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We've Got Songs

Posted on Thu Oct 31st, 2024 @ 6:23am by Lieutenant Amelia Johansen & Colonel Josiah McEntyre & Commander Saul Whitford & Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Calhoun & Lieutenant Commander Alexander Coleman & Lieutenant Kayoko Himeji & Captain Johnathan Reece & Captain Gaagii

2,017 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: The Campaign for Coridan
Location: Unicorn Mess Hall
Timeline: After the Attacks at Coridan

Amelia had once again transformed the Mess Hall in the interest of crew morale, this time it was for Karaoke Night. She had brought her equipment on board, and was waiting to break it out for a time when the crew would need a little something extra to unwind. The victory - albeit a bloody one - at Coridan seemed as good as any.

She put on some upbeat music, just loud enough to draw attention from the corridor, while she finished setting up: setting up the drink station, placing song lists out, and rearranging some of the furniture to make more room for the dance floor. When the first people started to trickle in, Amelia grabbed the microphone,

"Go ahead and get yourselves signed up, don't be shy," she said cheerfully. "Pick your favorite before someone else grabs it. Here's a little somethin', somethin' to get us started."

She pressed a couple of buttons and the music started from an old Earth rock 'n roll band, Cheap Trick. She danced her way out onto the dance floor and started singing, "I want you to want me, I need you to need me..."

Gaagii had little to no interest in attending a Karaoke night. However, he stepped into the Mess Hall with the thought that if he did not come it would be noticed. Not being an active member of the unit was not something he wanted to be cited for. So, he stepped in and observed those who danced and those who mingled. For the time being he took a seat alone and people watched.

One of the officers who was there was Kayoko. After all she was Japanese and Karaoke was in her blood. In her country it was a long tradition and fun activity. Music had always been deeply engrained into her culture, so this Karaoke night was a perfect opportunity. Afterall, Karaoke was a Japanese word in the first place. So of course she was there!

Dr. Coleman was walking down the corridor towards the mess hall when he heard the music blaring through the halls. He knew that something must've been up and wanted to make sure his assistance wasn't needed for such an event. Walking up to the open doors of the mess hall, he entered and saw that it was musical night. Coleman took a seat near the door and let everyone find their way into the mess hall for a karaoke night.

As her song ended, Amelia put the microphone on the stand. "Okay, we've got a couple of extra mics up here for duets and group songs, so who's next? Don't leave us hanging!" She said cheerfully. She walked over the the machine and started some quieter background music while she waited for the next brave soul.

Johnathan had heard the music playing through the ship, so he made his way to the source, grinning softly as he watched his fellow crew mates enjoy themselves. He grabbed himself a drink, then sat down, at the edge of the room, and watched the show.

Slipping in to the room Whitford grabbed a drink, and as he passed Johnathan clapped him on the shoulder and gave him a 'congrats!' before taking a free seat. Wanting to keep a low profile he nodded, and acknowledged those who looked at him, but didn't want to dampen their fun as Executive Officer so kept himself to himself. He looked around, wondering who would be next.

Johnathan smiled and nodded his thanks to the XO. "Thank you, Sir." He then watched as the man moved to another table on the perimeter. The big Texan scanned the room, seeing the look of worry start to fill Lieutenant Johansen's face. Letting out a deep sigh, he took a final swig of his drink, then stood up. "Guess I'll go next," he called out, his deep baritone filling the room.

"All yours, Captain," Amelia said gesturing to the staged area.

Johnathan nodded to her as he stepped up on the small stage. He pulled a stool over and grabbed a guitar that was positioned at the back of the stage. Sitting on the stool, he propped his right boot up on one of the rungs, which helped him brace the guitar. "Howdy," he said into the microphone as he started to tune the instrument by ear. "Afraid I only know country songs, so, I hope i don't bore any of ya." He finished his tuning, then grinned slightly as he looked out over the small crowd. "This is just a song my Daddy used to enjoy listening to when I was a boy.

He started to strum slowly, then after a few melodic beats, he started to sing.

"Blame it all on my roots.
I showed up in boots,
And ruined your black-tie affair.

The last one to know.
The last one to show,
I was the last one you thought you'd see there.

Well, I saw the suprise,
And the fear in his eyes,
When I took his glass of champagne.

I toasted you,
Said, honey we may be through,
But you'll never hear me complain.

'Cause I got friends in low places,
Where the whiskey drowns,
And the beer chases my blues away.

And I'm a-okay.

Yeah, I'm not big on social graces,
Think I'll slip on down,
To the Oasis,
Where I've got friends,
In low places."

He continued to play as if he had been doing it for years, as he worked through the refrain. His voice while deep and loud while he spoke, was surprisingly melodic when he sang.

"Well I guess I was wrong,
I just don't belong,
But then, heh, I've been there before.

And everything's alright,
I'll just say goodnight,
And show myself to the door.

Now I didn't mean,
To cause a big scene,
Just give me an hour and then,
Well I'll be as high as that ivory tower,
That you're living in!

Oh, I've got friends in low places,
Where the whiskey drowns,
And the beer chases my blues away.
And I'm a-okay.

