gym, he entered, seeing that an attractive blonde Trill was already inside, using one of the treadmills. "Howdy, he said, tipping his Stetson politely towards her as he moved over to the weight machine. After removing his hat, hanging it on a nearby machine, he set the weight limit and sat down. He did a few stretches, then grabbed the bar. Taking a breath, he started the pull the Bae down, lifting 150 pounds as if it were nothing.

Keelli had just begun her run. She preferred to do it in laps around the ship, remembering the scenery of Trill, but they were all claimed that day. Damn it. Still, the feckless blonde pilot was a runner-she ran her mouth, and ran from her problems. But she loved the feelings of exercise. It made her feel alive. The pain and cramps were worth it.

Plus, she obsessed over her figure, and running helped her maintain that. She wasn't the smartest person around, she knew, and her looks was all she had these days.

"Hello," she said, in a strained voice-the treadmill was set to its highest, and talking was a chore. He was CUTE. She looked at him as he hit the weight bench. And strong, too...

After a few sets, Johnathan felt warmed up. He reset the weight to 250 pounds, then started the process over. Starting with his shoulders, upper chest and back, he did three sets of ten, pulling the bar down in front of his head, then three sets of ten behind his head.

Putting the weight back down, he then switched the bar to a lower cable, pulling the bar towards his chest in a rowing fashion. Sweat was pouring from his pores, already soaking the tank top that he was wearing, which did little to hide his powerful physique. Nor did it hide his tattoos or the scars he carried from his recent combat with the Romulans.

Keelli's red colored sports bra was starting to soak with sweat, as well. The Fleet issued gym outfit wasn't the most attractive but it didn't matter. She was here to work out. She was now running at full speed, and nearly losing her breath. After about four minutes, the dopamine and endorphins kicked in, and she let out a small sigh. That was it!! She watched the men weight lifting. The view was...nice, she had to admit. She'd need to stop to rehydrate here in a moment, and plus-she'd been at it for a good half hour already. Her cool down was usually a quick dip in the pool, but sometimes she walked around the gym.

Johnathan noticed the attractive blonde had been watching him as he worked his muscles. He had to admit, he was impressed by her apparent stamina, as she hadn't slowed her pace any while he was in the gym. His eyes moved over her lithe body and he had a few dirty thoughts of testing her endurance in other ways. However, as he was a gentleman, he kept those thoughts deep in his mind and his face remained neutrally polite.

She ran a bit longer, making it a full forty-five minutes. She usually opted for a full hour but she was tired from her shift and needed some kind of distraction, so she slowed her pace down carefully, finishing with a few steps in place. She picked up a water bottle, took a long swig, and made her way to the weight area. Time for that distraction.

She approached Reece carefully. "Hey, you look a little...sweaty. Need some water?" She held out the bottle to him. "I am about to cool down in the pool," she said, simply turning and heading for the lockers. It was an invitation, if these Marines weren't too dumb to get the hint. She'd find out.

After lowering the weights, Johnathan stood and, after locking eyes with the attractive woman, he could feel a mutual attraction firming, reached out and took the offered bottle. Keeping his eyes locked on hers he took a long swig then replied. "A dip in the pool sounds perfect," his thick Texas accent filling every word. He then followed her to the locker room.

"Come along, then," she said, her voice lowered, husky. "Maybe we can share a locker," she said, raising an eyebrow.

Johnathan didn't need any further encouragement. Perhaps, if he played his cards right, he'd be having a much more his near future. Of course, he would be a gentleman through it all. His mother had raised him right, afterall.

She made her way to the locker room, and was quickly redressed in her fleet-issued swimsuit. It was a black one piece with red straps, to indicate that she was a redshirt, and otherwise it fit her fine. She quickly put her hair down, and got ready to swim. Or whatever.

Moving to the locker room replicator, Johnathan ordered a pair of Marine trunks. He quickly changed, he bare rear visible to the woman via an unknowingly strategically placed mirror.

Once dressed in just the trunks, he moved over to where the woman was. "By the way, my name is Johnathan. And you are." His eyes locked onto hers and he gave her a very natural, and handsome, roguish lop-sided grin.

"I'm Keelli Reex, chief Helmsman and occasionally a pilot. Nice to meet you, Johnathon," she said. "What do you do here on the ship?" She asked. She began her cool down routine, stretching, using the boauncy of the water to stretch her tired muscles out.

