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Pre-Launch Mixer

Posted on Thu Apr 25th, 2024 @ 7:35am by Sub-Commander T'shir & Lieutenant Amelia Johansen & Colonel Josiah McEntyre & Commander Saul Whitford & Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Calhoun & Lieutenant Commander Alexander Coleman & Lieutenant Jack Peters & Captain Johnathan Reece & Petty Officer, 2nd Class Margaret O'Flynn

3,023 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: First Deployment
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: Night Before Launch

After watching the crew interact - and not interact - for the last several days she thought it was prudent to have an ice breaker event of sorts before the Unicorn launched and all that they had was one another. She had arranged for a meal to be catered buffet style with several entree options, both meat and vegetarian to accommodate the crew's different dietary needs. Amelia was helping serve at the bar, and the mess hall's usual drink stations were still open and available.

Jake Peters entered the room, carrying a bottle of wine. He carried the bottle over to the bar and handed it to Amelia. "Didn't want to come empty handed."

"That wasn't necessary," Amelia commented taking the bottle. "We have plenty here, " she said as she read the label. "Can I pour you a glass?"

"As long as it's one for yourself." Jack answered.

"I'll pour two," Amelia responded, giving herself a light pour and handing the other glass to Jake.

Jake lifted the glass. "Here's to a successful mission."

Johnathan entered next, wearing his customary off-duty uniform. He didn't have is cigar in his mouth right now though. Looking around, he nodded to a few of the lower enlisted who were already there, as they had helped with the set up. He then moved over to where Peter's and Johansen were speaking. "Looks like you got a great spread here, L-T," he said to Amelia, then nodded a greeting to Peters. "Sir."

Amelia smiled at Johnathan. "Well the food gets a little bland the further away from home we get. I figured everyone needed a nice big meal tonight. My personal favorite is the fried chicken. They made my grandma's special recipe. There's plenty to choose from though," she replied. "Can I get you something to drink?"

Johnathan thought about it, then replied. "A mojito, please."

"Coming right up, Soldier," Amelia said. She turned around to the back counter to mix the drink, taking extra care before turning around and handing it off to Johnathan.

"Go easy on me, this isn't my day job," Amelia said as she handed Johnathan the drink.

Taking the drink, Johnathan took a measured sip, then let the flavorful beverage slide over his tongue and down his throat. Nodding his head, he responded. "Not bad, Amelia. Maybe a little too much sugar, but that's really up to the drinker's taste. I'd say your safe, if you ever wanted to switch jobs." He gave her a grin as he finished speaking.

Amelia laughed. "We'll see how everyone else feels by the end of the night."

Jack looked around the room. It seemed to him that Amelia was not interested in him at all, so he picked up his drink and started walking around the room. After 10 minutes, Peters left the party and headed back to sickbay to take care of some paperwork.

Dr. Coleman had just gotten off duty when he got an invite to a meal for some of the crew. He made his way down to the Mess Hall and saw a buffet style meal set up and a few of the crew already starting to mingle. Coleman went to the table and grabbed a small bowl and made himself a little something before making his way around, where he saw some of the crew that he had met during their physicals. He smiled at them and said, "How are you guys doing?"

Turning and smiling at the Doctor's voice, Whitford gave a nod, 'well enough, Doctor. How about yourself?' He had stolen in to the room quietly amongst a knot of junior officers who were buzzing with the nervous energy of those just meeting for the first time. For himself, Whitford had stuck close to the buffet table, picking up a variety of delicacies before wandering about the room and making chit-chat with the other officers.

Coleman smiled and replied as he was getting some food from the buffet, "Well, besides trying to put in physicals and all the information from the last few days since arriving, I've been doing fairly well. I'm just glad that we've had the chance to meet some of the crew and do a get together in an informal way, besides working and doing other stuff. I'm glad that this was put together."

