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The Landings, No Risk too Great, nor Rescue too Small

Posted on Sat Aug 31st, 2024 @ 7:04am by Lance Corporal Jeremy Kerr & Colonel Josiah McEntyre & Captain Vilhelmina Nimitz & Captain Johnathan Reece

913 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Landings
Location: Coridan
Timeline: MD: 1

Noting a team with an animal in its midst a team of Romulans soldiers fell back to take cover and began preparing stealth drones to fly in and target that team's location before the savage beasts could be deployed on their unit. Equipped with cloaking technology, the drones got into position overhead, their location not known until they started blasting energy weapons at the ground forces below.

Vilhelmina dove for cover, and pulled Bruno into that cover also. The ground around her, exploded with weapons fire around her. She got the feeling that Bruno and here where the target of this rain.

Josiah heard the blasts of Romulan/Reman energy weapons, the screams of MACOs falling, near to where he'd sent Captain Nimitz. He saw her unit trying to find cover.

"Fucking Hell!" He exclaims as he clicked his comms.

"Reece! Shift right, Pull Nimitz out of the fire!"

Hearing the Colonel's orders over his suit's comm unit, "Johnathan issues the orders to his group, and they shift in unison, their weapons tearing into the flanks of the Romulans before they are able to strengthen their lines.

After ten minutes of hard combat, Johnathan reached Captain Nimitz' location. "Heard you were having some trouble with vermin, Ma'am!" He shouted over his minigun as he blasted a trio of centurions who were trying to flank the Captain's position.

Vilhelmina returned fire when and where she could. She sent Bruno a few times to pull one of her unit into cover with her. She was a bit surprised when she popped out to take a shot. She was able to drop a Romulan with a head shot, but a lucky shot from a different Romulan took out her Pulse Rifle. She cursed heavily as she pulled back. She looked at the burn to her hand. Nothing major, but a bit painful.

She looked up at the Master Sergeant with a smirk. "Yea the bastards don't know how to make a lady feel welcome." She said as she was pulling out her slug thrower. "We have wounded here."

Johnathan sneered angrily, hearing about the wounded. As he was about to reply, he spotted a trio of centurions setting up a mortar tube, about fifty yards to his left. Turning the spinn8ng barrels of his minigun towards them, he let loose a stream of destruction, tearing them to pieces and igniting their munitions, throwing a massive fireball into the sky.

As he did so, the medic in his group moved to the Captain, and started to treat her wounds. Once done, he moved about the others, helping who he could, making those he wouldnt as comfortable as he could in their final moments.

"All Stations: Push forward. Raven has confirmed kill on Romulan Centurion Commander. Push the advantage. Reaper, Overlord, Report Status?" Josiah came over the comms.

Johnathan replied first. "Reaper here, Overlord! We have secured the Captain's position, eliminated an enemy motor position, and are treating our wounded. Between our two groups, we are at fifty percent fighting strength. I will begin pushing forward. I see AA position number three to my right. I will push towards and capture it, how copy?"

"Solid Copy. Pax, Overlord, how copy" The Colonel replied as he took down several more Romulans.

"Copy" Came the voice of Colonel Haise.

"We're pushing to the last of the AA sites. LZ status."

"Clearing the last of it. Should have this wrap up in a bit."

"OO-Rah! Keep posted, Out"

Kerr overheard the Master Sergeant's message to the Colonel and felt his heart begin to pound in his chest again. His eyes took to the sky looking for more signs of UAVs in the area. He sided up next to Captain Nimitz. "Captain, Colonel is ordering us to push forward. Any idea how to find where these drones are coming from?"

"I am guessing that they came from that direction." Nimitz said with a gestured. "Now we have an AA emplacement to to visit." She said looking down at Bruno. That is where she noticed he was looking into the Forest. She spotted movement. "Fass." She ordered.

Bruno bolted into the woods. A few moments there came the sounds of weapons fire, then a scream. "Komm." She shouted. Then a few moments Bruno came into view dragging a Romulan soldier. "Sir, I think Bruno is bring home a present." She said with a grin.

As the dog ran into the woods, Johnathan and his team moved forward, towards their target: the Romulsn AAA installation. As soon as they crested the bluff that overlooked the front of the position, Johnathan lit it up with his minigun, while his team moved in from for the flanks, throwing grenades and firing their phasers into the Romulan soldiers as they attempted to repel the attack.

In moments, the fighting was over, and Johnathan's team had taken the position. A few beats later, the artillery piece exploded, after having the team set demo charges in it.

"Overlord, Reaper, Sitrep...enemy AAA number three, eliminated, over!"


Master Sergeant Johnathan Reese
MACO Raider / CoB
Unicorn NX-151
MACO Special Operational Detachment - Alpha


Captain Vilhelmina Nimitz
Military Dog Handler/MACO Officer
Unicorn NX-151
MACO Special Operational Detachment - Alpha

with Special Appearances by:

Colonel Josiah McEntyre
Commanding Officer/MACO Commanding Officer
Unicorn NX-151
MACO Special Operational Detachment - Alpha


Sub Commander T’shir (As Kerr and Romulan Attack)
Chief Communications Officer/Officer of the Watch
Unicorn NX-151


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