
The Strategic Situation at Hand

Posted on Fri Dec 15th, 2023 @ 9:33pm by Colonel Josiah McEntyre & Major Arjut'Pelan sh'Kohlaka

1,268 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: First Deployment
Location: Combat Information Center - Unicorn Deck 7
Timeline: MD0 - 1435 Hrs Earth Standard Time

In the rush to get crew slotted, systems online and meetings with command staff, gretting the new Strategic Intelligence Officer slipped through the cracks of Josiah's schedule.

He hurried down the corridor of deck 7 towards the hub of all sensor and ship activities, the massive Combat Information Center. Usually called the Situation Room on NX class ships, on Yorktowns, it's almost three times the size and more advanced using state of the art technology that links all external and internal sensors, weapons and computer information center to paint a complete tactical and strategic picture.

Josiah enters the space, various crew hussling about trying to get the new systems online. In the middle of the chaos, an Andorian Woman in MACO BDUs, his new officer, Major Arjut'Pelan sh'Kohlaka. Josiah was told though reputible friends that she was one of the best Intelligence Officers that the Andorian Imperial Guard had. With the war, he'd got lucky scoring her on a loan.

"Major sh'Kohlaka, I presume" He greeted as he approached her standing by the massive tactical plotting table that stood at the center of the cavernous space, taking a position across from her at the table.

While Pel had clocked the colonel coming from a distance, she made no indication that she'd noticed him. Even when he'd said her name, she paused a full breath before she slowly pulled herself away from the table. "Colonel McEntyre." Her lashes batted lazily at him as her lips ticked up in a polite smile while she gave him a quick visual appraisal. "How do you do?"

Josiah gave her an equal smile back.

"Quite well, thank you. From my orders, you're here to help with my Intelligence situation. Truth be told, I heard some rather good things about you from a couple friends who've ran ops with the Guard. You seem to come highly recommended."

Josiah leans on the table, staring at her professionally.

"The Romulan attack means that I need someone like you now more than ever."

The compliment washed over Pel without anything more than a wider smile. "There's no shame in a surprise attack from an unexpected adversary," Pel said congenially. Not expecting an adversary in the first place, however, was another matter. But she kept such thoughts closely held to her chest. "The Imperial Guard sees the benefit in bolstering allies in today's conflicts, lest they advance forward into tomorrow. I am at your disposal." Her eyes sparkled from an unspoken amusement. "Colonel."

She turned to indicate the table she had been assessing. "I'll keep you abreast of declassified Imperial fleet maneuvers and will be your liaison for requesting intelligence beyond that. As you can see, Andoria stands ready to hold its ground." Turning back to Josiah, the amusement from before was gone, buried beneath a veneer of professionalism. "Did you have any questions for me, Colonel?"

"What's your CV? Most of what was passed to me was buried in Ink, so to speak, lot of data missing with tells me you were up there in Andorian SpecOps."

Josiah looks across the table.

That question earned Josiah a beaming smile full of teeth. "Now, now, Colonel. That would be telling. Suffice it to say my first visit to Earth predated the construction of the Andorian embassy. Several of my people are strangers to your ways. I am not among them." She favored him with a wink. "I can tell you that due to my caste, my service history, and my rank and regiment, I am one of the few soldiers of the Empire with a direct line to High Command. As such, without proper clearance..." Her mouth pursed in apology. "... my lips are sealed."

Josiah nods in understanding.

"Understood. Let me cut to another point, I'll also need you to occasionaly leave the CIC and undertake ground ops with the MACO detachment."

"Oh, I wouldn't have it any other way," Pel said whimsically. "I'm fully seasoned in Sensitive Site Exploitation and Close Quarters Combat scenarios, so I would be disappointed not to get any action on this posting." She noted, "I am, after all, seconded directly to the Military Assault Command Operations."


Josiah exclaims.

“If you need anything, feel free to reach out. I’m very glad to have someone of your caliber aboard and look forward to serving with you, Major”

"Indeed," Pel mewed. "And you, Colonel."

"We should also speak on the current situation. My primary orders are to launch for Berengeria VII and take actions against the Romulan Fleet still holding the colony there. What does the Guard have on the current disposition of the Romulan Fleet there?"

It took a moment for Pel to pull up the specified reports. "From what we've gathered, there have been raids in neighboring systems throughout the sector. High Command projects a major offensive in that sector in the coming weeks but no clear count on numbers as of my last update."

Josiah lets out a tense breath.

“That’ll put them within strike range of Altair, Deneva and possibly Vega Colony. I’ll try to get some more information out of Starfleet Intelligence when I speak with General Casey next.”

"I already have a request sent up your chain of command," Pel said, "but if you or anyone else can shake the tree any harder, it would only help. Your United Starfleet seems to be as cautious as the Imperial Guard when it comes to intelligence exchange."

Josiah nods in agreement.

"I can see what I can do, but it seems to be the same everywhere. Intel are the most paranoid sumbitches in the galaxy."

"Mhm," Pel hummed. "And with good reason. It might behoove you to get an intelligence officer of your own to streamline situations such as the one in which we find ourselves now. Otherwise we are at the mercy of diplomats." Her mouth would have coiled into a frown if not for the remnant of her smirk. "And that's not a winning position."

Josiah gave a soft smile.

"I'll see what I can do. For now, we do have a small staff aboard from MACO StratInt that you may call upon. If you have names of anyone else you might want for your department, forward them to me and I'll make the arraignments to get them aboard."

He returned to a neutral stance.

"For now, your current orders are to get the CIC ready for Contact with the enemy, for sure once we hit Berengeria, we'll be in a shooting war and I want to be able to bring all guns to bare on them as soon as we're out of warp."

"As you say, Colonel." Her smile turned crooked. "I believe we are as prepared as we can be, but I will ensure we remain that way. Last-minute updates can turn the tide of any operation."

"In that, we are in agreement. We'll download current Operational Orders and Information before we depart from the Yards. If you need anything else, I'm a comm chirp away."

Josiah stood to attention, saluting the new Major.

"As am I." Pel returned the salute with crisp form. Just as she was returning to her table, though, she added as if by an afterthought, "Oh, and should you need me, call me Pel. There is no need to stand on the formality of a rank structure with me that is not my own."

Josiah nods, turning to start for the exit before turning back for a moment.

"I'll keep that in mind, Ms. Pel"

With that, he turns again and leaves the CIC and Pel to her work.



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