Yeah, I'm not big one social graces,
Think I'll slip on down,
To the OASIS!
Where I've got friends,
In low places."

He strumming some more, hearing the rest of the band in his head, then, he continued.

"Ya know something?
Sometimes, you can cut a song,
They can put on one of them little records,
Send it to your radio station,
Play it,

And it's only then, that you realize,
Something's wrong!

Now, I didn't hear it at first.
They played it, and they played it,
And it wasn't until I driving back home one day,
The song came on, and I realized,
Something's wrong.

I said to myself, Garth?
That's what I go by back home, is Garth.
I said, Garth? Would you've handled this situation this way?
And I had to say, no I would not.

So, I hope you'll don't mind,
But I had to go back and write a third verse to this song,
Make it a little more me.

And here's how it goes...

Well I guess I was wrong,
I just don't belong.
But Hell, heh, I've been there before.

Everything's alright,
I'll just say goodnight,
And show myself to the door.

Now I didn't mean,
To cause a big scene,
Just wait till I finish this glass.

Then I'll get on up and head on down to the bar,

Oh, I'm not big on social graces,
Think I'll slip on down,
To the Oasis!
Where I've got friends,
In low places.

Yes, I've got friends,
In low places."

He finished the song by strumming the past few notes, then bowing his head when he finished.

The room had grown silent as Johnathan played, the crew clearly entertained by his talent, which had captured their attention more than the Karaoke singers before had. Amelia broke the silence and clapped and cheered at the end of the song which encouraged the others around her to as well.

Amelia hopped back up, and went to sit by the karaoke machine, starting up the background music and got the machine ready for the next singer who wanted to sing karaoke style.

Grinning broadly, Whitford clapped hard and got to his feet, and switched to whistling his appreciation. A fan of country and blues music, he much preferred their simple but profound lyrics to the pop songs that quite a few favoured. He looked around, wondering who would be the next to take the mic.

Some more of the MACOs were gathered around a table with the young Volodymyr Kovalenko at their center. Enjoying the music and the comradery before they would have to report back to the surface after their 96 hour weekend pass. They were a bit rowdy but then again, after more than a month on the front, they deserved it.

Amelia skipped over to the drink station and grabbed the cocktail shaker and started throwing together some shots to pass around the room. She arranged the shot glasses on a tray and after thinking for a second started throwing together the ingredients for a Warp Corp Breach and pouring them into the glasses. She was getting ready to step out from behind the bar and start passing them around when Gabriel Calhoun walked up to the "bar."

"Hello, Commander. Shot?" She asked, a friendly smile on her face.

“Evening, Lieutenant. Got some high octane stuff, there? Sure, I’ll take one,” Calhoun smirked. He gulped it down and said, “Hot damn, Amelia! You know how to mix a drink, sister.”

"Great, you can be my walking advertisement. Come along and help me give these away. They're good for morale, don't ya think?" Amelia suggested. Since both of her hands were holding on to the tray she used her head to gesture out to the crowd.

“Ok, if you think so. I’ll go along with it,” Calhoun agreed.

Gabe took the tray from Amelia and made his rounds around the room. In full sales mode, Calhoun started pitching. “Hey, guys and gals! Warp Core Breach shots! Guaranteed to keep your plasma flowing, if you know what I mean!” He continued spreading the word to his friends and acquaintances in various departments.

Amelia took the empty tray back from Calhoun. "That was fantastic. So what are you gonna sing for us, Commander?"

“Something from the late twentieth century. It’s a fun little song. Sit back and enjoy….Lieutenant.”

Calhoun got to the stage and tapped some buttons on the karaoke machine. He watched the holographic display as the music started.

"Well, it’s alright
Ridin around in the breeze, well it’s alright
If you live the life you please
Well it’s alright doin the best you can
Well it’s alright as long as you lend a hand…

Calhoun winked when he caught Amelia smiling at him and waved his hand at her as he sang.

Amelia gave Calhoun a thumbs up as she leaned against the makeshift bar they had put up and listened to him finish out the song.

Once the song was wrapping up, Amelia grabbed a glass and set it out, waiting for Calhoun to tell her what he wanted so she could pour, while a couple of young MACOs lined up to take his place at the mic.


Commander Saul Whitford
Executive Officer/Chief Armory Officer
Unicorn NX-151


Lt. J.G. Amelia Johansen
Unicorn NX-151


Lieutenant Kayoko Himeji
Chief Helm Officer
Unicorn NX-151


Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Calhoun
Chief Engineer
Unicorn NX-151


Lieutenant Commander Alexander Coleman, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Unicorn NX-151
Commander Gunnar Magnussan
Chief Science Officer
Unicorn NX-151


Captain Gaagli
Chief Strategic Intelligence Officer/MACO
Unicorn NX-151
MACO Special Operational Detachment - Alpha


Captain Johnathan Reese
MACO Raider / CoB
Unicorn NX-151
MACO Special Operational Detachment - Alpha


Commander Gunnar Magnussan
Chief Science Officer
Unicorn NX-151


Colonel Josiah McEntyre As NPC MACO officers
Commanding Officer/MACO Commanding Officer
Unicorn NX-151
MACO Special Operational Detachment - Alpha


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