
The Induction

Posted on Thu Sep 5th, 2024 @ 8:02pm by Colonel Josiah McEntyre & Captain Johnathan Reece

1,049 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Campaign for Coridan
Location: Camp Lambda - Command And Control Tent
Timeline: 13th Day - 1500 HRs

The 13th day of the campaign came without much fanfare. Another day of back and forth fighting and another start to the days activities at MACO Camp Lambda.

However, today would be a day of much rejoice. After fighting back and forth with the other senior MACO SOCOM members, a new officer of the MACO SOCOM had been selected and voted upon by those of Lt. Colonel rank or above.

It had been decided that Master Sergeant Jonathan Reece would be elevated from the NCOs to the Officer Corps and commissioned into the elite ranks of SOCOM Officers. It was a hallowed tradition for the SOCOM, itself a very small community to begin with and steeped in its traditions.

Josiah radioed to Reece to report to the Command and Control Tent and he’d gathered or by video conference, the senior leadership of MACO SOCOM. There was Brutal Howell, Josiah’s former number two back in the old days, when they had both been together in Alpha. The Rockfords, Sol and Abigail, also with Josiah and Brutal on Alpha and William Haise of 12th MACO, who himself had been on SOD-Charlie.

Upon receiving the notification to go see the colonel, Johnathan handed control of husband area of responsibility to one of his senior NONCOMs, and made his way to the Colonel's CP.

Upon entering Josiah's tent, he immediately noticed the collection of high brass MACO SOCOM officers. Snapping to attention, the large Texan saluted. "You wanted to see me, Colonel?"

"Stand at ease, Reece." The Colonel nodded. He comes around the table, standing just before the Master Sergeant.

Johnathan dropped his salute, then relaxed his posture some, moving his left foot out to shoulder width, and clasping his hands together, at the small of his back.

"Reece, The MACO represent some of the best that the United Earth Military has to offer. Even more so is the members of MACO Special Operations Command. We're a small community, only 150 MACOs comprise us. Even less are the Officers of SOCOM." He began. He had as PADD in his hand, the others assembled at parade rest, like a grand council.

"We do not elevate Officers in SOCOM in the traditional way. Officers are not directly commissioned into the SOCOM, the way they are in the rank and file. We hand pick our officers out of the pool of enlisted personnel on the teams. Getting into SOCOM is only the first step on the journey."

If Reece realized what was about to occur, he did not allow any of it to show on his face. He remained silent, as Josiah continued to speak.

"We elevate officers into SOCOM by a majority vote of the senior leadership, the Majors, Lieutenant Colonels and Colonels in SOCOM."

Josiah is handed a box, wooden and brass, a plate embedded upon it, engraved with Reece's name upon it. It had to have taken sometime for it to be made.

Josiah opens the case, a gleaming handgun, silver and wood grips. It looked handtooled, 2 magazines below it of equal gleam.

"This is the MACO 226 Custom, 40 Caliber. It is conferred to all new officers of command rank and position. With that being said," Josiah continues as he closes the box to hand to Jonathan.

"Master Sergeant Jonathan Reece. By Order of the Commander, Military Assault Command Operations Special Operations Command, Lieutenant General Alyssa Duvall-Cain, and by majority vote, Two Thirds of the Senior Leadership of SOCOM. I, Josiah Alexander McEntyre, Colonel, Commander MACO Special Operations Detactment Alpha, do hereby confer upon you, Commission into the Officer Corps of the MACO, with the rank of Captain, with all rights, privilages, and responsibilities sewn into."

Josiah, opens a velvet case handed to him, uniform patches and sterling silver captain bars.

"And as consequence of your new rank, you are hereby requested and required to report to Commander, Special Operations Detachment Alpha to take upon the duties and responsibilities of Executive Officer, Special Operations Detachment Alpha."

Josiah steps back.

"Assembled! Hand SALUTE!"

The assembled in the tent, stand to attention, rendering crisp salutes to the new MACO Captain.

"Congratulations Top, you do the service and the unit proud."

There was an unmistakable look of both suprise and pride on Johnathan's face, as he accepted the gifts his CO had just presented him. After placing the gun box down carefully, he reached up and removed his NONCOM rank pin, then replaced it with his new Captain's bars. He then removed the velcro patch on his left arm and placed the MACO SOCOM unit patch in it's place. He slipped both old items into his pocket, then snapped back to attention and returned everyone's salute crisply. "Thank you for this double honor, Colonel. Thank you, everyone. I give you my word, as both your brother, and as a Texan, I won't let any of you down." He then lowered his salute, signaling the others to do the same.

Josiah and the others lower their arms.

“SOCOM is a brotherhood. We watch each other and we don’t leave a man behind. Now, as for your individual tasking. I have need of you to take Captain Nimitz, First Lieutenant Kovalenko and a combat engineer team out to the wire. We’re having issues with one of the perimeter sensors and I need somebody to check out and report back on it. Repair and replace if necessary.”

Johnathan nodded, his demeanor slipping back into business. "Aye, Sir. I'll make sure it's dealt with before nightfall. Do we have any information on enemy movement in the area?"

"Not sure, hence why we need that sensor back online. Gather your men and report to the motor pool in an hour." Josiah replied.

Johnathan snapped to attention again. "Aye. Sir!" He gave a final salute, performed a perfect about-face, then marched out of the tent, grabbing his new gun box on the way out. As he was stepping out into the afternoon air, he could be heard calling out to his team, the same MACOs who followed him into battle when they landed a few hours earlier.


Colonel Josiah McEntyre
Commanding Officer Unicorn NX-151
Commanding Officer MACO Special Operations Detachment - Alpha


Captain Johnathan Reece
Chief of the Boat Unicorn NX-151
Executive Officer MACO Special Operations Detachment - Alpha



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