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Mon Mar 10th, 2025 @ 2:45pm

Captain Johnathan Reece

Name Johnathan Anderson Reece

Position MACO Executive Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 9"
Weight 295 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Cobalt blue
Physical Description Growing up on his family's cattle farm, in Lubbock, Texas, forged Johnathan into a man who looks like he can just about walk through walls.

When in barracks, he is never without his black Stetson and cigar. While he will tend to keep the cigar unlit while aboard the ship, if he does light it, one should give him space, as it is a sign that he is about to lose his temper.

He has a couple tattoos. On the outside of his upper left arm, is the silhouette of a long horn cattle head, on his back, across his shoulders, are his shuttle assault wings.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Marshall Edison Reece
Mother Audrey Rose Reece (deceased)
Brother(s) Samuel Johnson Reece (younger)(deceased)
Sister(s) Lieutenant Rebecca Jillian Reece (younger twin), USS Endeavour, Armory Chief
Other Family Jeremiah Anderson Reece (paternal Grandfather)
Melissa Beverly Howard (maternal Grandmother)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Johnathan is a complex man. One minute, he could be boisterous and energetic, while the next he could easily be a quiet, gentle giant. He is the stereotypical Texan. A big heart for those in need, a devil in a fight, and a perfect gentleman, all in one large wrapper.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Very Strong Physically
+Very Intelligent
+Highly Skilled in all small arms currently used by MACOs
+Expert in Close Quarters Combat and Hand to Hand

-hates spiders
-sometimes acts rashly
-is difficult to calm when fuse is lit
Ambitions To serve in the MACOs with honor for as long as he can.

Find the woman that completes his life and have kids.
Hobbies & Interests Fishing, horse back riding, camping, hunting, woodworking, blacksmithing, reading, cooking

Holds 2nd degree black belt in Aikido
Holds 1st degree brown belt in Okinawan-style Karate (open hand and weapons)
Learning how to kickbox

Personal History Born in his family home, in Lubbock, Texas, on 10 June 2128, Johnathan was the first born child of his parents, Marshall and Audrey. Less than two minutes later, his twin sister, Rebecca, joined the family as well. Their birth had been a double surprise, as their mother had been told that she wouldn't be able to have children, due to a birth defect. Needless to say, the Reece Clan welcomed the new arrivals with a huge celebration.

That celebration was held again, two years later, when their younger brother, Samuel, joined the family.

Unfortunately, shortly after Samuel's birth, Audrey was diagnosed with a rare form of ovarian cancer. To save her life, the doctors had to remove all of her reproductive organs.

Growing up, Johnathan and his siblings helped out around the cattle ranch, learning how to become successful ranchers. The Reece Ranch was one of the oldest, still operating cattle ranches in Texas, having been in constant operation for nearly two hundred years.

While the three siblings started to grow strong out in the acreage, tragedy would soon strike deep at the heart of the family.

A few days before he was to turn fifteen, Samuel, having taken his horse out for a morning run, was thrown when his horse was spooked by a rattlesnake. Samuel struck the back of his head on some rocks and was dead by the time help arrived. The happiness that had filled his family was shattered further when, two days after the funeral, his mother, overcome by her grief, took her own life.

Following the funeral of his mother. Johnathan's father decided that he was going to sell the ranch and move north, to Long Island, where his wife had grown up. Her mother was elderly and required assistance, and he vowed to make sure she was kept as comfortable as possible fir the remainder of her days.

As he was now seventeen, Johnathan wanted to get as far away from home as he could. He couldn't stand seeing the ghosts. Heading into Lubbock one day, he walked into the Starfleet enlistment office and was informed about the MACOs. As soon as he heard about the organization, hecwas hooked, signing up immediately.

With the fact of him having attained Eagle Scout, in his time in the Boy Scouts, the recruiter told him that, upon graduation he would be promoted to Corporal, giving him a good jump on his career.

Before shipping out the next morning, he said goodbye to his suster, Rebecca, who would, three days later, apply and be accepted, to Starfleet Academy. Over the years, the two would stay in touch with one another, and would visit when possible.

Upon graduating from Basic, and in recognition of his soaring grades and qualifying marks, Johnathan was selected to attend Advanced Warfighter School, where he was trained in the use of heavy weapons and the various ordinance that was in use by the MACOs. He ended up completing the school, ranked third in his class. During the graduation ceremony, he was also promoted to Lance Corporal.

Before shipping out to his first assignment, he had one more required school to attend and pass. Zero-Gee Combat School. Here is where he would learn how to fight in space itself. It was a grueling course, however, he not only succeeded in passing, but attained second in class ranking as well. This achievement granted him the choice of his first duty assignment.

After looking over the selection, he chose the NX Class starship, SS Hood. He joined the crew as part of the initial MACO detachment for the ship, as a member of the MACO Special Tactics Squad.

For the next three years, he serves with distinction aboard the Hood, as the ship goes against pirates that are continuing to attack the Boomer transports and cargo ships.

In January of 2148, his MACO Commanding Officer, Commander Thomas Garret, put his name in for selection to attend the vaunted MACO Special Warfare School, which is the stepping stone to becoming a member of the MACO Special Operations Community.

Over the next four months, Johnathan learns more about Warfare than he ever realized could exist. He absorbed the material like a sponge and ended up graduating second in his class, only missing the top slot by three points.

