The Landings, Part 1
Posted on Thu May 23rd, 2024 @ 6:29pm by Colonel Josiah McEntyre & Commander Saul Whitford & Commander Gunnar Magnusson & Sub-Commander T'shir & Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Calhoun & Lieutenant Commander Alexander Coleman & Lieutenant Jack Peters & Captain Vilhelmina Nimitz & Captain Gaagii & Lieutenant JG Elspeth McArthur & Captain Johnathan Reece & Rear-Admiral Ahayla Hunter & Staff Sergeant Jordon Basset & Lance Corporal Jeremy Kerr
1,675 words; about a 8 minute read
The Landings
Location: Coridan System
Timeline: MD - 1
A week and a half at Warp 5 was a long trip indeed. It’d taken that long due to the top speeds of the Delta and Intrepid Class escorts.
The fleet drops out of warp at the edge of the Coridan system, hiding their warp wakes among the asteroids of the outer system belt. This gave the fleet time to deploy the transports to optimal positions to disgorge their fleet of landing crafts and the support ships time to begin operations to resupply the fleet before what Josiah and Admiral Hunter believed was to be a protracted space battle.
Down in MACO country, Josiah was gearing up with the rest of Unicorn’s MACO contingent. This was always a quiet somber moment. His armor clicked into place as he snapped together the halves of the plate carrier. Pulling his side arm from the locker and checking its charge before holstering it in his chest holster where he could get at it easier. His rifle was next, checking and charging it before rendering it safe and slinging it across his chest. Josiah pulled out a wooden box, engraved with the insignia of the MACO SOCOM, opening it to pull out the custom semi-automatic pistol, chambered in .40 caliber and slipping it into his back hip holster before he closed his locker.
He looked around at the other MACOs doing the same and presumably the MACOs of 12th MACO doing the same on the various transports.
“Listen Up!” Josiah called out to the MACOs in the MACO Tactical Operations Center.
Johnathan had just finished locking his armor into place and loading up his secondary weapons into their respective hard points, when he heard the Colonel began to speak.
Gaagii had just transferred to the USS Unicorn and already he was being sent off ship. He was of two minds about this. On the one hand he wanted more action, more typical Marine work after the years he spent behind the desk, and on the other hand he thought as a Chief of a department he would be on the ship's bridge. He exhaled sharply and placed his tomahawks into their holsters on his hips. The sound of the Colonel's voice brought his attention both physically and mentally.
Vilhelmina was double checking Bruno's body armor and gear. Then she turned to her own equipment once she was satisfied that Bruno was ready.
"I know that most of you are fresh or recently transferred into SOD. We're an elite unit of MACOs. We're Sanitation Workers, we go in and do the jobs no one else does. We're also a close knit community, so watch each other and we'll come through this, OO-Rah?"
"OO-Rah!" The big Texan replied with prideful energy. He then picked up his mini-gun and clipped it to the sling points on his armor.
Lance Corporal Kerr checked his gear for the sixth or seventh time that morning. His weight on the balls of his feet, already prepared to take off at a moment's notice even though they hadn't left the ship yet.
Johnathan could see the young MACO's nervous energy. Moving over, he spoke calmly as he checked the other's gear. "Take a breath Kerr. This is why we are constantly training, so we would be ready when the call goes out." Seeing that everything was set and ready to go, he put a big hand on Kerr's left shoulder. "Just breath, remember your training, and stay with your battle buddy, alright?"
Josiah came up to the two. Looking over Kerr’s kit and gear.
“Remember this: You’re here because we saw something that made you stand out from the rank and file. SOCOM is a tight community and we choose the members of our community carefully and rigorously.”
Josiah started as he adjusted the armor carrier on Kerr to make it fit more comfortably and properly.
“Alpha will have your back. Follow what Tops says, stay with your battle buddy and you’ll see the other side. Do you know who your battle buddy is, Corporal?”
Josiah ask as he tightens the straps of Kurt’s backpack.
"Sir, yes Sir!" Kerr responded straightening to attention, not expecting the Colonel to be minding his pack.
Gaagii remembered when he was full of nerves like Kerr, but now things were different he was seasoned as the term was. Satisfied after the last check of his sniper rifle, he slung the large weapon into a leather holster attached to his pack. Gaagii was as ready as he would ever be.
Vilhemina listened to the CO's words. She doubled checked her charge on her rifle. Bruno and her where ready to get started.
"Alright you apes! YOU WANNA LIVE FOREVER?"
On the Bridge, most of the crew were scurrying to prep for when the hammer dropped and the landings began.
