The Campaign for Coridan

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The hard fought campaign to reclaim Coridan continues in the next chapter of the Earth-Romulan War. Very few victories would come in the battles that Starfleet fought to try to take back control of Coridan and its rich resources, including a vital dilithium mine that Starfleet and its allies had come to rely on. No one would lay eyes on a Romulan soldier and live to tell about it. They took no prisoners, attacking by ship, drones, and remote detonation - and it became quickly clear that they showed no mercy and what they would do to succeed seemingly had no ethical boundaries. Ballistic, even atomic weapons were often used. If the Romulans couldn’t have it, then no one could.

Crewmembers, this is a sandbox style mission; meaning, you have the freedom and are encouraged to create your own small group missions whether by land, sea, or space. Plenty will be happening on board the Unicorn as well, as all of our MACO’s and many Starfleet officers are fresh off of the battlefield from The Landings.

Coridan is a Class-M planet with a primarily cool, dry climate and much of the population centered around the equator. They are ruled by an elected Chancellor. Before the attacks, the people of Coridan were known to be well-advanced in their technology, and their planet home to large shipyards with vessels rumored to be capable of Warp 7 (that’s fast for 2156). It is a planet vastly rich in natural resources, including the dilithium mines.

Sandbox ideas: 1) Missions to reclaim a mine, shipyard, factory with important technology, etc.; 2) A rescue mission of any sort; 3) A search for a Romulan stronghold, base of operation, anything that would provide intelligence; 4) Salvage mission from a temporarily reclaimed location; 5) Recovery in Sickbay with the Doc or a recap with your Counselor; 6) Commiserating with fellow officers; 7) Flight scouting missions and/or air/space combat; 8) + etc…

*Not an exhaustive list. If you have an idea, go with it!

**Note, Romulans will not reveal their faces until TOS era. We could be facing masked marauders like the Breen. Unless you get CO approval, keep this in mind while writing.

Start Date Sun Aug 25th, 2024 @ 6:36pm

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
Unlikely Friendships
by Commander Saul Whitford & Sub-Commander T'shir & Captain Johnathan Reece
48 Hours after the Romulan Retreat at Coridan Mess Hall
Onboarding Protocols
by Lieutenant Amelia Johansen & Sergeant Sonny Holt
2 Days After the Romulan Withdrawal at Coridan Coridan Orbit
Meatball Medicine
by Lieutenant Commander Alexander Coleman & Colonel Josiah McEntyre & Major Iria & Lieutenant Amelia Johansen
Coridan Campaign Unicorn NX-151
In the Raptor's Claw - Coridan - The Landings and the Withdrawal - The November Counteroffensive
by Colonel Josiah McEntyre
Coridan Campaign
A New Arrival
by Colonel Josiah McEntyre & Captain Samuel Hunt
Coridan Campaign Coridan - Camp Lambda - Command Tent
Elf and John
by Lieutenant JG Elspeth McArthur & Captain Johnathan Reece
Starbase 1
Bingo Fuel
by Major Iria
current Enroute to NX-151 Unicorn
Meeting of the Helm Officers
by Lieutenant Kayoko Himeji
Officers Mess
We've Got Songs
by Lieutenant Amelia Johansen & Colonel Josiah McEntyre & Commander Saul Whitford & Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Calhoun & Lieutenant Commander Alexander Coleman & Lieutenant Kayoko Himeji & Captain Johnathan Reece & Captain Gaagii
After the Attacks at Coridan Unicorn Mess Hall
Coridan Medical Relief
by Sub-Commander T'shir & Lieutenant Commander Alexander Coleman & Captain Vilhelmina Nimitz
After the Attacks Coridan
The Induction
by Colonel Josiah McEntyre & Captain Johnathan Reece
13th Day - 1500 HRs Camp Lambda - Command And Control Tent

Mission Summary