"Dr. Coleman," Amelia called out waving at him from behind the bar. "I'm glad you can make it. Can I make a drink for you or the Commander?" She asked gesturing toward Whitford.

Dr. Coleman walked over and realized that Amelia was standing behind the bar. Since most of the crew was here, as was Dr. Peters, Coleman looked around to see what drinks that Amelia had available. He knew that if anything was to happen, it would most likely happen down here instead of anywhere else, so Coleman smiled as he replied, "Can you make me a martini on the rocks. I think I saw everything you'd need for it and it sounds good about now. How about you, Whitford?"

"You got it boss," Amelia responded. "Gin or vodka?" she asked as she grabbed a glass and dropped in a few ice cubes.

"Make it Vodka. I don't think anyone is going to be keeling over anytime soon," Coleman said with a small chuckle, hoping to enjoy the night a little bit.

'Just a beer for me,' Whitford replied with an easy smile, 'whatever you've got in a bottle.' He turned back to Cole, 'You settling in OK apart from the work?' He fished an olive off his plate and popped it in his mouth.

"Well, besides the mountains of paperwork, I've been doing fairly well. How about you? How's everything down there in the Armory?" Coleman asked Whitford, waiting for the young lady to finish up the drink.

'Mountains of paperwork too,' Whitford replied with a laugh, 'all the excitement's over once the cargo consignments come aboard. Then it's just inventory.' He shrugged, 'of course I don't think anyone would want Sickbay to be exciting now would they?'

Amelia cracked open a bottle of beer and passed over the counter to Whitford as the two men talked.

Commander Calhoun debated with himself whether to attend the party in the mess hall. Pre- launch checklists were always a hassle and his was almost a kilometer long. He had no idea how long he had been working, but needed a break and decided to pop in and show himself. Calhoun locked down the computer core, returned to his quarters, cleaned himself up, put on a clean set of clothes. He figured a pair of slacks and a short-sleeved button down were sufficient.

When he walked in, he noticed a young woman behind the bar taking to someone he recognized as Lieutenant Whitford, the Chief Armory Officer. Calhoun figured he would join them at the bar for a drink.

“Good evening Lieutenant , Counselor. I’ve been holed up in Engineering for what seems like days. I could use a drink. Got any bourbon back there? On the rocks, if you could. I’m, uh, Gabe Calhoun, by the way. New Engineering Chief. Y’all ready to get this old girl on the road?”

"Bourbon on the rocks, that's easy, Commander," Amelia said grabbing a glass with ice and placing it on the counter in front of him before beginning her pour. "These boys have been challenging my bartending skills all night. Good thing I studied." After she filled the glass she smiled and passed it over to Gabe.

'Seems like you excelled, Lieutenant,' Whitford replied with a smile. He extended a hand to Calhoun. 'A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Commander. How've you found the engine room. To your liking I hope?'

Calhoun returned the form handshake from Whitford. “Pleasure is mine. Very excited to be here, despite the prospect of war. My predecessor was very clean and efficient judging by the way he left things. My job now is to make sure it stays that way and that we’re loaded for bear. I promised McEntyre we’d be battle ready when he needs it. I’ll get us there, Commander.”

'I have no doubt, Chief,' Whitford flashed another smile as he accepted the firm handshake. 'Say, that's quite the accent. Where you from?'

“Jacksonville, Florida, born and raised. Yourself?”

'Born on Earth, raised on Mars,' Whitford replied, 'I've poked around Earth a bit since joining Starfleet, but I can't say I've made it to Jacksonville. What's it like? Florida's hot and humid from what I understand?'

“That’s true, for the most part. Summers are hot. Not as humid as southern Florida," Calhoun responded. "A lot of communities are still rebuilding after the Xindi attack. The area where I grew up was not affected, but we all were hurting when the loss of life was reported. Just a matter of time before things get back to normal. Tell me about Mars.”