Josiah enters the bridge, the shrill whine of a boatswain whistle announcing him as he stepped onto the deck. He moves to the center seat where Admiral Hunter had taken residence, as she had taken Unicorn as her flag, which for now, suited Josiah as he was leading the landings with the commander of 12th MACO, Colonel William “Pax” Haise, an old friend from Fort Worth, where he had grown up.
Whitford was at his duty station, looking over the ship's disposition and weapons. With his new duties as First Officer he had had to delegate much more than he was comfortable with, but he saw that his department had done sterling work. From his monitors he could see that the ship was in as good a condition as any to face a fight.
The man glanced over at the admiral in the center chair. Gotta believe they know what they're doing. Deep in his heart, he had hoped the Colonel would stay with the ship, but he understood that the man was best suited to combat with the MACO.
T'shir and McArthur were both monitoring all channels, but had divided between them different channels to prioritize in order to more efficiently monitor communications, and switch the teams to alternate channels should they run into issues during the mission. "Lieutenant McArthur, I am still showing all channels clear, are you reading any interference yet on your channels?"
Elspeth shook her head. "No. All Clear," she replied and kept listening.
The blonde Helmsman was seated at her console, sat cross-legged, leaning forward, as she did when she was being serious and concentrating. She looked up. "Once we dropped out of warp," she said, "We had a moment of turbulence but science says we're clear to go," she said. Her panels and instruments were indicating that they had the all clear; nothing of concern lay ahead.
Down in Sickbay, Dr. Coleman was looking around at the empty medical facilities and sighed to himself. He knew that the crew, in particular, the MACOs were preparing to head down to the planet to save some lives. But, in the process, Coleman knew that there was probably going to be some bloodshed and that would make it where him, Dr. Peters, and the nursing staff onboard would need to be on the ready.
Coleman looked over to Dr. Peters and said, "Are we ready for what's coming?"
"Petty Officer O'Flynn and I did an inventory of all supplies. I think we're ready for anything that happens, doctor."
Dr. Johansen stepped into Sickbay, the nervous energy hanging in the air. "Say a little prayer, and hurry up and wait," she said softly as she stepped in to lean against one one of the cabinets, her eyes focused on the floor as she counted the seconds, wondering what it must feel like for the boys on the ground.
"The best thing to do, counselor, is not worrying what may be happening, but what can be done when the fighting is over." Peters responded.
"Yeah, it's better not to worry. It only gives you extra wrinkles you don't need, nor probably want!" Coleman replied as he chuckled to himself lightly before reaching over to get a mug of some coffee.
Jack poured two cups of coffee and brought one over to Johansen. He offered one to her. "Doctor?"
"I hate the silence before the storm. I can see why you hate silence, Dr. Johansen. It's not a pleasant feeling," Coleman said as he walked over to the counter and pointed to the coffee and cups. "May I?" Coleman asked.
Peters put down his cup, picked up a new cup and poured some coffee for the doctor. "How do you take it?"
Coleman thought about it for a moment and replied, "Well, I think that I'll take it with a little bit of creamer and a bit of sugar. Like, a sprits of both, if that's okay?"
"Not a problem." Peters got an empty cup, poured some coffee, then added the cream and sugar, then handed the cup to his boss. "Here you are, doctor."
Also trained as a medic, Peters wondered why he wasn't included in the landing party. Every wounded person he could treat on the surface, might mean the difference between life and death.
Coleman took the cup and as he took a few sips, he said to Peters, "Thank you very much. Very much needed!"
"Dr Johansen. Another coffee?" Peters held up the pot.
Amelia smiled and shook her head.
> > > To Landings Part 2
Colonel Josiah McEntyre
Commanding Officer/MACO Commanding Officer
Unicorn NX-151
Commander Saul Whitford
Executive Officer/Chief Armory Officer
Unicorn NX-151
Sub Commander T’shir
Chief Communications Officer/Officer of the Watch
Unicorn NX-151
Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Calhoun
Chief Engineer
Unicorn NX-151
Lieutenant Commander Alexander Colemant, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Unicorn NX-151
Lieutenant JG Elspeth McArthur
Communications Officer
Unicorn NX-151
Commander Gunnar Magnussan
Chief Science Officer
Unicorn NX-151
Captain Gaagli
Chief Strategic Intelligence Officer/MACO
Unicorn NX-151
Master Sergeant Johnathan Reese
MACO Raider
Unicorn NX-151
Gunnery Sergeant Bjorn Magnusson
MACO Raider
Unicorn NX-151
Captain Vilhelmina Nimitz
Military Dog Handler/MACO Officer
Unicorn NX-151