
Unlikely Friendships

Posted on Mon Mar 10th, 2025 @ 2:45pm by Commander Saul Whitford & Sub-Commander T'shir & Captain Johnathan Reece

2,471 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: The Campaign for Coridan
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: 48 Hours after the Romulan Retreat at Coridan

It was just before Alpha shift on the Unicorn and the mess hall was relatively empty. It was less than 48 hours after the Romulans had finally retreated from Coridan. Many had the feeling the retreat was only temporary, as they picked up the pieces from the battle. Sickbay was nearly full of wounded crew, and many others had already departed for the planet at the break of dawn to help with recovery efforts.

The tiredness had seeped into his bones, something he had seldom felt before. Exhausted after the battle, Whitford still found himself recovering. He had been lucky to bag himself a bowl of ramen with extra chicken and a side of sushi. He stared out the window as he wolfed it down, occasionally absent-mindedly touching his Saint Christopher's medallion. This isn't what any of us signed up for, he thought with a heavy sigh.

T'Shir entered the mess hall and walked to the drink station and prepared her usual cup of tea. As she made her beverage she noted the first officer sitting near the window and made the decision to join him at his table should he desire company. When the tea was ready she carefully carried a tray with the tea kettle and an extra cup over to Commander Whitford's table.

"Do you mind if I join you?" She asked.

Whitford looked up, mid breaking up a tea-stained egg, and gave her a tired smile. 'Of course, Sub-Commander. A pleasure to see you away from the Bridge. He noted her tray with the tea and asked, 'not hungry?' He pulled out a chair for her.

"Vulcan metabolisms are more efficient than Human's," T'Shir said pointedly. "We require fewer calories, and fewer meals."

She sat down and poured the first cup of tea and offered it to him. "Vulcan Spice Tea. Would you like some? It has restorative effects on the immune system, and I am told that its effects are also beneficial to Humans."

'I ...,' Whitford hesitated, then nodded, 'actually yes. Why not try something new.' He flashed her another winning smile, despite the point about his metabolism. He was sure that the Vulcan had meant nothing by it, but he wasn't always certain about it. There had been plenty of times over the years when they had made pointed observations about humans. 'Is it tea as humans would understand it? Tea leaves, and some spices blended in?'

"Indeed. The leaves, if you will, are from a flower grown on Vulcan." She passed him the cup she had just poured and then began to pour herself the next cup. "If I were to compare the taste, it would be in a similar family to Earth's red leaf teas."

At that moment, the doors slid open again, and the giant heavy weapons Officer, Johnathan Reece, stepped inside. Moving over to the drink station, he brewed himself a large mug of coffee, then grabbed a plate full of eggs, bacon and blueberry pancakes. Turning, he saw the only other two individuals in the dining room. Moving over, he asked them both, "Is this seat taken?"

"Please have a seat, Captain Reece," T'Shir replied. There was no affect in her response, but this was typical Vulcan diction. "I was just sharing some Vulcan Spice Tea with Commander Whitford. Would you like some?" She offered.

'It's actually really good,' Whitford offered as he pulled out a chair for the MACO officer.

Johnathan gave each a friendly grin as he set his tray down on the table, then lowered his powerful frame down into the metal chair, causing it to creak slightly as it accepted his weight. "Thanks," he replied with a nod. "I gladly try some."

"Very well. I will obtain an additional cup," T'shir stated, leaving the table briefly.

'How're you finding it,' Whitford asked, waving his hand through the viewport. The Unicorn was in orbit of Coridan, and the deceptively peaceful dayside of the planet currently faced them as the dreadnought circled the most important world to the Confederation for lightyears in any direction. 'All this ... action?'

Johnathan considered his reply for a few beats, then said, "The action doesn't bother me any. My main concern is defeating the enemy with as few casualties on our side as possible."

T'shir returned quickly with the extra cup and sat back down at the table. She placed the cup on the table in the space between herself and Johnathan and took the kettle and began pouring. "As I was telling the Commander, this particular blend of Vulcan tea has medicinal properties that are good for both Human and Vulcan immune systems," she stated. "Considering the additional stress of the recent battles, it is wise for everyone to practice self-care, particularly the officers on the front lines."

