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Triple Shot of Tolerance

Posted on Thu Apr 11th, 2024 @ 3:32pm by Lieutenant JG Elspeth McArthur & Ensign Jasleen Chakrabarti

864 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: First Deployment
Location: Science Section
Timeline: 0630ish

"Coffee, need coffee...."

Jas grumbled as she wandered out of the Stellar cartography lab. She had been up half the night trying to get the damn navigational gyro to realign with the long range telescope. Apparently it had been fine all through the sea trials of the ship and through shakedown... Apparently through everything was thrown out of wack when the new weapons systems were tested last week. Something about a larger more powerful delivery system that wasn't on the original design nor was in spec. So now the scientists needed to fix a ship to go to war when it was never designed that way. Which of course meant their smaller that normal amount of staff were doubling up.

Finding her way to the small lounge Jas grinned as she spotted the coffee pot on the counter. Smiling lightly Jas' heart sank as she neared the pot and noticed the sad remnants of the normally magical brew. Cold, and the light amber color speaking to the weakness of what was left. Hating to waste the real stuff but offended and what was on offer Jas slowly poured the carafe out and set it to rinse while she ground some fresh beans. Leaning her forehead against the cool metal of the cabinet, she waited the soft vibrations of the grinder helping her shoulders start to relax.

The door to the lounge opened and another officer entered, this one having spent the night on the bridge. Elspeth looked around and saw the other officer by the coffee pot. "Don't tell me, they left it empty again" she asked as she walked over.

"Yep..." Jas sighed, replying as she waged an internal war with herself if she should say any more. Part of her was not up for social interaction, but then again she had just spent the whole evening staring at a computer monitor. "Well they left a little, but it could only charitably be called coffee." She stood up straight, turning to face whoever came in. "Really it could only be a called a pot of..." Jas stopped mid sentence, her cheeks coloring as she noted the woman's rank. She's somehow managed to put her foot in her mouth in front of another superior officer.

"looks like mud" Elf replied without noticing the other's pause. She had not been a LT JG for long. She studied the pot. "I would have thought they would have had some consideration for those coming off of shift." She looked at the ensign. "If you make this pot, I will get the creamer and sugar and prep the mugs." Elf suggested.

"Sounds like a plan." Jas said with a slight but tired smile. It was so very tempting to lean back over the counter as the beans finished grinding. But in al likelihood she'd just end up stuck there. "I'm Jas by the way Jasleen Chakrabarti, Science Officer." She stuck out her hand, wincing as she nearly took out the grinder in the process.

"Elspeth McArthur, I prefer Elf. Communications" She smiled and shook Jas's hand. "Nice to meet you." She moved and hunted down two large mugs.

"Thanks," Jas took the mugs, deciding on one and adding a bit of sugar to hers. "So not your first assignment I'm assuming?" Being a Lieutenant, even a junior one meant Elf had some experience on her. "Unicorn's my first, and I don't quite know what to make of it yet."

"Second, but as my first was shuttle duty at Spacedock this will be my first space bound assignment." Elf replied as she placed her mug on the counter and added creamer. "Current circumstances aside, I am looking forward to it."

"Yeah current circumstances..." Jas sighed as she picked up her mug, pouring a strong dose of the coffee inside, the aroma bringing a smile to her face. "Enough of this though I might be able to forget about the war, at least for a little while." She really didn't know how to process any of that yet, a Scientist at war...

Elf nodded. "Just think of all the experiences you are going to get from being on this ship. Science is out there."

"But are we going to get to do any science?" Jas asked with a raised eyebrow. "We're heading into a war, not usually much time for anything except fighting, at least that's what it seems like. Do we even know what a MACO would know about Starfleet's mission?"

"Well" Elf had to smile at that. "I am sure if they step in something that starts eating their skin they will be glad for science to help Medical with curing them."

"Heh I guess you're right, can't let's those annoyingly brave but kinda dumb ground pounders go hobbling around for the rest of their days." Jas chuckled, taking another sip. Wasn't all bad, she was doing her part didn't mean she was fighting but she was doing her part.

"And to add to that, if they cannot read the warning signs and go straight into a trap, you get to help them out." Elf replied. "I will translate and you can science them out."



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