'What's there to tell?' Whitford asked with a bright smile, 'a whole planet that's a scientific experiment. True, we all live in domes now, but in the future, particularly with Vulcan assistance, the Martian Confederacy will ensure that the skies of Mars will be blue, and the seas a matching colour!' He chuckled, 'life's mostly the same - I grew up in Aries City, played baseball and rugby, left once as soon as I could.'

“Wait….did you say baseball? I love baseball! Wonder if it’s possible to get a game together. Not sure where we’d play, but we certainly would have enough players,” Calhoun said excitedly.

'We can certainly try!' Whitford replied with a laugh, finding the doctor's enthusiasm infectious. 'Maybe when we have some down-time we can at least set up a batting cage or two for practice. Don't want to be getting rusty now.'

A sharp boatswain whistle cut through the party, breaking the atmosphere of the room.


Through the door, Colonel McEntyre entered, clearly having just come from some other event, clad in his MACO service dress blues, his beret under an epaulette as he strode in confidently.

Raising an eyebrow, Whitford came to attention, bottle still awkwardly held in one hand. Several others had their training take over as well, particularly the MACO who snapped to attention where they stood.

Calhoun also reacted by standing to orders with his hands behind back. The last thing he wanted was to show disrespect on his first week on the job.

Coleman had been through more medical training than he had been through any sort of MACO training. But, when he heard the whistle cut through the crowd, something in him just came to life and made him come to attention. He had put his drink down on the table next to him and waited to be brought out of attention.

Amelia hadn't been expecting such a formally announced entry into a casual party where everyone was off duty and out of uniform. She stopped what she was doing and faced the colonel, though she thought the pomp and circumstance was a bit much for the occasion.

Jack stood up when the "Attention On Deck" was sounded.

As soon as he started to hear the shouted command, Johnathan's training kicked in. He put his drink down on the bar and snapped to rigid attention.

Josiah moves to the front of the room and turns to face the gathered crowd.

“Stand at ease.”

He took a moment before speaking.

“I hope we’re all having a good time, but I wanted to make a couple announcements before we cast off. First, I want to formally announce that Lieutenant Whitford has been promoted to Commander and Executive Officer. Second, our formal orders have been handed down. We’re leading Task Froce Gamma to Coridan. I know we were expecting to go liberate Berengeria, but Coridan takes more precedence. I know everyone will do their utmost in their duties in the coming days and weeks. That’s it, enjoy the party, we cast off 0900. Thank you all, carry on”

Calhoun clapped and smiled as he looked at Whitford.

“Well, ain’t that the shit? Congratulations, Commander! You don’t have to call me sir anymore. How ‘bout them apples? I have to call you ‘sir’!”

Fairly beaming at the formal announcement of his promotion to First Officer and Commander, Whitford dipped his head in the Engineer's direction. 'Only on duty I hope. Now c'mon!' he cried, reaching for his credit chit, 'next round's on me!' Holding his beer bottle high, he raised his voice further, 'To the Unicorn! And to all who sail on her!'

“Hear! Hear! To the Unicorn!” shouted Calhoun. “Amelia! Another bourbon, if you don’t mind. On Saul’s tab. Hey, Whitford-now that you’re XO, maybe you can steer some resources my way to Engineering. I’m down about 2-3 bodies down there. I know you’ll get pulled in a hundred different directions, but we need to be on top of our game.”

"Coming right up, boys. Anything for the Colonel?" Amelia called out trying to get McEntyre's attention as she began pouring the next round of drinks.

“Nothing for me at the moment, but thank you”

Once the party got back in full swing, the big Texan stepped closer to the new Executive Officer, and offered his right hand in friendship. "Congrats, Sir!"

'Thanks, Sergeant.' Whitford took the hand and pumped it enthusiastically. 'And we're off duty. Call me Saul.' He smiled up at the Master Sergeant and nodded his thanks. 'You're the Chief of the Boat as well, right?'