Johnathan took the cup, which looked very fragile in his big hand, and sipped the tea. After letting it flow over his tongue, them down his throat. "Mmm, not bad," he said with a grin. "It has a nice floral aftertaste."

'Restorative it is,' Whitford confirmed as he took another, deeper sip. It really was as good as T'shir had said. 'But I have to say, some whiskey might work just as well right now. So Sub-Commander, how are you settling in aboard the Unicorn? Have you found your feet, so to speak?'

T'shir raised an eyebrow at the Commander's suggestion. "I believe whiskey is also appreciated for its medicinal properties as well. I had not considered whether the two beverages would compliment one another. Interesting suggestion, Commander Whitford."

"I am unfamiliar with the expression, 'found your feet,' From context, I take it that this further references my comfort level on board the Unicorn?" She asked.

'Yes, comfort levels if you will. Also contextually, how you're coping with your duties and living situation, I suppose,' Whitford replied with a smile as he took a large fold of noodles and wolfed them down. 'Excuse me,' he said, wiping a napkin across his mouth, 'had I known I'd have company I probably would have chosen something more elegant to eat."

"You will have to entertain us with your concepts of what food might be on board that would qualify as 'elegant', as I have rarely heard that term used to describe meals other than in fine dining situations," T'shir stated.

"To answer your question, I find the living arrangements rather agreeable given the circumstances," she said in reply. "As far as my job duties, I have observed that crew efficiency and productivity fluctuates at rather extreme intervals that seem to correlate with the crew's emotional wellness."

'Whereas that would not be the case on a Vulcan vessel?' Whitford managed after he'd stopped chuckling at the jab at the food. There was no rancour in his question, he was simply curious. 'I've always been curious as to how the Vulcan Fleet functions.'

T'shir raised a solitary eyebrow at Whitford's inquiry. "Vulcans consider emotional expression a sign of weakness and would never let something as frivolous as one's feelings affect their job performance."

Finishing the ramen he had by draining the bowl while T'Shir spoke, Whitford set the bowl aside, and smiled. 'I see.' He played with his side of sushi for a moment, then asked, a little incredulously. 'The Vulcan Science Fleet never suffers from sub-optimal performance in crew? No fluctuations whatsoever?'

Reece listened to the conversation as he dug into his food. He chuckled softly to himself when the comment about elegant food was thrown out there. A man of his background only knew of elegance that came from a woman. While he had has a few short relationships over the past few years, he never reached the point where elegance started to factor into any of it. He was a rough man, and he lived his life as a rough man. That was all he really knew how to do.

"When there are fluctuations in performance, the response is to immediately study the cause of the increase or decrease in productivity and address it as appropriate," T'shir replied with ease. "However, I can assure the source would never be the crew's emotions." She said the word 'emotions' as if it left a bad taste in her mouth.

'Interesting - I suppose we have the same sort of processes, but likely to a Vulcan they might appear ... less than optimal as fluctuations in performance will likely happen again,' Whitford replied gently. 'Doubtless Vulcans have a different outlook, but emotions are beneficial as well as a hindrance.'

Johnathan finished the food he was chewing, then glanced over at T'Shir, to see her take on this latest statement.

"Indeed, Vulcan logic has come to a different conclusion," T'shir stated simply before taking another sip of her tea.

"Forgive my ignorance," Johnathan final said, "but what would that conclusion be?"

T'shir turned her attention toward the MACO Captain, who had not spoken much since he first joined them. She explained clearly and unapologetically, "Vulcans see emotions as a weakness. They leave one open to extreme vulnerability in a number of ways and have a negative effect on a person's ability to make appropriate decisions."

After considering her words for a moment, the large Texan shrugged as he replied and returned to his food. "I'd argue that, without emotion in the mix, one can't possess empathy for others, with is a very powerful motivator for doing good."

"If by doing good in this sense you are referring to ensuring that another's basic need are met, Vulcan society considers it logical to ensure that not only basic needs are met, but that communities are designed for individuals to prosper so that they may flourish in areas of study like science, technology, medicine," T'shir pointed out.

