Josiah McEntyre

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Displaying 4 of 4 personal logs

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Coridan Campaign - Day 14
on Tue Sep 3rd, 2024 @ 6:27pm
Personal Log, Josiah McEntyre - September 3rd, 2156. Two Weeks of fighting these Romulan Bastards and not a inch of ground to show for it.… View Log
Lore-MACO SOCOM Standard Kit
on Wed Jan 31st, 2024 @ 9:47pm
UNITED EARTH ARMED FORCES MILITARY ASSAULT COMMAND OPERATIONS DATA ENTRY Special Operations Section Standard Issue Gear The Following is a Standard Inventory List issued… View Log
Lore - MACO Special Operations
on Wed Jan 31st, 2024 @ 8:50am
As the War intensified, the United Earth began to turn more to its elite forces to turn the tide against the Romulans. After the fall… View Log
Deployment Orders
on Thu Dec 14th, 2023 @ 2:00am
TO: Josiah McEntyre, U.E MACO SOCOM From: George Casey, S.C. U.E MACO Sir, You are requested and required to report immediately to S.S. Unicorn NX-151,… View Log