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Asking for Advice

Posted on Fri Aug 2nd, 2024 @ 7:49am by Sub-Commander T'shir & Colonel Josiah McEntyre

1,020 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Landings
Location: Wardroom
Timeline: Two Days before the Coridan Landings

Josiah stared at the PADD in his hand. The letter and the intel reports. He didn't know how the message made it out of Berengeria, especially with the Romulan bombing of the planet. The destruction of Coalition Starbase One, Naffaroa City.

He needed perspective and advice, and a logical assessment of the ever changing field that this War was turning into.

He reached over to the side table that was bolted between two leather armchairs sitting against the windows of the Wardroom and tapped the comm button, a shrill boatswain whistle piercing the silence.

"Sub-Commander T'shir, report to the Commanding Officer in the Wardroom."

T'shir was on her way to the Science Department after reviewing reports to determine the percentage success of their pass on the Romulan jamming stations when she heard the announcement from Colonel McEntyre.

T'shir took note of her surroundings and walked to the nearest comm panel, setting it to reply to the origin of the announcement first. "Colonel McEntyre, this is Sub-Commander T'shir. I will be there shortly."

“Copy” came the reply of Colonel McEntyre.

Within a few minutes T'shir was at the door to the Wardroom, and had pushed the button announcing her arrival requesting entry.

“Doors opened” Josiah called out, still sitting in his chair. He leans back, still studying the PADD in his hand, reading still over and over again. He thought to himself “How could intel drop the ball this badly”

T'shir walked into the room calmly. "You wanted to see me, Colonel."

Josiah looks up from the PADD. His face said it all, a look of concern, angst, and confusion.

“I was hoping I could ask for your wisdom and council.” He said, gesturing to the other chair on the other side of the small table.

“I just got a databurst from Starfleet, the After-Action Reports from Berengeria…and a letter. You know the one, the 'We Regret to inform you' letter. My Brother, John, Commander of Coalition Starbase One.”

Josiah takes a pause, as if trying to not show the emotion waling up inside.

"Apparently he was defending the government complex at Naffaroa City when he took a disruptor to the stomach...and then fought for another hour until he bled out on the steps of Naffaroa Government House."

"A family member was killed in action. My condolences on the loss of your brother," T'shir responded as she took the seat indicated by the Colonel.

"Yes, with all the chaos of the last few weeks, We're just now getting the notifications." Josiah clarified for the Vulcan seated across from him.

"Already a month in this war, and we've taken more losses than ever been recorded in the history of United Earth MACOs. Not even the Janus Pirate Wars took this many lives in such short of time...Its...Its concerning"

T'shir was uncertain as to what topics the Colonel was seeking advice and counsel on.

"Is Starfleet considering alternatives?" T'shir asked.

"Berengeria is now the problem of the First Rapid Reaction Force." Josiah commented. "Our mission still is Coridan."

"And you are seeking my counsel on what, exactly?" T'shir asked.

Josiah stood, looking out of the large window that sat directly opposite of the couches and chairs that they were sitting at. "Perspective and a grounding rod of sorts. I don't think my folks know. It was bad enough when I had to call about Eli, our youngest brother. He was killed enroute to meet NX-05 Atlantis or so the orders said. I just...I want to find every Romulan Bastard and their Hastati and end them all. 6500 dead...6000 Humans, 300 Andorians, 200 Vulcans and all I can think of is revenge for my brother."

"Revenge is a particularly dangerous emotion, Colonel. I should think you would anticipate that I would advise you against letting emotions have any control over your actions. Vulcans spent centuries learning our practices, and we begin our training at a very young age to be able to suppress our emotional urges. It would not be logical to expect an adult Human who has not had such training to suppress or disregard an emotional response so simply," T'shir stated.

"It is also not logical to expect the obtaining of revenge to improve your circumstances. Rarely does one experience any emotional relief from it, and it will not bring back the lost lives. However, it is likely to cloud your judgment, cause you to take unnecessary risks, and potentially take action that you later regret." T'lenn delivered her advice calmly, in an even and unexcitable manner.

"I didn't think so, but...for the sake of this particular human, I needed to hear it from someone...grounded." Josiah lets out a sigh before turning around.

"This it's new territory. Earth hasn't seen this kind of war since World War 3 and I don't even think that even for someone like me, we've never seen this kind of combat before. Most MACOs haven't either."

"It is most likely better that you and the other officers have not, Colonel," T'shir replied. "I have read the personnel files of those who have been on the front lines of this particular war, and it is clear that there are severe negative emotional effects on most humans who have been in combat. These emotional effects manifest themselves physically and affect an officer's ability to perform.. At this moment you have a crew who may have some trepidation, but are eager and energized to perform."

"The longer the war goes on, the more difficult it will be become to maintain morale and crew efficiency."

Josiah turns around to face T'shir. "On that we're in agreement. Coridan is going to be a test for all of us. If you think something is wrong with the crew, from your point of view, let me know."

"It is my duty as your second officer," T'shir agreed.

"Thank you Sub Commander. You're dismissed." Josiah said cordially, raising his hand in the vulcan salute with a nod of his head.

Colonel Josiah McEntyre
Commanding Officer
Unicorn NX-151

Sub-Commander T'shir
Second Officer, Chief Communications Officer
Unicorn NX-151


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