Hearing Keelli say what her position was, made Johnathan straighten up a bit, as he realized that he was speaking to an officer. "Pleasure to meet you, Ma'am," if he had his Stetson on, he would have removed it in greeting. As it was, he dipped his head respectfully. "Master Sergeant Reece. I'm the Top Kick for the MACOs aboard, and as there isn't a senior Chief aboard, I'm also filling the billet of Chief of the Boat." The cool water felt good on his overheated muscles.

Keelli smiled. "Don't ma'am me," she said. "I don't care about the rules when I am off duty," she said. "What are you doing after this, Master Sargent Reece?" She asked. "Chief of the Boat, huh? Fannnncccy," she said. "What does that MEAN, exactly?" She asked.

Seeing Keelli's bright smile brought out another from Johnathan. "Alright,' he drawled in response to her Ma'am comment. "Well then, I guess that depends on you," he replied to her second question smoothly. Then he replied to the third. "As I am the senior Enlisted on the boat, I am responsible for ensuring those below me receive the training they require. I am also responsible for their punishments, should that become necessary. I act as their liason to the CO in all Enlisted matters."

Keelli nodded, the thoughts of her cool-down workout forgotten. "I see," she said. "What about officers who do naughty things?" She asked. "Maybe we could cut this cold-down short and have a drink...or something."

A hungry look started to fill Johnathan's eyes as he looked into Keelli's beautiful face. "Well," he started to reply, his voice heavy with growing interest and desire. He then leaned in and whispered into her right ear, his warm breath playing over her neck and spots. "For those naughty little officers, I usually put them over my knee and spank them."

Kellii giggled. "Ooh, maybe we'll have to investigate that punishment," she said. "Let me finish my swim. Race me to the end? Four laps, winner buys drinks," she said.

He grinned at this. "Sure thing, Darlin'." He then moved to the side of the pool and got ready. "Ready...set...."

She didn't wait of the go-she pushed off from the wall, and in a perfect Butterfly stroke, made her way across the pool with a strength and grace that belied her smaller size. She was surprisingly strong, and had good stamina. She touched the opposite wall. "One lap!"

Johnathan laughed as he watched her cheat in her start. Despite his size, he was able to catch up to her quickly. "Go ahead and try that again."

She shrugged, but laughed as he caught her. She pushed off again, swimming towards the other side.

As she took off again, Johnathan snapped his right hand out and locked onto her right ankle. Pulling her back easily, he scooped her up into his strong arms. "You do know, cheaters never win." He then turned and tossed her into the pool behind him. As soon as he let go, he took off, reaching the far end first this time.

"HEY!" She yelled, swimming after him, quickly. "What was that about cheaters?" She said, as she stopped. "Well. Tiebreaker? Maybe we can sweat it out some more...somewhere more private?" She said.

He gave her a hungry, handsome, lop-sided grin. "Oh, I could definitely go for some cardio, Darlin'." He then climbed out of the pool, turned back and offered his hands to Keelli.

She took his hand to climb out of the water. "Alright, well. I'll meet you in a few minutes, then, let me dry off," she said, heading for the lockers. She dressed quickly after rinsing off. She replicated a cute dress and shoes, quickly, and put her blonde hair up. Her spots were starting to darken-the chlorine sometimes faded them slightly. She took a quick look at herself, then smiled. She put on a tiny bit of makeup from her gym bag, and then hurried out.

Johnathan jumped in the sonic showerand cleaned the chlorine from his skin and hair. Afterwards, as he didn't have any clothes with him, he ordered up an outfit. He replicated a pair of black leather cowboy boots, a pair of blue denim jeans, a black leather belt, complete with a replica of one of his rodeo championship buckles. Next, he replicated a black tank top, that hugged his torso like a second skin. Over that, he put on a white, long-sleeved, Oxford button-up shirt.

Once he was dressed, he replicated some cologne, applying some on his neck and chest, the sandalwood scent mixing with his own perfectly. Finally, he donned his black Stetson. He paused to look at his reflection in the mirror, then nodded to himself. He then left the lockerroom, and joined Keelli.

"Wow!" He exclaimed softly as he took in her appearance. "You look fantastic, Darlin'."

She smiled. "So do you. So...where should we go?" She asked. "Lounge? Arboretum? Mine?" She asked.

He shrugged and grinned, "Why not all three? You could show Kyle the ship, so I would know how to protect her, and you." There was a look of growing desire in his eyes as he spoke.

“Alright. Let’s start in the Arboretum,” she said, stepping forward to the Turbolift. She led him to the Promenade deck. The Arboretum was there, along with the Lounge. “Do you like plants?”