Not wanting to cause a big issue, Johnathan simply nodded as he replied. "That's actually Master Sergeant, Sir. Or Top. And yes, Sir, I am also billeted as Unicorn's Chief of the Boat, as I am currently the highest-ranking noncom aboard." He then tilted his head slightly as he took in a quick breath and continued. "Respectfully, Sir, even in a relaxed setting such as this, it would be improper for me to refer to you by your given name."

Calhoun decided to pipe in. “Come on now, Master Sergeant, loosen up a little bit. No need to stand on ceremony here. Gabe Calhoun, by the way. But you can call me Commander,” Calhoun joked. “Relax and have a drink, will ya? Might as well enjoy the leisure time now before things get hairy.”

Johnathan glanced over at the ship's chief engineer and dipped his head respectfully. "Respectfully, Sir. While I understand that Fleeties are more laid back, we MACOs stick to tradition and decorum, Sir. And, as I am a career Noncom, tradition is very important to me."

'Tradition is important to us all, Master Sergeant,' Whitford replied easily. 'Hopefully having us all working closely together will have us understanding one another much better - after all, Fleeties may be more casual than the MACO, but we have our own traditions too. Maybe we'll rub off on one another.'

Johnathan smirked at the CAO'S choice of words. Reaching over to clamp a powerful arm around the Whitford's shoulders, the big Texan gave him a squeeze and chuckled. "No offense, Sir, but you aren't my type."

A few chuckles rang up from the crowd around them as Johnathan released his hold and stepped back to the bar, seeing that Amelia had prepared him another drink.

“I’ll drink to that, Master Sergeant. As the expression goes, whatever blows your skirt up,” Calhoun cackled as he drained the last swallow of bourbon in his glass.

'None taken,' Whitford replied with a chuckle, realising his unintended double-entendre. Seeing Amelia make a signal behind the bar, he pointed the taller Texan in her direction.

"Another mojito, Master Sergeant? Light on the sugar," Amelia offered.

Amelia watched the interactions between the men with curiosity. A professional interest really. The crew's mental health was her number one priority, and the crew mixer was turning out to be pretty telling about who was quick to make friends and who was choosing to isolate themselves even when clear invitations were being presented.

Johnathan turned his attention back to Amelia and swapped out his empty glass with the fresh drink. After taking a sip, he gave her an appreciative grin. "It's perfect, thank you, Ma'am." He reached up and tipped his Stetson towards her, then turned back to the fleet officers that surrounded him. "And now, gentleman. If you'll excuse me." He then took his drink and moved through the crowd, towards a group of his fellow MACOs, that were talking in a group on the other side of the bar.

Coleman walked over to the Commander and pat him on the shoulder as Coleman said, "Congrats on the position. I don't think of anyone better to take on such a role than you, sir."

'No ship or crew I'd rather have under me here,' Whitford replied sincerely as he nodded in the Doctor's direction. 'Let's just hope this is a short, sharp war and we can get back to what we do best quickly - exploration.'

"That makes for two of us. I want to do something good instead of watching a brutal war take away people's loved ones," Coleman replied, raising a glass once more for the Commander.

“Doc’s right,” said Calhoun. “Exploration is the reason we’re all out here. New worlds, new civilizations, and all the rest.”

'Hear, hear!' Whitford cried, 'to new worlds and new civilisations!' He held his beer high, 'and to victory in the War!'


Colonel Josiah McEntyre
Commanding Officer/MACO Commanding Officer
Unicorn NX-151

Commander Saul Whitford
First Officer
Unicorn NX-151

Lt. Commander Gabriel Calhoun
Chief Engineer
Unicorn NX-151

Lt. Commander Alexander Coleman
Chief Medical Officer
Unicorn NX-151

Lieutenant Jack Peters
Unicorn NX-151

Lieutenant J.G. Amelia Johansen
Unicorn NX-151

Master Sergeant Johnathan Reese
Chief of the Boat, MACO Raider
Unicorn NX-151


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