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TBD - Whitford & Coleman

Posted on Thu Jan 11th, 2024 @ 9:51pm by Lieutenant Commander Alexander Coleman & Commander Saul Whitford

1,458 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: First Deployment
Location: Sickbay


Having come straight from settling in his quarters after seeing the Commanding Officer, Whitford followed the instruction on his PADD to find the Sickbay. More than once he had had to turn himself around after getting lost. 'I wasn't kidding about getting lost,' he thought to himself as he went. 'Ship's a monster'. It was a minor miracle that Starfleet and United Earth had turned out the Yorktown class so quickly.

Still, it gave him plenty to do as Chief of Armoury on a ship designed for battle.

Finally finding the ship's Sickbay, he strode through the distinctive white double-doors, and called out. 'Hey ... I heard the Doctor had come aboard?'

Hearing someone come into Sickbay and yell out for THE Doctor, Coleman strode around the corner from his office nestled away in Sickbay and saw that there was another new face that had come onboard. Coleman was still wearing his blue lab coat, mainly because he hadn't had much time to sit down and think long. Several members of the senior staff were coming onboard and making their way down to get physicals and tested to make sure that they were fit for duty.

Coleman walked over to the newcomer and asked, "I'm Doctor Coleman. What can I do for you?"

Flashing a grin, Whitford extended his hand. 'Lieutenant Saul Whitford. Chief Armoury Officer, a pleasure to meet you doctor.' He looked around the space, then back to the more slender man. 'Nice digs they've given you here. I was hoping to make use of them and get my physical done so I can crack on with the job in hand.'

"Well, the good thing is that you're in luck. I can definitely get that done and over with for you, if you don't mind hoping up onto the main biobed over there. Take off your jacket and leave your undershirt on, if you don't mind while I get my tricorder and other scanning equipment out really quickly," Coleman said, pointing to the biobed in the middle of the room before heading back to his office and gathering everything that he would need to start the physical.

Hopping on to the bed, the Armoury Chief whipped off his jacket, then neatly folded it and placed it at his side. Looking about, he kicked his feet idly as he observed the neat and well-appointed space. 'I don't mind taking off the undershirt, you know,' he called out teasingly. Whitford felt he had a physique of which to be proud.

Coleman came back around from his small office with everything that he needed and said, "I mean, I do like a man in uniform just like the rest of them. But, not while on duty." Coleman gave the Armory Officer a small wink before he began the scans on the young man. He ran the scanner over the man and took some initial readings.

'I'll just have to wait for off-duty then,' Whitford replied with a cheeky smile. He watched the doctor run the scanner around him, and he resisted the temptation to ask for a running commentary. 'So ... what's your story then Doc? One of those who ran away from Earth to the cold darkness of space because a partner separated from them?'

"Oh, lord no. I've never dated before honestly. I've just wanted to see space. Plus, both of my parents were doctors for United Earth and Starfleet, so it was an easy way for me to get out here and do something good for the universe. How about you? What does a dashing young Armory Officer want to join Starfleet and run out into space for?" Coleman asked as he continued to run his scanner over the young man and make notes of the findings for the man's chart.

'Adventure,' Whitford replied with a grin. 'What's not to like about working yourself up through the ranks at Jupiter station, staring at the same cargo holds day after day?' His smile faltered and he shrugged, 'dome cities on Mars felt claustrophobic, so I enlisted to see the galaxy.'

"Well, hopefully, you can find some adventure out here in the galaxy and all of us can find some exploration in it as well," Coleman replied, swapping out a few more instruments to scan the young man some more. As he scanned Whitford a bit more, Coleman looked at him and asked, "Do you think that we'll get back to exploration anytime soon?"

'I don't know,' Whitford replied with a frown. 'This isn't something we've faced before. Even the Xindi didn't launch a general war against us, they just decided to send a superweapon our way.' He smiled, took the hopeful tack, 'there's plenty of systems out there we haven't seen - I bet even in the next few years they'll need us to scout out a new system or two.' He sat patiently as he was scanned before asking, 'so did your parents always expect you to be a medical doctor?'

Coleman had to think about it for a moment because he wasn't sure what his parents had in mind for him when he was younger. While he had always wanted to become a doctor and knew that his parents were proud of him, Coleman wasn't sure. "You know, I'm not sure. Once I got a bit older, I'm sure that they wished that I would become one like they did. But, when I was younger, I'm thinking that they were just happy that I was alive and healthy, with as many stuff I did when I was a kid. A dozen broken bones or sprains. A stint or two in the hospital. The like. How about you? Did you follow in the path of a family member or anything?"

'No,' Whitford shook his head with a slightly rueful smile. 'My parents moved from Earth to Mars when I was young. They've worked on the terraforming project there for years. They were ... shocked, I think, that I wanted to serve in the United Earth armed forces.' He shrugged, driving down some painful memories. 'They must have assumed there was too much Martian in me.'

"At least you didn't go running off to join the Vulcan Science Academy or anything. I don't know what it would be like to live on Vulcan full-time, but with their suppressed emotional state, that wouldn't seem like much fun to me. I like to crack a joke every now and then to get a smile on someone's face," Coleman said, as he finished up the last bits of tests that he required for Whitford. He looked down at the other officer and said, "Well, good news is that you appear to be healthy as a horse. Just don't make a habit of coming down here with a broken bone every week, got me?"

'Is every other week acceptable?' Whitford responded with a cheeky smile as he pulled on his jacket. 'Thanks for the all-clear, Doc.' As he brushed passed the Medical Officer as he got to his feet, he clapped him on the shoulder. 'Hopefully we only really see each other at briefings and off-duty. If you need a gym buddy, just shout in my direction.'

"A gym buddy to make sure that you don't bust your hump or anything? I mean, I'm always down for the extra help and motivation to keep in shape. Even though I'm the doctor and tell people how to keep in shape, it's always a struggle," Coleman replied with a small chuckle before continuing. "Just let me know your duty schedule and I'd love to go to the gym with you."

'Can always do with a spotter, and you're right, it's motivating to have a partner around the place - keeps you honest.' Getting off the bed, Whitford flashed him another cheeky smile, 'I'll send over my schedule, and we can arrange a date, Doc.' He extended his hand, 'it was a pleasure to meet you.'

Coleman extended his hand and met Whitford's hand, shaking it as he replied, "It's nice to have met you as well. If you ever need anything medical, just let me know!"

'Will do!' With a shake and a smile, Whitford turned on his heel, and exited the Medbay. Time to get down to the real work, he thought

Coleman just chuckled as he headed back into his office and began finishing up the officer's medical report and sent it off to Starfleet Medical for storage and safekeeping.


Dr. Alexander Coleman
Chief Medical Officer
SS Unicorn


Lieutenant Saul Whitford
Chief Armory Officer
SS Unicorn


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