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The new fly-girl arrives.

Posted on Thu Dec 21st, 2023 @ 2:30pm by Colonel Josiah McEntyre & Lieutenant Kayoko Himeji
Edited on on Thu Dec 28th, 2023 @ 9:19pm

1,081 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: First Deployment
Location: Airlock
Timeline: MD 0 - 1600 HRs


Out of the airlock stepped a young woman. Her milk chocolate brown hair was tied up on two low pigtails abd her uniform of blue with yellow shoulder stripes was clean and neat. Two silver pips shone on her shoulder, catching the light from the bulbs in the ceiling. She was rather short with an athletic build, and her pale skin and facial features showed she originated from the archipelago of Japan.

This was Lieutenant Kayoko Himeji, newly assigned to the York Town Class Starship. She was a pilot, although she didn't look like one. She took a deep breath of the ships air and her shoulders seemed to relax. It had been a long flight, one which she had piloted the cramped shuttlepod herself from the Horatio one of the older Delta Type ships in Starfleet. The last four years on the ship had seen her promoted front Ensign to Lieutenant, and now she was considered ready for bigger challenges.

Standing at the airlock, Colonel Josiah McEntyre, the broad built MACO Special Operations Officer. Standing nearly a foot over the lieutenant, he tried to project an aura of confidence and calm as he saw the lieutenant cross over the airlock hatchway.

Lieutenant Himeji? I’m Colonel Josiah McEntyre, welcome aboard Unicorn.” He greeted with a soft smile.

The young Lieutenant turned to face the colonel. "Yes, that's me," she replied returning the smile. She then bowed. "Lieutenant Kayoko Himeji sir. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

“Likewise. If you’ll come with me, we should have time to show you to where you’ll be workin.”

Josiah said as he turns to start down the corridor.

“This may be a bit of a change from the ol’ Delta Class, but Unicorn is quick and graceful. Deadly too”

The colonel smiles as he comments on the Unicorn.

Straightening up Kayoko nodded. "Yes sir. I've heard she's capable of Warp Seven," she replied as she begins to follow him. Compared to his size she was petite. It didn't help that technically he was old enough for him to be her father. She tried to keep her eyes forward, but couldn't help looking at everything around her. The ship was new, spacious and still very shiny. She felt like a child in a huge candy store and she could feel the excitement starting to build up in her stomach as she walked.

“Our Chief Engineer hopes to get it to 7.5. Personally we’ll need the speed for goin up against the Romulans. I’ll need a crack pilot too, which I hear from Herman Keel that your quite the pilot. He gave a glowing recommendation for you when I queried your file.”

Josiah said still striding along to the turbolift.

Kayoko shifted nervously as she walked. "Well... I'm OK I guess. I'm no Travis Mayweather or anything..." she said. She began to blush a little, the blood rushing into her cheeks. "Did he really say that?"

"He had nothing but high praise for you. I'm looking forward to seeing your skills in action."

They got to the door to the turbolift waiting a moment before the door slid open. Joisah gestures for Kayoko to enter first before entering after her and pressing the button for the bridge.

"I will say that Unicorn is a new ship, lots of new features than what you may be use to on a Delta or NX class ship. For starters, the CONN is now split into two stations, Helm and Navigation. Fleet thinks this will be more efficient in the long run. One focused on flying the ship, the other focused on course plotting and cartographic matters. Both working in tandom to see the ship get where she needs to be"

Kayoko nodded. "Yes, that was on my transfer brief. I'm relieved as I'm a much better pilot than navigator." She said with a slight sigh of relief. "Afterall the Horatio never went that far. Only really to Vulcan or Andoria."

"Then I'm quite sure you'll have plenty of oppertunities to strech your space legs. I'll need a least time course from Earth to Berengeria programmed into the helm computer, and keep that from your junior officers til I have a chance to brief the other department heads at a pre launch briefing."

"Y... yes sir," She replied. "I can get us there. I just need a course and speed, the rest is easy. What are we expecting there?" She asked curiously tilting her head to one side slightly.

"Realistically, Combat. I'll need you and our new Navigatior, Lieutenant Weston to be on your A-Games. Unicorn is tough but she's not invinciable. I'll need some fancy flyin from the both of ya if we're to make it there in one piece."

He replied most seriously.

The young helm officer smirked. "If its fancy flying you want, I have my own flight patterns that I can use. Plus, I've been told I'm good at improvising." She replied a more confident tone in her voice.

"Most Excellent"

Josiah said as the lift stops and opens up onto the bridge. He gestures for the Lieutenant to go first off the lift.

"This is where you'll be working"

A lower ranking MACO NCO stands immediatly at attention announcing to the bridge.


The activity on the bridge stops suddenly as the clang of boots onto deck plating resonates.

"Carry on"

The Colonel replies as he come off the lift behind Kayoko.

Kayoko made her way down to the helm and ran her fingers across the console. "It's so shiny..." she said.

“Try her on”

Josiah smiles at the Lieutenant. He enjoyed the energy, that fascination like a child at Christmas.

“I’ll leave you to get familiar with your new work station. Let me know if you have any questions. If you do need me, I’ll be in my Ready Room”

"Uh huh..." She replied as if mesmerised by the station. "Oh. Yeah, sorry. Yes sir!" She said after realising. She slid down into the seat and started to familiarise herself with the controls. She muttered to herself as her fingers touched each button in turn, being careful not to push them in.

Josiah smiles softly before turning to head for the ready room, confident in his new helm officer’s abilities and eagerness.

Colonel Josiah “Josh” McEntyre
Commanding Officer
Unicorn NX-151


Lieutenant Kayoko Himeji
Chief Helm Officer
Unicorn NX-151


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