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Thu Apr 11th, 2024 @ 3:32pm

Ensign Jasleen Chakrabarti

Name Jasleen Chakrabarti

Position Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 126lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Jas is of mixed Indian descent, her skin is a light brown. Her hair is long and black. She is physically fit, probably a bit more than most in the Sciences are expected to be. A fan of football and since living in San Francisco for several years she has started to take an appreciation for baseball. Jas isn’t tall but she doesn’t let her size keep her down. Her black hair is often tied up in a twin braid, or some other intricate style.


Father Aditya Chakrabarti - CEO Chakrabarti Enterprises
Mother Minakshi Chakrabarti - Chief Scientist Chakrabarti Enterprises
Brother(s) Harish Sabharwal
Sister(s) Rani Chakrabarti
Drishya Chakrabarti
Other Family Many aunts, uncles, cousins.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jas is a brilliant scientist, or will be once she has some more experience under her belt. For now she is inquisitive, almost curious to a fault and is very excitable once she gets on a roll. Jas is also in love with space travel, she wanted to see as many worlds as she can. She does feel rather out of place on a ship of war, she didn’t sign up to be a solider. Her focus has been doing her duty, and well leaning what that is.

Although born in India, her mother was from England so she spent most of her life bouncing between the Family estates around the world. Because of this upbringing and her time at university she's developed a more pronounced British English accent than her parents. When joining Starfleet she found that most participants were still relatively local and she had to put up with the stiff upper lip English jokes now and then. Playing off with stride she preferred a bit of unexpected revenge. Ploys which earned her a few lifelong friends and memorable punishments from instructors.
Strengths & Weaknesses Jas is excitable and inquisitive. She's always eager to learn more and grow. She likes to figure a project to the end, which at times can be a detriment as sell. She can tunnel vision and get hyperfocused. Jas feels very strongly, her emotions are not hidden nor are they reserved.
Ambitions Jas wants to know all the things and explore all the places. She's no interest in being a soldier or a warrior and she's finding the idea of being in Starfleet during a war a rather hard thing. Still she's is firm in her belief that they'll get past it someday and Starfleet will be what she envisioned it growing up.
Hobbies & Interests The adventurous type she's often looking for some kind of rush. Whether tha's playing sport, high diving off a cliff, or trying out some obscure physical ritual of a local culture you'll find Jas wanting to partake.

Personal History Youngest daughter of the Chakrabarti shipping empire Jas didn’t quite fit in with her siblings. Growing up she always wanted to be outside, digging in the dirt, climbing a tree, or staring up at the Stars. Despite her interest in space and seeing other worlds she never wanted to run freight. As a teen she was trained, even sent on a short haul run to learn how to handle a ship. She certainly embraced space travel, just not how her parents intended. Jas had spent the whole trip tinkering with the sensors and reading everything the database held about what was outside of Earth’s solar system. This interest never changed, continuing on through her education and finally culminating in her applying for Starfleet. As much as she enjoyed tinkering Jas found she had a passion and a knack for the Sciences. The same eagerness to explore and find a way around a mechanical problem worked well for Astronomical theory.

Her parents had just been starting to come around to the idea of her joining the Fleet, then the Xindi attack came and their tune changed before the day was over. Jas didn’t listen, if anything seeing the devastation, and assisting with a refugee center in the City only strengthened her resolve. She had to do something and hauling freight or working in the corporate office wasn’t it. So she continued on, even adding am extension course as a Medic to her summer schedule.

Jas graduated only a month before the news of Berengaria reached Earth. As terrified as she was and as different as she expected her service in Starfleet would be, she wasn’t going to be deterred. She was going to do her duty, and one day she would be the grand explorer she always wanted to be. Her orders came through quickly, assigned to a battleship she was thrown for a bit of a loop. But she was a Starfleet Officer and she was determined to do her duty as best as possible
Service Record 2148 - 2152 University of Edinburgh
2152 - 2156 Starfleet Academy
2156 - Present SS Unicorn