Welcome Aboard Unicorn NX-151!
May 18th, 2156
The Romulan Imperial Navy launches a sneak attack, destroying Earth’s first Starbase “Salem One” and the new colony at Berengeria VII. In response, Earth and her allies declare war against the Romulan Star Empire, sparking the Earth-Romulan War. The United Earth Starfleet and the Military Assault Command Operations rush to deploy men and equipment to the new frontlines including Earth’s first two Yorktown Class Battleships, Yorktown and Unicorn, the first Joint Crewed Starfleet/MACO ship, commanded by veteran Special Operations Colonel Josiah “Josh” McEntyre.
Unicorn’s orders: Take the fight to the Romulans, by whatever means necessary!
Do you have what it takes to face the looming dangers and horrors of war that await you?
We are a 2-2-2 sim and pride ourselves on hosting a fun, collaborative writing experience for all players ages 18 and up. We are LGBTQI+ Friendly and foster a supporting community for all.
*Unicorn MACO Patch by Thanadan, Discord: thanadan
Latest News Items
» Happy New Years
Posted on Mon Jan 1st, 2024 @ 11:25pm by Colonel Josiah McEntyre in General News
Hello Unicorn,
First: A Happy New Years to everyone.
Second: I want to break down last months stats that I’ll be submitting to Theta Fleet for our first official Report to the Command Council there.
For December:
We had 12 new players join the Unicorn. Thank yall for all you do for the sim and what you’ve have accomplished.
We have 27 total mission posts posted last month with 20038 words written in total. That 2.08 posts per player and an average of 1541.38 words written per player on average. Well done everyone!
For January, we’ve begun our first Big…
Latest Mission Posts
» Unlikely Friendships
Mission: The Campaign for Coridan
Posted on Mon Mar 10th, 2025 @ 2:45pm by Commander Saul Whitford & Sub-Commander T'shir & Captain Johnathan Reece
It was just before Alpha shift on the Unicorn and the mess hall was relatively empty. It was less than 48 hours after the Romulans had finally retreated from Coridan. Many had the feeling the retreat was only temporary, as they picked up the pieces from the battle. Sickbay was nearly full of wounded crew, and many others had already departed for the planet at the break of dawn to help with recovery efforts.
The tiredness had seeped into his bones, something he had seldom felt before. Exhausted after the battle, Whitford still found himself recovering. He had been lucky…
» Onboarding Protocols
Mission: The Campaign for Coridan
Posted on Wed Mar 5th, 2025 @ 10:28am by Lieutenant Amelia Johansen & Sergeant Sonny Holt
Dr. Amelia Johansen stood in the shuttle bay waiting for the newest crew members to step off of the shuttle craft. They were only getting a handful of crew, manpower was in short supply as the fleet was stretched thin. They were getting one MACO officer this round, a medic, and Amelia was responsible for getting him checked in until it was time to see the Colonel.
Sonny got off the shuttle with a purpose. It was his first time in space and the last thing he wanted to do was to step on anyone's toes. Careful to observe regulation…
» Meatball Medicine
Mission: The Campaign for Coridan
Posted on Fri Jan 17th, 2025 @ 3:47pm by Lieutenant Commander Alexander Coleman & Colonel Josiah McEntyre & Major Iria & Lieutenant Amelia Johansen
"Incoming Transport....Incoming Transport"
The alarms for the shuttlebay squealed. More incoming shuttlepods and dropships with wounded aboard. It was a mess. Medics and Corpsmen scurrying about as loading ramps drop and more medics disembark with stretchers of wounded MACOs, Vulcan Territorial Army and Andorian Guardsmen.
Colonel Josiah McEntyre had used the chance to get back to Unicorn after onboarding a new MACO captain and hearing of the ambush on his men at the Sensor Relay. This batch of wounded though was from Field Marshal th’Groffe's Andorian Guard and MACOs of the Combined 1st and 4th MACO MEUs under Lieutenant General…
» Jamming, Part 2 [BACKPOST]
Mission: The Landings
Posted on Wed Jan 15th, 2025 @ 10:09pm by Sub-Commander T'shir & Commander Saul Whitford & Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Calhoun & 1st Lieutenant Volodymyr Kovalenko
Elf dressed in her suit and carrying her equipment entered the pod she was assigned to. She settled in.