As they walked, the big Texan shrugged slightly. "I know how to grow 'em, though, I never thought about whether I liked 'em or not." He turned his gaze to Keelli. "What about you, Darlin'?"

Keelli smiled. "It's not really my thing. I mean, flowers are pretty, but I definitely prefer....other things," she said. "I am not really into gardening. If I need to get my head on straight, I fly. Or run. Or sweat in some kind of fashion. It's how I think," she said. Not that she did a LOT of thinking, but it sounded good.

Johnathan nodded as he listened. "When I need to clear my head, I'll either go run a rodeo simulation, or go climbing. I even like to go Orbital skydiving too."

"Oh, cool," she said. "I've actually never tried it," she said. "But I would like to," she said. "I like danger," she laughed. She stopped in front of some Bajoran lilies. "These are pretty," she said.

Her exuberant attitude brought a smile to Johnathan's face. Stepping closer to her, he put his left hand on the small of her back as they examined the lilies. "Almost as pretty as you are," he remarked softly.

Keelli smiled. "Thanks," she said. "Maybe we should move along. That drink is starting to sound good," she said. "And I should probably eat a bit; don't want to end up in medical or something," she said.

He grinned in agreement. "Your place or mine?" There was a look of desire and wanting in his eyes as he spoke. While his tone was respectful, it was clear that he was interested in her.

"MIne," she said. Officer's quarters were way better-this she knew. She looked around a moment. No one would see them-not that she cared, but she really didn't need to be hassled by Command for the things she did on her offtime. Besides, he wasn't directly in her command, so she didn't care. She pulled him along quickly, to a Turbolift, and firmly pushed him against the wall, and kissed him before she pulled away and smiled. "More of that later. Computer, deck ten, section three."

Johnathan enjoyed the sweetness of Keelli's lips as she kissed him. Both it's passion, and her power to move him as she wanted, cranked his fire up to high. As soon as the turbolift doors closed, he pulled her back to him, dipped her down on his left, and returned her kiss with one of his own. The passion and heat of it promised much more in the future.

A few beats later, he pulled her back onto her feet, and gave her a hungry smirk. "Definitely more of that, Darlin'."

She giggled a bit as he dipped her down to kiss her again. Finally, though, they had arrived at the correct location. Her quarters were just three doors down from the Turbolift-a fortunate thing right now. She hurried there and opened the door. As soon as it shut, she pulled off her top. "Let's go..." she hoped she wasn't too forward, but she was worked up, ready, and was the type to simply go for what she wanted. And what she wanted right now was HIM.

Johnathan wasted no time, practically ripping his shirt and tank top off. Picking her up easily in his arms, he carried her to her bed. Once they reached the foot of it, he practically tossed her down upon it. Removing his Stetson, he tossed it top her, then he removed his boots, before lowering his bulk down onto the bed atop of her. As he wanted his hands in the pillows, on either side of her head, he leaned down and his mouth found hers once more. This time, his tongue slid into her mouth and against her tongue.

It started a bit rough, and she ate it up. He was big and muscular and a good match for her own passion. A bit later, she was being kissed and then she moved her body under his more, and pulled him close. Her hands moved to his waist, and then a bit lower, and she smiled cheekily. It was quiet, but she didnt' mind. "Ready?" She asked, quietly but hungrily.

***Several Hours Later***

The pair lay there, limbs intertwined, sweat-soaked sheets wrapped around them, as they slowly came down from the ecstacy they had given each other. Johnathan was on his back, with Keelli curled up against his left side, her head on his chest, over his heart. His right hand held her left hand, while his left hand traced gentle lines up and down her bare back. "Penny for your thoughts?" He asked as the sweat on his skin slowly evaporated.

She panted a little as she came down from her high. She was cuddled deeply against Johnathon, her mind aswirl. "I have many...mostly what kind of trouble I'll get in if anyone finds out," she said. "But really...I don't have many thoughts. Maybe a nap. Then dinner?" She asked. She let herself drift off to sleep. Between her actual workout and her fun one, she was spent. Dinner would be nice, but she'd prefer to sleep.

Johnathan was about toask her what trouble, but realized that she had fallen asleep. Smiling softly, he leaned his head towards hers and gently kissed her forehead. "Sweet dreams, beautiful," he whispered, then laid his head back on the pillows and closed his eyes. In moments, he joined her in gentle slumber.


Lt. Keelli Reex
Chief Helmsman/CFO
USS Unicorn NX-151


Master Sergeant Johnathan Reece
MACO Raider/Chief of the Boat
Unicorn NX-151


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