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Posted on Wed May 1st, 2024 @ 7:02pm by Colonel Josiah McEntyre & Lieutenant Jack Peters

579 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: First Deployment
Location: NX Unicorn

Peters carried a couple of bags as he walked along the walkway and approached a Maco standing guard at the entrance to the ship.

"State your business." The Maco held his rifle in both hands, prepared to defend the ship at all costs, even his own life.

Peters placed the bags on the ground. "I'm Lieutenant Jack Peters, surgeon. I have orders to report to the ship." He held out his orders.

The Maco, Corporal Jonas Waters, took the orders, read them, then looked at Peters. "Wait here, I have to verify these orders with the bridge."

Peters nodded. From where he was standing, he could see down the corridor. This is the first time he's actually been this close to an actual starship. Up to this point he's only seen photos, when he was training.

Waters returned. "Your orders have been approved." 2 more Macos arrived. "Per regulations, you must undergo a DNA scan to determine that you are actually human. These officers will escort you to sickbay. Your bags will be scanned for any unauthorized objects, and if you pass the scan, the bags will be sent to your quarters. Questions?"

"None at all, corporal. Let's go." One guard led while the second guard walked behind Peters. Jack was getting a good look at the ship while they walked.

They entered sickbay. An attractive woman looked up, saw the guards and looked at Peters. "Another scan, fellas?" One of the guards gave her his papers. "Regulations, Sally."

Sally looked at the orders, then looked at Peters. "Dr Peters, surgeon."

"That's me." Jack responded.

"Well, if this works out, you'll be my boss." She walked over to the scanner, pressed a button on the panel above her, and it opened and a biobed slid out. "Lay down, please."

Jack laid down. The bed slid back into the scanner. He could hear the scanner start working. So, he just laid back and relaxed.

5 minutes passed. The scanner stopped working and the bed slid back out.

Sally looked at the guards. "He's who he says he is." The guards nodded, turned and walked out.

Jake rose from the bed. "Never a doubt, eh?" He smiled.

The comm rang, Sally went to answer it. "Yes sir, he just past the test. I'll have him report to the bridge immediately." She closed the channel. "You are to report to the commander on the bridge. I suggest you get moving, doctor."

Peters nodded, left sickbay, entered a turbolift and exited on the bridge.

He saw a man sitting in the command chair and approached. "Colonel McEntyre? Dr Jack Peters reporting."

Josiah looks up at the doctor, and stands from his chair.

"Doctor, Welcome."

He says, extending his hand.

"You have impeccable timing, We're less than 24 hours from launch, so I'm glad you're here."

Jack shook the Colonel's hand. "Happy to be here, sir."

"Glad to hear it. You'll most likely be down in Sickbay with Doctor Coleman, but I like to make it a point to introduce myself to new officers."

"I expected to be in sickbay, sir, that's where doctors belong. I'm also a trained medic, if the need arises." responded Peters.

"Excellent. Then I won't keep you longer. Let me know if I can be of any assistance."

Josiah nodded to the doctor before an ensign brought over reports to be filled and signed by the Colonel.


Colonel Josiah McEntyre
Commanding Officer
Unicorn NX-151

Lieutenant Jack Peters
Medical Officer
Unicorn NX-151


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