T'shir gave a curt nod to Lieutenant McArthur as she walked through the Shuttle Bay and into her assigned pod. McArthur's shuttlepod would be piloted by Lt. Commander Calhoun, and the goal was to get the communications officer as close to one of the main Romulan relay stations as possible as they attempted to hack into the computer servers that were being used to jam communications between Starfleet and it's allies in the war.
The other shuttlepod would provide cover as…
» In the Raptor's Claw - Coridan - The Landings and the Withdrawal - The November Counteroffensive
Mission: The Campaign for Coridan
Posted on Thu Dec 19th, 2024 @ 6:34pm by Colonel Josiah McEntyre
Coridan was a mess. Anyone claiming to understand it is either lying, delusional, or trying to sell something. Probably all three. – Admiral Thy’lek Shran
November 29, 2156: a force of over fifty Coalition ships – twenty-two Andorian Khyzon-class cruisers; thirteen Vulcan D’Kyr-class cruisers; ten Starfleet ships, led by the USS Columbia and Buran and including the Intrepid-class USS Gjøa, Hōkūleʻa, and St. Roch as minesweepers; six Tellarite Pralim-class cruisers; and seven converted cargo ships carrying 400,000 troops- entered the Coridan system. This armada constituted the largest deployment of Coalition forces of the war to date, and was the largest…
Latest Personal Logs
» Coridan Campaign - Day 14
Posted on Tue Sep 3rd, 2024 @ 6:27pm by Colonel Josiah McEntyre
Personal Log, Josiah McEntyre - September 3rd, 2156. Two Weeks of fighting these Romulan Bastards and not a inch of ground to show for it. The Capital is heavily fortified, a massive energy shield and AA emplacements surround the city like walls of a castle.
It has been elected that we start by breaking holes in this so-called wall. Raiding runs and FOBs lobbing plasma shells against the shields have been or are being set up near to Camp Lambda, the landing zone and command base for the Campaign.
Meanwhile, Unicorn and Task Force: Gamma continue to hold orbit. Apart…
» Lore-MACO SOCOM Standard Kit
Posted on Wed Jan 31st, 2024 @ 9:47pm by Colonel Josiah McEntyre
Special Operations Section Standard Issue Gear
The Following is a Standard Inventory List issued to all U.E MACO Special Forces Operators for the successful completion of their missions:
1x EM-48 SOPMOD Pattern Phased Particle Rifle with rifle sling
1x EM-35 Special Operation Phased Particle Pistol
1x M2153 Body Armor
1x Tactical Duty Belt
1x Hardback Tactical Backpack system
4x Plasma Grenade
4x Stun Grenade
1x Stun Baton
1x MACO Scanner/Recorder
1x MACO Pattern Communicator.
» Lore - MACO Special Operations
Posted on Wed Jan 31st, 2024 @ 8:50am by Colonel Josiah McEntyre
As the War intensified, the United Earth began to turn more to its elite forces to turn the tide against the Romulans.
After the fall of Berengaria, this responsibility fell to the elite teams of MACO Special Operations.
These elite teams were handpicked by General George Casey from the most trusted of his field commanders to take the fight to the Romulans at any costs.
MACO Special Operations were led by three officers divided into 3 detachments: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie.
Special Operations Detachment Alpha was led by Colonel (later Major General) Josiah "Josh" McEntyre, operating from the Battleship Unicorn.
» Going Hunting
Posted on Sat Jan 13th, 2024 @ 9:12am by Captain Johnathan Reece
Personal Log...it's...uh...the twelfth of June, 2156. I just came aboard the SS Unicorn. She's one of the new Yorktown class battleships that Starfleet Command has finished building and added to the fleet. Not only that, but she's commanded by a MACO and not a fleeter. Her CO is Colonel Josiah McEntyre, one of the toughest S.O.B.s I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Last time I saw him, was back in '48, when I attended SERE School, at the Lunar One Special Warfare Center. He was CO of the school at the time and, shit, he knew how to hit…
» Chief Engineers Log #3
Posted on Thu Dec 21st, 2023 @ 2:04pm by Lieutenant Commander Travis Paladin
Begin log.
I recently had the pleasure of meeting our new Chief Helm Officer, Lieutenant Kayoko Himeji. She is a very optimistic person, though seems a bit timid if not shy. She had a tour of Main Engineering recently and I found it rather thrilling to share my passion. I've yet to grasp her passion, but she claims to be a good pilot. I believe her. I hope the tour today helped with that and look forward to what she'll do with that information.
End log.