She continued without affect, "Without empathy to cloud our judgement, when one is required to make difficult decisions, such as in wartime, the edict is simple: the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Swift decisions can be made without the added complication of another emotion I have noticed many humans tend to let weigh them down. Guilt."

Chuckling in response, Whitford responded, 'there'd be a lot of people back home who would argue that it's our empathy, our ability to feel emotions is what makes us human. No matter what our homeworld, that is what unites and defines us.' He pulled a thoughtful face, 'of course, that could be what divides us as well. Maybe those human pro-Vulcan groups are right, and we could do with being more like you...'

"Emotions do not make Humans unique, Commander. Though, it is perhaps empathy, or rather your desire to project your own optimism and empathetic natures onto other races when it is unwarranted that is your greatest weakness," T'shir cautioned.

'It gets us into a lot of trouble,' Whitford tactfully admitted. 'Whether or not it's a weakness ... I think that's yet to be determined on a galactic scale.' He shrugged, 'personally, I think since we dipped our toes in the water and launched Enterprise, more has changed in the last decade than probably the five before it. Andorians and Vulcans working together? Would you have ever seen that happening?'

T'shir arched an eybrow at the commander's comment. "The long term outcome of the forged alliance remains yet to be seen."

Grinning at the arched eyebrow, Whitford decided to prod, 'we've seen in our own history enduring alliances born from necessity - even when forged during shorter periods of time, particularly on Vulcan timescales.'

"Especially against these Romulans," Reece spoke up. "They are more advanced, in some ways, so us having more allies to stand with us only makes us stronger as a whole "

'Agreed. They're a singularly aggressive, paranoid and territorial people from what we've seen.' Whitford shrugged, looked at Reece, then T'Shir, 'they tried their damndest to split us all apart in the last few years, probably to pick us off one by one. Together, we're stronger against that threat. And maybe if we work together we can further our knowledge of what's out there, too.'

"Indeed. For the moment, it is a logical alliance," T'shir agreed. "We shall see if if all parties agree when the conflict is over." Though T'shir expressed no emotion, her lack of affect unintentionally gave a sense of foreboding.

For the first time in a while, Whitford shifted in his seat, uneasy in the presence of a Vulcan. 'It would be unfortunate,' he began, 'if the alliance proved temporary. I can only speak for myself, but I've found working with our Coalition partners to be immensely satisfying.'

"Same here," Johnathan agreed. "Besides, the Romulans are basically the newest bully on the block..and I hate bullies. I'm all for knocking em flat on their asses!"

Whitford chuckled through his unease. The Captain had a knack for getting to the root of an issue. 'Now that's a human response if ever I heard one,' Whitford said approvingly. 'I think that the Romulans, much like the Klingons too, only respond to strength unfortunately.'

"Unfortunately, it remains to be seen what the Romulans will respond to," T'shir replied steadily. "Their battle tactics are not comparable to the Klingons. We seem to be up against a more cunning enemy. I believe it will take more than brut force to win this war."

"Apologies, Commander, Captain. I am due for a meeting with the science department," T'shir stated abruptly, as she pushed herself away from the table. "It was... fascinating conversing with you both. May you each have a pleasant day."

Taken a little by surprise, Whitford shot a glance to Reece, then smiled at the Vulcan and rose too, out of politeness. 'It was a pleasure to have a proper conversation with you again, Sub-Commander. Hopefully we have another one in the not too-distant future.'

"Indeed, Commander," T'shir agreed with a curt nod. She gave Captain Reece the same curt nod before taking her tray and departing from the table, leaving her tray at the cleaning station before leaving the mess.

Johnathan sat back down, after rising when T'shir did. Lowering his bulk back down, he finished his coffee and sat back. "She seems to be a capable and h8ghly intelligent officer, " he commented to Whitford.

He nodded in response. 'Quite Vulcan about things but that's to be expected. She's been a real asset.' Whitford raised his eyebrows, 'plenty we can all learn from one another.'

Commander Saul Whitford
Executive Officer
Unicorn NX-151

Sub-Commander T'shir
Chief Communications Officer/Second Officer
Unicorn NX-151


Captain Johansen Reece
Unicorn NX-151



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