The day after the graduation ceremony, he was ordered to attend the NCO Academy, which he flew through with flying colors, graduating top of his class, attaining the rank of Sergeant.

Given a choice to return to the fleet, or attend another, even more demanding School, Johnathan instantly chose the more challenging road. That road would lead him to MACO Special Warfare SERE School. There, he would spend the next six months learning and training on all of the necessary factors on how to survive out behind enemy lines and what to do if he were captured by that enemy.

It was the hardest training he had received to date, almost failing out due to medical reasons, when his right arm was broken during a simulated battle. Sternly refusing, he secured his arm and ended up completing the course in the top slot again.

Two days after the graduation ceremony was completed, and his arm was healed, he shipped back out to space. This time aboard the destroyer, SS Monitor, where he assumed the role of squad leader of the small MACO Special Tactics Squad that was assigned to the starship. Over the next four years, he and his team aided the Monitor and her crew in several missions. Some were strictly humanitarian in origin, others were not.

In 2153, when the Monitor returned to Earth for replenishment and upgrades, Johnathan received orders to leave his team and return to the surface. He was to attend the next class cycle at the MACO Senior NCO Academy. When graduation day rolled around, 4 months later, he was in second spot in his class.

Newly promoted Staff Sergeant Reece received new orders to join the SS Farragut, to fill the recently vacated role of First Platoon Leader for the MACO Special Tactics Company that was attached to the ship. This would be his shortest assignment to date, as the Farragut would later encounter her end.

On 30 November, 2155, the Farragut was responding to a general distress call from what they thought was a fellow starship, the SS Republic. The message stated that the Republic had been attacked and subsequently crashed on an uncharted planet, which was located two systems away from the Farragut's position. Word was sent back to SFHQ, and the Farragut set out immediately to render aide.

Unfortunately, before anyone could discover the truth, the Farragut stumbled directly into a trap.

Upon reaching orbit of the planet, the Farragut began scanning the surface for any sign of the Republic. That is when catastrophe strikes. Three unknown vessels suddenly appear (it will be later learned that the ships belong to the Romulan Star Empire.) and open fire on the Farragut, crippling her within the first few volleys. The ship's commanding officer, Captain Reginald Dimitrius, quickly orders abandon ship to the M-Class world below. As soon as the last crewmember is beamed away, the last life boat and shuttle pod launched, Captain Dimitrius used the last of Farragut's power to ram the nearest emenemy vessel, destroying them both in the process.

Down on the surface, the battle was just beginning. Over the next ten days, the enemy force will hunt down and systematically kill the survivors. During one rather vicious attack, the highest ranking surviving MACO officer, a young First Lieutenant, gave Johnathan a battle field promotion with her dying breath, not only making him a Master Sergeant, but the highest ranking survivor left.

On 10 December, when the survivors numbered barely twenty, the enemy suddenly left the surface and warped away. A few hours later a battle fleet of Andorian starships and three Starfleet ship's, arrived in orbit. The remaining survivors were rescued and returned to Earth for full medical treatment and debriefing.

For nearly the next month, Johnathan was placed on medical leave, where he would have stayed, had he not heard about the mission to go after the Romulans.

After proving his fitness to the doctors at Walter Reed, he was finally allowed to rejoin the fight. He requested the next ship leaving that was going after the Romulans.

It turned out, that that ship...was the SS Unicorn.

What happens next, is up to Fate...
Service Record 7 January 2145: Enlists in MACOs, attends Camp Parris Island recruit traing facility. (due to Eagle Scout rank in Boy Scouts, given starting rank of Corporal)

5 April 2145: Graduates Basic Training (Cpl)

6 April 2145 - 10 July 2145: Attends, Advanced Warfighter School. Trains in Heavy Weapons and Ordinance. (Cpl)

10 July 2145: Graduated third in class (LCpl)

11 July 2145 - 4 September 2145: Attends, Zero-Gee Combat School (LCpl)

4 September 2145: Graduated, second in class (LCpl)

5 September 2145 - 10 January 2148: Assigned, SS Hood, Special Tactics Squad. (LCpl)

10 January 2148 - 14 May 2148: Attends, MACO Special Warfare School (SpecOps) (LCpl)

14 May 2148: Graduated second in class (LCpl)

15 May 2148 - 12 July 2148: Attends, NCO Academy (LCpl)

12 July 2148: Graduated first in class (Sgt)

13 July 2148 - 5 January 2149: Attends, MACO Special Warfare SERE School (Sgt)

5 January 2149: Graduated first in class (Sgt)

7 January 2149 - 17 September 2153: Assigned, SS Monitor, MACO Special Tactics Squad, Squad Leader (Sgt)

17 September 2153 - 3 January 2154: Attended, MACO Senior NCO Academy.

3 January 2154: Graduated second in class (SSgt)

3 January 2154 - 10 December 2155: Assigned, SS Farragut, MACO Special Tactics Company, Platoon Leader (SSgt - MSgt (Battlefield Promotion))

13 December 2155 - 10 January 2156: Medical Leave

10 January 2156 - PRESENT: Assigned, SS Unicorn, Heavy Weapons NCO (MSgt)

5 September 2156 - Commissioned Captain, Assigned XO, MACO S.O.D-Alpha