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'Checking Out' the Pilot

Posted on Sat Jan 20th, 2024 @ 9:38am by Lieutenant Kayoko Himeji & Lieutenant Commander Alexander Coleman

1,146 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: First Deployment
Location: Sickbay

The doors of the Unicorn'ssickbay opened and in walked the young Lieutenant Himeji. She was in instant awe at the size of everything on this ship. Her last assignment aboard the old Delta Type Horatio had been cramped and their sickbay was often referred to as a 'Broom closet'. But this ship was much bigger and way more advanced.

"Um... Hello? Anyone in?" She asked outloud. She was a little nervous, she never really liked sickbay. It was an area of the ship she avoided at all possible costs. However regulation dictated she must report for an onboard physical examination by the ship's Chief medical officer upon arrival to a new ship.

Dr. Coleman had just been putting some information into the ship's central database about the various crew members that were coming onboard, as well as who had gotten their required physicals thus far. It was good to see that many of the crew was making a habit of staying healthy instead of pushing it off until the last moment.

When Coleman heard someone else call out for him, he rounded the corner from his office and saw a young officer standing in the middle of sickbay. He walked over and said, "Can I help you with something? I'm Doctor Coleman, the Chief Medical Officer onboard."

The young helm officer nodded. "Lieutenant Kayoko Himeji. Reporting for my physical." She said simply straightening up slightly. "I need to be cleared for duty by you sir!" She added.

"At ease, before you sprain something and we really have something to worry about. Hop up onto the main biobed and take your duty jacket off. Leave the undershirt on and I'll be right back with my tricorder and other scanning equipment, okay?" Coleman replied as he remembered being that chipper when he was a younger officer.

Kayoko nodded as she unzipped her jumpsuit and pulled out her arms. She then pulled it down and stepped out of the legs after removing her boots. Folding the jumpsuit neatly she placed it on the bed next to her and stood waiting the the cropped blue undershirt that showed her belly button and the matching shorts. She shivered a little, not expecting the temperature difference. "Ok... I'm ready," she said.

Coleman came back and began to run the tests of her, starting with the tricorder scans to make sure that her vitals were good and that the young helmsman was healthy. As he began to run these tests, Coleman asked, "So, why'd you want to join up and take on this little adventure? Trying to get away from something or find a new adventure?"

"I'm a pilot. And this is one of the fastest ships in the fleet. I couldn't resist," Kayoko smiled as he ran the tricorder up and down her body.

"I'm sure that having the ability to pilot such a ship was something that tempted you, too. I'm sure," Coleman replied, as he swapped out the tricorder with another scanning device.

Kayoko smiled. "Well. The Horatio was slow and outdated compared to this ship. I was lucky to even be considered to serve here," she said.

"From what I've heard, the Unicorn is a Yorktown-Class Battleship, with the ability of reaching speeds of Warp 6.5, if not higher. I'm sure that's exciting," Coleman replied, knowing that the ship was exceeding speeds of the likes of the NX-Class starships that came before her.

"Maybe even warp seven!" Kayoko corrected him. "What brings you here though?"

Coleman was swapping out a few instruments as he heard Kayoko ask him why he came onboard. As he turned around and used the new instrument to scan the officer, Coleman replied, "Well, both of my parents were doctors working with United Earth and Starfleet. It was kind of in the blood, as the saying goes. But, I've wanted to explore the universe while helping people out too, you know?"

Kayoko nodded. "Well, hopefully once this war is over we can get back to exploring properly." She said. "With our advances in warp drive, reaching for the starts is becoming easier by the day. It just seems that there is always someone out there who just 'doesn't like us' for some reason."

"Yeah, these faster ships would allow for us to explore more of space that we haven't seen before. It would be nice to see what's really out there instead of always fighting here lately, or at least what feels like we're always fighting," Coleman replied with a sigh. He put away the last of his scanners and said, "Well, it looks like you're quite healthy, Lieutenant. Is there anything you wanted to discuss before I finish up your physical?"

She shook her head. "Nothing that comes to mind," she replied. "However, I do have one thing on my mind...." she paused for a brief moment. "Be honest with me doc, we all know we're heading into a battle. It's likely many of us won't be here next week. Doesn't that scare you a little?"

Coleman thought about the question for a moment. He had been through many battles with United Earth, especially in the last few years with the Xindi, the Klingons, and others. But, something was always a constant and that's what Coleman spoke about when he replied to the officer. Coleman replied, "Well, we've been through so much stuff over the last few years that made me think that we'd make it through this too. The Romulans are a people trying to protect their own, much like the Xindi and the Klingons before them. Yes, there'll be some fighting, but there will be some talking too. We'll find that common ground soon enough and we'll all make it through this intact."

"I hope one day we can all just get along," Kayoko replied with a smile. "We're not exactly thar different from each other."

"Yeah, you're right about that. I just hope that day comes along where we can learn to have faith in one another," Coleman replied, a smile on his own face holding. He looked down at the young officer after taking a few more readings and said, "Well, the good news is that it appears that you're healthier than a horse."

Kayoko smiled. "Thanks. That's good news," she added. "Do you need me for anything else?"

Coleman shook his head with a smile on his face and replied, "No, I think we're all good here, unless you had something else you needed from me?"

She shool her head. "I'm all good, thanks doctor," she said as she slipped off the biobed and started putting back on her jumpsuit. Once it was zipped up she straightened it up, gave the doctor a polite bow before leaving the sickbay.

Posting by:

Lieutenant Kayoko Himeji
Chief Helsman

Lieutenant Commander Alexander Coleman
Chief Medical Officer


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