Onboarding Protocols
Posted on Wed Mar 5th, 2025 @ 10:28am by Lieutenant Amelia Johansen & Sergeant Sonny Holt
1,123 words; about a 6 minute read
The Campaign for Coridan
Location: Coridan Orbit
Timeline: 2 Days After the Romulan Withdrawal at Coridan
Dr. Amelia Johansen stood in the shuttle bay waiting for the newest crew members to step off of the shuttle craft. They were only getting a handful of crew, manpower was in short supply as the fleet was stretched thin. They were getting one MACO officer this round, a medic, and Amelia was responsible for getting him checked in until it was time to see the Colonel.
Sonny got off the shuttle with a purpose. It was his first time in space and the last thing he wanted to do was to step on anyone's toes. Careful to observe regulation he let all the people who outranked him to go first. He nodded greeting to everyone as he unboarded.
"Segeant Sonny Holt?" Amelia approached the medic. He was easy to spot, his identity wasn't really a question, but she phrased it at such.
"I'm Amelia Johansen, I'm going to get you checked in and set up today before we go see the Colonel. Are you all set?" She asked.
"Yes lieutenant. All ready." Sonny replied.
"Fantastic," Amelia said offering him a chipper smile. "So, I'm the ship's counselor, I am a psychiatrist, which means I do have a medical degree, so in addition to counseling services, you'll see me helping out in Sickbay, and any time we're dealing with a number of wounded. So I wear a few hats around here."
"It's always good to multitask At least have a varied set of skills." Sonny said
Let's start with going to the MACO barracks so you can put your stuff away, and we can take it from there," she suggested.
"Lead the way, Lieutenant."
"If you're comfortable, Amelia is just fine," Amelia told him as they walked out of the Shuttle Bay and toward the nearest turbolift. "So, you're a medic. Was that something you were always interested in doing?" She asked.
"Sure. Ever since high school. Wasnt too good at the rest of the sciences but I had a knack for emergency medic stuff. So I just ran with that." Sonny replied. "And thanks Amelia."
Amelia tapped the control for the turbolift and the doors opened for them right away. After they were both situated inside Amelia gave the command, "Deck 8," and the turbolift started moving.
"Field medicine can be some pretty difficult stuff," Amelia admitted. "We're glad to have you, we've been running our one medic ragged. He'll be happy to see you too, I'm sure."
"Happy to be here." Sonny replied. "I'll definitely help wherever I can."
"I don't think anyone has any doubts about that," Amelia replied as the lift stopped on Deck 8. "So the MACO barracks are all through here. Feel free to take your time. When you're done here, we'll walk you through medical, and then up to see the Colonel."
Sonny went through the barracks. He picked out a good bunk and showed his gear and rejoined Amelia.
"Got yourself squared away?" Amelia asked giving him a nod before they turned away from the barracks section of the deck. "Are you nervous about the assignment at all?" she asked as she led him back toward the turbolift.
"A little nervous seeing as this is my first space assignment. But I'm sure I'll get used to that. I am untested in the field as far as battle goes, but I won't let that stop me."
"A lot of the soldiers started this war in the same position, but you've trained for this," Amelia assured him. "It's a good thing that we've been at peace for so long that we hadn't a lot of our people with battle experience, not many of the younger ones anyway. Other than the Xindi War, we've been really lucky."
When they got off on Deck 5, Amelia took him to Sickbay. "Just standard procedure to do a quick medical scan for everyone coming on board. I'm handling you personally today just because you are the only Marine with this batch and the Colonel likes to personally meet every Marine, so we want to get you in and out so we can get you up to see the Colonel."
Amelia gestured toward an examination table. "It will take less than five minutes unless you have any issues you want to talk about. We can take as long as you need," She offered with a smile.
Sonny got on the table. He got into a position of comfort. Being a medic, he knew the value of comfort. He gave a thumbs up.
Amelia took out a medical scanner, and placed a device around his wrist while she ran the scanner up and down his body. "No fever, you don't appear to be carrying any pathogens, blood pressure looks good."
Amelia unstrapped the device from his wrist and took some notes. "Will you be needing any medications or requesting any accommodations?" She asked.
"All good there."
"I do require that everyone check in with me for a counseling session after they've been on board for at least two weeks, and within the first five weeks or so of being on board," Amelia stated. "You can come sooner if needed, and you can come as often as you like, but after that first visit I like to do at least every six months or so, but if you ever get pulled in for an appointment it's nothing to be concerned about. It's usually more about what I know someone has experienced in the field than any specific concerns about fitness for duty," Amelia explained. "But for the most part, I don't push myself on anyone."
"Ive got no problem doing that. It's good to have a good talk now and then." Sonny said. "Especially in our field. You keep things bottled up, it'll spew over."
"With the type of war we're fighting, and being out here in space, it can be isolating," Amelia agreed.
"Any questions for me, or anything want to see before we take you up to see the Colonel?" Amelia asked.
"I think I'm good for now." Sonny said.
"Ready to see the Bridge?" Amelia asked, a broad grin filling up her face.
"Sure!"Sonny said
The pair headed back toward the turbolift, and Amelia gave the command for the turbolift to take them up to the Bridge then looked over at the Sergeant. "Don't be nervous," she said quickly before the lift stopped and the doors opened, the landscape of the Bridge laid out in front of them.
Sonny stood there awestruck. This was the first time he'd ever seen the bridge of a starship after all. He just stood there and took it all in.
Sergeant Sonny Holt
Field Medic
Unicorn NX-151
Lieutenant Amelia Johansen, M.D.
Unicorn NX-151