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A Quick Welcome

Posted on Wed May 29th, 2024 @ 11:23pm by Captain Gaagii & Colonel Josiah McEntyre

1,035 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: First Deployment
Location: Unicorn - Bridge - Ready Room
Timeline: Prior to the Drop

A sharp buzz of the intership comms pierced through MACO country.

"Colonel McEntyre, the Fred Haise is coming along side. Captain Melrose reports she's carrying our new Strategic Intelligence officer aboard."

Josiah's mood got better, he didn't think that they would have a replacement for Major Pel so quickly, but this was a nice chance of pace instead of waiting months for a new officer to come through the pipeline.

"Understood, I'll see him in my Ready Room presently, Private. I'm on my way up."

"Aye Sir"


Josiah came up to the bridge, nodding to the others as he crossed over to the Ready Room Access and down the small flight of stairs to the door, where he could see the new officer waiting for him.

Gaagii had boarded the Unicorn and made his way right to the Ready Room without any delay. He had been briefed that the ship was on mission and there would be little to no time to settle in. He heard the footfalls of the Colonel before he saw the man. The steps were heavy, as someone who has walked these decks countless times before. His training in using all his senses at all times told Gaagii what happened very often before he saw anything. Gaagii came to attention and as soon as Josiah came around the corner. "Sir, Captain Gaagii reporting as ordered. Sir!"

Josiah returns the salute.

"At ease, Captain. I'm Josiah McEntyre, welcome to Unicorn and SOD-Alpha. I'm sorry for the abruptness of your transfer here, but we're down to the wire on the Drop so I'm afraid we'll have to make this a very brief meeting."

Josiah says, pressing the panel for the door to the Ready Room to open, gesturing to the Captain to enter. It was a small space, enough for a desk against the wall and two leather armchairs against another with a small side table between them.

"I read over your file on my way up, it's a very impressive one to say the least. I was intrigued by your skill set and the reports from Lieutenant Colonel Howell at Vulcan was nothing but praise."

Gaagii stepped into the room behind the Colonel. He assumed the parade rest position with his hands behind his back and legs shoulder width apart. The soft spoken Navajo was never one to accept praise well, it made him feel somewhat awkward. But he tried to cover that as best as he could. "Thank you sir. The work creating a Vulcan Intelligence Suite was some of my best work. However, I could not resist the chance to get out in the trenches as it were. I am a trained sniper and I have to exercise those skills." The last sentence was an attempt at a joke, although sometimes his jokes never land the way he intends them to.

"Then I'm sure you and Sub-Commander T'shir will get along swimmingly. She's been coordinating our intelligence since we lost our last StratInt Officer. Get with her quick as you can to download the latest intel from the Vulcan Argosy before we hit the dirt at Coridan."

Josiah turns to face Gaagii as they stand in the center of the room.

"Yes sir! I will make sure to meet with the Sub Commander next. Permission to speak freely sir?" Gaagii was curious about this ship and its mission. The idea of MACOs commanding a starship was a very new one. Something that Gaagii thought would never happen. However, before he could talk about it with the Colonel protocol must be observed.

Josiah nods.

“You’re in SOCOM now, Captain, you may speak freely always.”

The Colonel sits in one of the leather armchairs as he spoke to the Captain.

"Sir, the general idea of MACOs commanding a Starship was something that no one would have thought to happen back when I was in Boot. So, I am curious about this ship's mission and how it came to be." Gaagii did not want to overstep, but if he was going to serve in a program he wanted to know as much about it as he could.

“MACO Technology and Training are 5-6 years ahead of what Starfleet is putting out. We helped them build the Yorktown Class to meet the needs of a changing galaxy. In exchange for that, it is written that a Starfleet Officer must be XO, because the majority of the time, I will be on the ground leading the charge with Alpha. Technically speaking, I’m overall Mission Commander. I defer some of the day to day operations to Commander Whitford and Sub-Commander T’shir.”

Gaagii nodded his understanding. "Understood sir. So, this ship is to be the safeguard so the mandate for exploration can be carried out. A shield if you will. I will try my best to assist in any way that I can." His soft toned voice was a change of pace from the tone that most MACOs had.

"That's all I ask." The colonel nods to the Captain.

"Right now, we're down to the wire. Once the fleet and transports are in position, it on. I got you quarters in the MACOs Officer Country, the Private will show you down. Get your gear stowed, some chow and a hot shower."

"Yes sir! I will get myself squared away and then jump right in as the saying goes." Gaagii waited for the order to be dismissed. The Colonel seemed like a salt of the Earth kind of person. Gaagii felt that once he got to know the Colonel more they would get along famously.

"Thank you Captain, you're dismissed. Welcome aboard once again" Josh said as he stood from his chair.

Gaagii gave a salute and then performed an about face and left the Ready Room. As he made his way to his quarters to get settled he realized that after years of searching and wandering perhaps he was home. He may have just met the Colonel but in the brief conversation they shared Gaagii learned that the man was honorable and worth fighting with.

Colonel Josiah McEntyre
Commanding Officer/MACO Commanding Officer
Unicorn NX-151

Captain Gaagii
Chief Strategic Intelligence Officer
Unicorn NX-151


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