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A Vulcan Ear for Comms

Posted on Sat Dec 16th, 2023 @ 11:17pm by Colonel Josiah McEntyre & Sub-Commander T'shir

790 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: First Deployment
Location: Unicorn Bridge
Timeline: MD 0 - 10:40 HRS

A late breakfast after the meeting with General Casey, had Colonel Josiah McEntyre rushing through the corridors of the Unicorn at a steady jog. Heading for the turbolift down the corridor from his quarters on deck 5, the on duty bridge officer had commed to inform him that his new Communications Chief had arrived from the Vulcan Compound in Sausalito.

The turbolift opens a few moment after he hit the call button for it. Stepping inside, he used the brief moment to get himself presentable, shaking his body a bit to work out some of the nerves. He'd only served with a couple Vulcans in his time with Special Operations but they had the reputation of being solid officers, and respectable warriors, something that he'd admire in someone.

The turbolift beeps, the door sliding open to the bridge where he took note of the Vulcan looking over her new duty station.

"This has to be Sub Commander T'shir" Josiah thought as he approaches her.

"Sub Commander T'shir?"

He asks as he comes up to the communication station at the left side of the bridge.

"Greetings, Colonel McEntyre," the Vulcan communications officer responded as she straightened her posture and turned to greet the commanding officer.

Josiah knew a bit about Vulcan customs, raising his right hand in a Vulcan salute as he nods his head.

"I welcome you aboard, Sub-Commander. I hope the trip out from Sausalito was pleasant?" He asked.

"I apologize for the short notice of your posting here, but with the attack on Berengeria by the Romulans, Starfleet has pushed up our launch date."

T'shir raised her hand returning the colonel's greeting and bowed her head slightly. "The Human instinct to apologize for circumstances or events that are not in one's control has no logical purpose. It is unnecessary for you to apologize, I was not inconvenienced. Travel accommodations were acceptable," T'shir responded. "I am prepared to begin work immediately."

"Outstanding to hear. We're definitely goin to need your ear for languages against the Romulans. I understand from recent intelligence that they speak with three different dialects so I'm glad to have someone of your caliber aboard ship."

Josiah gave T'shir a small smile. He was thankful that the Vulcans had agreed to lending her to the mission.

"Is there anything that you would like for me to begin work on before our arrival?" T'shir asked.

"Starfleet Intelligence and MACO Special Operations sent over the comm recordings from the distress and log bouys from Atlantis NX-05 and the Copernicus. It picked up some romulan chatter that Earth as of yet still can't make head or tails of."

Josiah looks somber for a moment before continuing.

"We do also know that at least one Vulcan ship managed to escape from Berengeria before Salem One went down, if you could also see about getting their sensor and comms logs, I'd appreciate it."

A single eyebrow raised at the mention of a Vulcan ship. "Where is the Vulcan vessel now?" T'shir asked.

“Presumably at Vulcan, it was a courier ship, named the Shi'ar.”

T'shir nodded curtly. "Understood, sir. Will there be anything else?" Although her face was mostly expressionless, her eyebrows raised as her eyes widened, ready to receive further orders.

"At the moment no. When you're done with the analysis, We'll go over what you have with the other members of the senior staff. I'm still waiting on a couple more officers to join us but I intend to have a briefing before we leave Dock"

"Understood, Colonel. I shall request access to the logs from the Shi'ar, and begin work on the communications recordings." T'lenn stood in place waiting to be dismissed to her duties.

Josiah saw the Vulcan stoicism in her.

"If you need anything or need to reference more recent data, Major sh'Kohlaka should be able to assist you. She's the Strategic Intelligence officer aboard. You'll find her in the CIC on Deck 7."

"Thank you, Colonel," T'shir responded, her face tightening slightly as the Colonel provided the intelligence officer's name.

Josiah tilts his head, he noted the tightening of her face at the mention of the Andorian's name to the Vulcan.

"A Problem, Sub-Commander?"

He asked respectfully.

"No sir," T'shir responded with flawless composure. "I hope have progress reports for you by the end of the day."

"Very good, Sub-Commander. I trust you'll let me know if there's anything you need or have any concerns."

He said with a firmness. He knows that Vulcans can play things close to the chest, but he needed this crew to work well together for the sake of the war.

Josiah nods.

"I'll be in my Ready Room if anyone needs me"

With that, he leaves T'shir to her work.


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